Sculpting - ****
Congratulations Sideshow! Amish Puri, he actor who played Mola Ram, has a very distinct look and they pulled it off
here. He has two head sculpts so we will talk about each one. First lets discuss the one without the headpiece.
Wow, that is a good looking bald man, and being a bald man myself I can say its nice to know that a little red stripe on the
top there makes for a great evening look or maybe a wedding or bar mitzvah. The facial expression on this sculpt is all
around the eyes. You can see at any moment his madness is going to boil over, from the opened mouth to the deep set eyes
opened wide.
(See the madness in this
picture - now you can have it in your own home.)
Most people will display him with the headdress but I am really glad they gave me this option. Maybe I will change his
look each week, or should I buy a second one?
Next is the sculpt with the headdress. Wow, this is awesome.
The mouth wide open with joy and triumph as his lifts the freshly pulled beating heart from his victims chest and raises it
high above his head. The eyes are slightly less crazed, as though that’s possible...he did just pull someone’s heart from
their chest. They are more victorious, somehow closer to his evil plan coming into fruition.
The skull of the animal now turned into a stylish hat is wonderful. The shrunken head on the front with the long hair
flowing backward drapes over nicely. It even looks like bone, strident and dried out. His eyes and mouth are wet
He also comes with 2 hands. Each holds the bloody heart but one is covered in flames. The flames are a
translucent plastic that makes like shimmering fire when light hits it.
The other is wetter with blood and it drips down his hands more. Is it any wonder this is the film that made the PG-13
rating happen? His right arm raised high above, the muscles of his arm tightened. His body is covered mostly by his
flowing robe, but that doesn’t mean Sideshow didn’t give his some damn nice shoes.
The base is made up of skulls and skin covered skulls - it is gruesome and fantastic. He would be great on his own but
this really sets it apart. The Temple of Doom Indy is getting the same base style and they are a must have combo.
If you are lucky enough to get the exclusive with the chalice then look at how
accurate it is. You may look at it and wonder how Mola Ram ever got any liquid in that thing as there is no hole, but
that’s a question for Lucas and not Sideshow to answer.