Review of Humerus the Funny Bone talking figure
The Drew Oliver Company
Date Published: 2012-11-30
Written By: Michael Crawford
Overall Average Rating: 3
out of 4
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Look at enough high priced action figures and collectibles, and you can start to forget they're just toys, and take them a
bit too seriously. It's nice to step back once in awhile and look at something that's just silly and fun.
Such is Humerus, the Funny Bone. We all know that our humerus bone is also called the 'funny bone', although it's never
funny when you hit it. The Drew Oliver Company took the concept and came up with a humorous bone that does stand up - makes
perfect sense!
Humerus tells jokes - silly ones, of course - whenever he hears a clap or other loud noise. You can pick him up for around
$30, depending on the retailer.
Click on the image below for a Life Size version

Packaging - ***
Humerus comes in an open faced box, with a cute backdrop. You can use this for the display if you'd like. The box looks
terrific, but I fear it won't hold up well to shelf wear or storage.
Do you notice the little guy on the package insert sitting on the stool? That's Ulnar, the nerve. When you smack your funny
bone and it hurts like Hell, that's because you're pinching your ulnar against your humerus. Get it?

Sculpting - ***
The bone is actually about the right size, coming in at just under 12" from end to end.
He's done up in a cartoon style of course, with goofy eyes and wide smile. The big bow tie, funky sport coat and large
flower all scream "stand up".
He does stand up, too, wearing a large brown loafer. It's removable, although that's more helpful in posing him than in
actually removing it.
The speaker for the sound feature is on top of the head, out of the way but very loud. However, my one big issue with the
sculpt is the obvious line around his head. I find it a bit too obtrusive, although they did it with a wavy design which
makes it look a bit like a hairline.

Paint - ***
The paint work on the eyes, mouth, bow tie and jacket is great. The white of the bone is bright, and the cut lines are
fairly good, considering the style of the toy.
I did have some trouble with rub marks, especially on the 'foot', caused by the shoe.
Articulation - **1/2
Sorta, kinda is the best way to describe this category. Because the shoe is a separate piece, the bone can tilt forward and
back inside it.

Accessories - **1/2
Since the shoe is removable, I'm counting that as an accessory. I was surprised to get anything extra here, so any score is
a positive, even a lower one.


Sound Feature - ***
The sound feature has some major pluses - it's very loud, very clear, and there are dozens of jokes. They're all pretty
silly of course - "How did the funny bone get broken? His jokes cracked him up!" - but there's a ton of them, enough to keep
you entertained.
I'd have gone higher here except for two issues. First, I'm not quite sure how you're supposed to replace the battery. I
think you can, but it's not clear and there's no instructions. It's also possible that you can't - the power draw may be low
enough that they assume you'll long grow tired of hearing his jokes before the battery kicks it.
My other issue is that there's no on/off switch that I can find. Once he's on, he makes jokes at every loud noise, which
you may find a bit annoying after awhile.
Fun Factor - ***
It's all about the goofy jokes, and if you like silly toys, you'll have a lot of fun with this one. Do you know someone that
shops at Archie McPhee a lot? Yea, this is right up their alley.

Value - **
This isn't a toy from Hasbro or Mattel, so the production numbers are going to be lower on him. Still, $30 is quite a bit,
even for the cool sound feature.
Things to Watch Out For -
Not a thing!
Overall - ***
This is not some sort of serious collectible - it's just goofy fun. The sound feature works great, although I think some
folks may want to turn it off after awhile.
I've said before that I love it when small companies can make a go of it with unique and unusual ideas. Humerus is
definitely unique, and if you have someone on your Christmas list that likes singing fish, librarian action figures, and
dancing gerbils, then Humerus is sure to make them smile.
Score Recap (out of ****):
Packaging - ***
Sculpting - ***
Paint - **1/2
Articulation - **1/2
Accessories - **1/2
Sound Feature - ***
Fun Factor - ***
Value - **
Overall - ***

Related Links -
If you like this guy, check out the Giant Microbes,
another fun, silly product.
You should also hit the Search Reviews page, in case
any other applicable reviews were done after this one was published.
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This product was provided for the review by the manufacturer. Photos and text by Michael Crawford.