Review of Barrett MRAD 1/6th scale
MSE (Mission Specific Equipment)
Date Published: 2015-03-27
Written By: Michael Crawford
Overall Rating: 3.5
out of 4
MSE is a
fairly new company, specializing in military figures and weapons in 1/6th scale. I suspect we'll be seeing something about
them in the news in the coming year, as they work toward the release of their Chris Kyle tribute figure. Of course, Kyle was
the subject of the hit film, American Sniper, and plenty of controversy came with that success.
Tonight's review is a look at their Barrett MRAD precision rifle. The weapon comes in four color schemes - "Olive Drab
Green", "Tungsten Grey", "Dark Earth", and "Multi-role Brown". The four are identical other than the color.
You can pick this bad boy up for around $40, depending on the retailer, and it's currently available.
Click on the image below for a Life Size version
Packaging - ****
The box is very nicely done, with soft foam inner trays that cradle the gun and accessories safely. Note: to open the box,
slit the tape on both ends and slide out the entire center piece. Do not try to open one end, as you'll end up tearing it.
My only complaint with the package is one that's becoming a familiar lament. No instructions were included, and while the
basic assembly is easy enough, having something to go by to ensure your comfort when snapping the very delicate pieces in
place would be a welcome addition.
Sculpting - ****
This is a very, very accurate representation of the real world weapon, as you can see in the photos from this gun review. The sharply sculpted
details give a realism that's hard to beat, and matches the best in the market right now.
Scale is excellent as well, and this gun will fit in nicely with any appropriate military or licensed character from
companies like Hot Toys, Sideshow, DiD, etc. I've included a couple photos with Sly at the end of the review for comparison.
My only complaint here is with a tiny bit of flashing that's apparent around the edge of the back f the scope. It's
extremely minor however, and unless you're as uber picky as I am, you'll never notice it.
And I know you're wondering, because I would be, but no, there's no use of die cast metal here.
Paint - ****
This is a modern military weapon, so flat finishes and basic colors are all the rage. The cut lines are sharp and clean,
there's no dirt or clumping, and there's no slop of any kind.
While there's not a ton of small detail paint work in the overall scheme, there are some very realistic details in the
instructions, dials and adjustments. Tiny hash marks, numbers and text look fantastic, even under magnification.
Articulation - ***
It's a little odd to talk about articulation with a gun, but this one has several points.
The folding stock has a sturdy pin joint, and tucks against one side of the gun when collapsed. The bolt action also moves
up and back, but is not spring activated. Take a little care with it, as I managed to get it stuck in the open position and
had to mess around with it for awhile to get it working again.
Of course, the magazines are removable, and the legs on the bipod move in and out to get the proper stance.
Accessories - ***
Perhaps as unusual as 'articulation', an accessory with accessories is somewhat unique. But there's a number of extras here,
and since the are not necessary to the overall completeness of the gun itself, I'd call them accessories.
The large scope fits on the top permanent rail, and comes with a detachable glare hood for the front. It slides easily
along the rail, but remains attached with normal handling.
Speaking of the top rail, there are four more small rails (two short, two long) that can be attached to the sides or
bottom. This will allow you to attach the other accessories, including the tactical bipod, and the PEQ. The detailing, paint
and sculpt are just as exceptional on these extras as the main weapon.
In the review of the actual gun that I mentioned earlier, the author mentions that the gun actually does have these
customizable rails, making the removable aspect part of this scale reproduction's accuracy.
There are additional magazines too - five in total. I'm not sure what you'll do with them, but you can always fill up some
pouches on your favorite figure.
Finally, there's a very nice display stand. The base has a spot for you to apply the name plate sticker, but be careful -
once it's on, it's staying on. I never get these damn stickers on straight, and this time was no exception.
The gun is suspended over the stand in a rather ingenious way. There's a clear, flat rod that is a permanent part of
another magazine, this time done in black. By swapping in this magazine/post, you can attach the gun to the base seamlessly.
I did knock off for some minor nits. The rails don't snap on and stay on as tightly as I'd like, and since they are not the
sort of extra you really want to glue in place (swapping in and out on the bipod is likely), you'll find it somewhat
Also, the bipod itself seems very, very fragile. I didn't break it, but I thought I did at one point, because the
various pieces do come apart. Take care, and watch out for things falling off or apart and getting lost.
Fun Factor - ***1/2
This is the sort of extra that's perfect for kitbashers and big military figure fans. While it looks great displayed on it's
own, hovering over the stand, it's really in the hands of a figure where it shines.
Value - *1/2
If there's one killer, it's with the price. At $40, you're going to feel the sting. This is an all plastic weapon too,
which is good and bad. Good, because it doesn't weigh down the arms of a normal figure, altering the possible poses you can
use it in. Bad, because it doesn't have the heft that helps sell the higher price point.
I am betting that the run on something like this is very small, making it harder to spread the fixed costs and driving up
the price point. It's difficult for smaller companies who are trying to produce high quality items, since their volume isn't
yet at the level of the big boys.
Things to Watch Out For -
I've mentioned a couple areas where this gun is on the fragile side, particularly with the bipod and with the bolt. I
managed to work with it and swap out various parts several times and didn't break or damage anything, so with a little care
you should be fine.
Overall - ***1/2
This is a terrific looking reproduction, perfect for gun enthusiasts, but even more ideal for collectors and kitbashers of
1/6th military figures. I'd like to see MSE tackle more modern weaponry as accessories, particularly when it comes to some
of the more complex guns that we don't get with key movie characters. How about the Barrett sniper rifle that the Winter
Soldier had on the movie
MSE is clearly a fan of all things military, and their passion for accuracy shows. That accuracy does mean that
things can get fragile, but if you're looking for extras to add to your current figures, they deserve a look. As they start
producing more full figures, I expect we'll see the potential for using the accessories expand in all sorts of ways.
Score Recap (out of ****):
Packaging - ****
Sculpting - ****
Paint - ****
Articulation - ***
Accessories - ***1/2
Fun Factor - ***1/2
Value - *1/2
Overall - ***1/2
Where to Buy
Online options include these site sponsors:
has any of the four colors for $40 each.
- or you can search
ebay for a deal.
Related Links -
Just a couple weeks ago I checked out another of the MSE releases - the James
Youngblood Deathridge Z.E.R.T. figure. You should also check out the MSE
site, where you can see all their releases.
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This product was provided for the review by the manufacturer. Photos and text by Michael Crawford.