Review of Khal Drogo and Daenerys - Game of Thrones action figures
Date Published: 2014-10-17
Written By: Michael Crawford
Overall Average Rating: 3.25 out of 4
Did you know there's an app
to learn Dothraki? I suppose bored fans need something to do waiting for the next season premiere.
Another option is to pick up the new wave of Funko's action figures, and create you're own personal
dioramas. With both Daenarys and Drogo in this wave, there's a whole bunch of possibilities. If you're
stumped, just leave these two on your desk at work, and I'm sure your co-workers will be happy to help.
These two are part of a six figure wave, which also includes Brienne, Jamie, Robb Stark and Arya Stark.
I'll be covering the other four shortly as well.
And before anyone mentions it, yes, the knives are in
the loops upside down. I realized that after I shot the photos - such is life.
Barnes and Noble seems to be getting these first - I grabbed mine from their online store - but they
should be widely available quite soon.
Click on the image below for a Life Size version
Packaging - ***1/2
I really like this box style packaging. It's attractive, sturdy, easy to store or display, and generally
collector friendly. There are way more twistie ties here than there should be, but that's my only nit.
Sculpting - Dany ***; Drogo ***1/2
Both figures exhibit good portraits, but I think Drogo's is just a little better. Perhaps it's the
tootsie roll hair that's throwing off the Dany sculpt a bit, because I can see her in the eyes, nose and
head shape. Her hair also has another weird aspect that's not immediately apparent, but it's something
your subconscious will pick up on. The strands on her head are fairly fine and small - the ones flowing
down her shoulders are thicker and less detailed. This is a weird visual, something that doesn't match
up with the real world, and it's the sort of thing that will cause your brain to say "something here
isn't quite right".
Drogo suffers from no such issues. His likeness is good, and the detailing on the body and costume are
excellent. My only complaint here is that I'm not quite feeling the way they handled the bell bottom
The hand sculpts on both are a bit clunky, which is also more noticeable on the female form. I'm
not digging her elbows either - man, it seems like I have nothing but complaints. That's not the true
picture though, since while there are several issues, I still think the overall look is a solid B.
These are a 6" scale, making Drogo about 6 1/4" tall and Daneryus just 5 1/4 inches tall.
Paint - ***1/2
Both figures have very solid paint work, with almost no slop. Remember - these are in just a 6" scale,
making Danerys close to 5", and yet the eyes, lips, eyebrows and small details (the ring and bracelet)
are very clean.
There's still the minor slip up here and there, but overall the quality is where it should be. I
particularly like the work on Drogo's tattoos, and the detailing on his leather armor.
Articulation - Dany ***; Drogo ***1/2
Both of these have what is becoming the standard articulation for the Funko line.
There's a ball jointed neck, and while Drogo's works a little better than Dany's, he still has enough
hair in back to restrict things a bit.
The ball jointed shoulders, pin elbows, and pin/post wrists allow for plenty of arm poses. The elbows
on Drogo are a bit restricted due to the muscular sculpt, however.
They there's the rocker waist, which works with Dany but is completely blocked by Drogo's armor.
The legs include ball hips, cut thighs, double pin knees and pin ankles. Dany's dress is a bit
restrictive, but not as much as I'd expected, and Drogo can take and hold very deep stances.
Accessories - Dany ***; Drogo ***1/2
Unfortunately, this is a category in which this overall series does not excel.
Both of these figures do have extras though, and Drogo is better than average.
Danerys has just the ornamental whip, which plays a key part in the show. It fits nicely in her hands,
and looks fairly accurate.
Drogo comes with four bladed weapons - his two knives that he always wears at his sides, and two
sickle-like blades. All can be held in his hands, but the knives look best worn in the loops on
his armor. And yes, as I already mentioned, they are upside down in the loops in my photos - I can
guarantee I'll still get emails about it.
Fun Factor - ***1/2
These are action figures - true toys, not just Nerd Hummels. Not too many kids are watching the show,
but the general fantasy theme allows these to double as generic good and bad characters in any play
Value - **1/2
These are going for the usual $18 - $20, depending on the retailer. If they end up showing up at
Walgreens, you might save a buck or two, but I wouldn't depend on it.
Things to Watch Out For -
The hands can be painted shut at the finger and thumb. You can cut this free to get the accessories in
place, but take care to avoid too much damage to the paint.
Overall - Dany ***; Drogo ***1/2
I've mentioned it in every review of the Funko and Dark Horse Game of Thrones figures - if you are a toy
collector, the articulation of the Funko line is for you. If you're more into nerd hummels, the
statuesque figures from Dark Horse are the way to go.
I really like the action figures - I've always been more of a toy kind of guy. These two are solid
additions, particularly Drogo. Funko seems to be working out the early kinks that hurt the first series,
and the overall quality is improving. I'm hopeful that the line remains strong enough to get us pretty
deep into Westeros!
Score Recap (out of ****):
Packaging - ***1/2
Sculpting - Dany ***; Drogo ***1/2
Paint - ***1/2
Articulation - Dany ***; Drogo ***1/2
Accessories - Dany ***; Drogo ***1/2
Fun Factor - ***1/2
Value - **1/2
Overall - Dany ***; Drogo ***1/2
Where to Buy
Online options include these site sponsors:
is at $20 each.
- Entertainment Earth has the singles for $20 each.
- or you can search ebay for a deal.
Related Links -
I've reviewed most of the series so far, including the Walgreen's
exclusive Tyrion, and the first wave of figures in three sets, here,
here and here.
I've also covered several of the recent Dark Horse figures, including their Daenerys,
as well as Drogo, Ned Stark, and
Tyrion Lannister.
Other Game of Thrones collectibles I've covered include the Daenerys
action figure from Funko, the Daeny
bust from Dark Horse, the Hand
of the King pin, and the Catspaw
Blade from Valyrian Steel.
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This product was purchased for the review by the reviewer. Photos and text by Michael Crawford.