Review of Robocop 1.0 action figure
Jada Toys
Date Published: 2013-12-02
Written By: Michael Crawford
Overall Average Rating: 3 out of 4
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I've ranted in the past about calling a movie a remake when it isn't. But if you've been calling the new Robocop film a
remake, you're absolutely right. That in itself doesn't make it a good movie or a bad movie, but it does raise some
While the first film wasn't perfect (and is often overrated), it was a solid sci-fi actioner. Two features of this film
really stand out for me - the concept of a man's identity being stripped and his brain being used as the basis of a machine,
only to have his humanity resurface; and the design of the very cool robot.
After seeing the previews, I have worries about both areas. I'm not super concerned about the suit design - both what they
are calling the 1.0 and 2.0 versions are decent, but they are already behind the eight ball because they won't be able to do
a truly original design. They are forced to update the original at best, and no matter how it looks people will complain.
It is possible to update a key design feature of a classic and still make fans happy with the movie - think Tumbler - but it
requires creating a great story. And that's where my greater concerns lie.
It appears that our new Robocop is a lot more human, someplace between full Robocop and the Six Million Dollar Man. Ignoring
the silliness of this (for example, why would he need to have the weaker human arm?), it guts a big part of the concept
behind the original. I like a lot of the casting for this film, but this sort of major change to the overall concept
does not bode well.
That's a long winded way of getting to the new figures for the film being produced by Jada. There is a 4" line that
includes a Robocop 1.0, a Robocop 3.0 (where's 2.0?), and a 3.0 version on a 'police cruiser' (motorcycle). There's a larger
talking version shown on the back, as well as a remote control version of the rider and bike, but I haven't seen these yet
in person.
These are a VERY reasonable $7 at Toys R Us right now. I picked up the 1.0 version, since it's the most like the original.
Click on the image below for a Life Size version

Packaging - ***
The card backs aren't bad, although there's an awful lot of words. That's because it's a tri-logo package, and all that text
tends to cover up the graphics. There's no waste though, and the die cut shape of the card makes them stand out on the peg.

Sculpting - ***
These are a 4" scale line, similar to Star Wars or the million poorly articulated movie figures that Hasbro and Mattel are
pumping out right now. Thankfully, Jada did not take a page from them when designing this line.
The sculpt looks good, although that's going off the previews, not the actual movie. This 1.0 version appears similar to
the original, but most of that is because of the silver and black color. Ignore the colors, and you'll see the big
differences in the helmet, the shape of the chest and shoulders, pretty much everything.
This design is more svelte than the original, and it suffers for it. The original seemed heavy, robotic, solid, an
immovable force. This one looks like a guy wearing Kevlar armor only slightly more restrictive than the Dark Knight Batman
The sculpt is a little soft too, especially on the cuts and edges of the pieces that are supposed to be metal.
He does stand fine on his own in plenty of poses, and the hands are sculpted to hold the accessories properly.

Paint - **1/2
There's not a ton of paint ops here - the suit is silver and black. These two colors are decent, but there is a little slop
here and there.
The bigger problems are with the couple details. The skin tone on the left hand is gloppy, a common problem, and the red
light on the visor is sloppy enough that you can see the issues with the nekkid eye. That's not good with a figure this
Articulation - ***1/2
The articulation is surprisingly good, especially with the large number of poorly articulated figures in this scale
currently on the pegs.
I think there's a true ball joint up under the neck, but the suit design restricts the tilt action. There are also ball
shoulders, but once again, the suit restricts it. Still, these joints work better than standard cuts.
The elbows are ball joints (pin/disc style) which means that the lower arm can move forward and back and it can turn 360
The hips are ball joints, but I bet you know what I'm going to say next. Yep, restricted by the suit. They still move out
and in slightly however, and of course, they move forward and back.
The knees, like the elbows, are balls that allow the lower leg to turn a full 360 degrees.
That's it, and you'll notice a couple key absentee joints, like the wrists, waist or ankles. Still, what's here will allow
for some decent posing, and is a world better than the 5 cut joints we've been seeing in lines like Man of Steel or Thor.

Accessories - ***
He comes with two weapons - a pistol and a rifle, both very futuristic.
The handgun is a very similar design to the original, up-sized to look better in the hands of the large robot. The rifle
design is completely new, and his hands are designed to hold them both. The right hand is better suited to the handgun,
while the left is better suited to the rifle.


Fun Factor - ***1/2
The inclusion of both guns, as well as the good articulation, makes this a decent action figure for play. The scale helps
too, allowing him to fit in nicely with the other 4" licenses out there.
Value - ***1/2
I was shocked when I saw the price tag on these - just under $7. With even poorly articulated figures in this scale running
$8 - $10 each, I was pleasantly surprised to see the lower cost.
Things to Watch Out For -
If you have choices on the peg, watch for any paint issues.

Overall - ***
I don't make a final judgment on a movie from a preview, and I don't automatically dislike remakes. But I do have my
concerns about the new Robocop.
However, the figures are much better than a lot of the other 4" scale stuff currently on the pegs, and at a price that
beats the average as well. Jada deserves credit for this, and I'll be watching to see what licenses they do next.
Score Recap (out of ****):
Packaging - ***
Sculpting - ***
Paint - **1/2
Articulation - ***1/2
Accessories - ***
Fun Factor - ***
Value - ***1/2
Overall - ***
Where to Buy
I picked this guy up at Toys R Us, where he was just $7. They had the 3.0 version as well, but I didn't see any of the
vehicle based figures.
Related Links -
If you're looking for classic Robocop, check out Sideshow's Premium
Format statue, or the amazing Hot Toys figure.
There's also the cool ED-209 by Hot Toys, the much
smaller Movie Maniacs version, and don't
forget the cool 3-D wall art
version of the old movie poster.
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any other applicable reviews were done after this one was published.
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This product was purchased for the review by the reviewer. Photos and text by Michael Crawford.