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EXO-6 continues to produce the definitive sixth scale Star Trek series, and the releases have been coming fast lately. They are dipping back into STTNG with the latest shipment, but it's not who you might expect. Oh, we'll get Riker and Troi and Crusher, but they went deeper into the archive for this one - Ro Laren.
While the Ensign might seem an odd choice, she played a key role in several TNG episodes and in the development of Picard's character. She appeared on his later show as well, and is a fan favorite.
She just started shipping, and will run you $195 direct from EXO-6. As it so happens, she'll be up for immediate purchase at their site tomorrow!
Packaging - ***1/2
They've went with a new, extremely sturdy outer shipping box, much
tougher than the previous version. They've dumped the plastic
corners because this new design doesn't require them, and is much
more likely to get the art box to you without damage.
The art box has the same design as past releases, and the contents
are packed in a collector friendly way, so everything can be removed
and replaced without any damage to the packaging.
Sculpting - ***1/2
While this isn't quite the home run we saw with the recent SNW
Spock, it is a solid release with a very good likeness.
Of course, first the portrait must be realistic and life-like. The hair could be cut a smidge deeper, to give the strands a bit more life, but it's good work considering the unique hair style. The skin texture is excellent, just enough to be realistic without aging her too much, and the work on the Bajoran attributes look great. The traditional earring is sculpted plastic, and I know some folks would prefer metal...but that's not going to happen at two hundred bucks.
It also looks very much like the character. The round eyes and long, button nose are a big part of this, and by adding the small beauty mark on her chin in just the right place, they ensure you'll know exactly which Bajoran this is.
But what of the expression? They went with a calm, strong expression, not pissed, not extreme, but still with enough life to avoid the mannequin effect. The eyes are slightly turned in here, similar to a couple of their other releases. This implies she is looking at something closer to her, perhaps speaking to someone a couple feet away, rather than looking further off into the distance. This closer focal point works great on the shelf when she is posed with another figure, or looking down at an accessory.
She's also looking upward slightly, so tilting the chin downward in most poses will create an excellent belligerent look, pretty much her trademark.
Paint - ***1/2
The paint work is also well done, supporting the sculpt with fine
details and clean lines.
The hairline can be a bit abrupt, but that was true of the character on the show. The skin tone is appropriate and even, and the beauty mark is very realistic. The Bajoran ridges look good, and the eye makeup matches the on screen appearance, and has a subtle edge.
I mentioned the eyes earlier when discussing the expression, but it's worth nothing here that they are aligned and clean, with no bleed. The glossy look adds more life with natural catch lights, and the closer focal point avoids the 'staring off into the distance' look.
Articulation - ***1/2
The underlying body works great, similar to the other recent female
characters like Kira or Torres. All the joints are tight and hold
poses well, including the ankles and shoulders. The ball jointed
neck will allow for getting the head tilted just right for the eyes
to line up, even with the slightly upward look. The head and neck
are one piece though, which does reduce the mobility at this joint
I did find that right out of the box the right shoulder had come loose. I didn't notice it right away because the costume is so tight, but when I was posing her it became evident that the arm and torso were not connected, and I was afraid it had broken. Since the costume is not intended to be removed, I was worried - but feeling around I realized that the post had simply come out of the body, and by carefully pushing it back in I was able to fix it.
Accessories - ***
Here's the one area where she comes up pretty light. She has six
swappable hands, designed to hold the other accessories or for
specific poses. There's a set of fists, a set of relaxed grips, and
a set of specific grips. They swap easily, and stay in place while
you're posing.
There is also the TNG style tricorder and phaser, along with a holster for each. These holsters attach to the costume via strong magnets, and a similar magnet holds the top and bottom pieces of the tricorder together. The sculpts and paint work are excellent, but we've seen these pieces before.
That's really all she has. Of course there's the display base with support rod and two different plastic covers. There's also the small autograph card that you can use to eventually get the actresses' signature, and a little plastic clip to hold this on the base.
But those are all standard with every figure, and Ro is one of the lighter figures in the series when it comes to accessories.
Outfit - ****
EXO-6 takes great pride in their costuming, and while I occasionally
have nits to pick, that's not the case this time. They are really
crushing it with the tailoring on the female uniforms.
Of course the colors and style are show accurate, and the insignia/communicator is perfectly aligned and tightly attached to the chest. As I said, the tailoring is outstanding, and it hangs off the body in a very natural, realistic way. Of the last two or three releases, this is the best costume overall.
Fun Factor - ***1/2
Pair this figure up with any TNG release, especially Picard, and
you've got a winning display. Some may find complaints in macro
photos, but in hand this is a terrific looking figure that looks
great with the rest of the line.
Value - **
I like this price point - just under $200 - but I do have to admit
that she's pretty light on the extras. I'm expecting this was a
short run, and a lot of collectors passed her over. But she'll be
one that they wish they'd paid attention to once the stock is sold
out. Being a short run means finding a way to produce it in that
same price ball park, and that usually means cutting back on extras.
Things to Watch Out For -
She comes with a plastic wrap on the neck, to avoid the suit causing
any sort of stain. However, when you remove the head from the body
to remove the wrap, you should take some care. I've seen some folks
getting a bit too rough and managing to pull the hair off when
removing the head. I had no issue, but the company has put out a
note saying to grip around the chin and jaw when pulling, not the
back of the hair, to avoid any issue.
Overall - ***1/2
While it's always great to get the A-listers, especially with how
well they are done by EXO-6, it's even better - for me - to get
these B-listers. These are the sort of characters that fill out a
collection, giving it more depth and far more interest.
I have no doubt we'll eventually get the entire TNG main crew, but adding in someone like Ensign Laren in the middle is just icing on the already delicious cake.
Score Recap (out of ****):
Packaging - ***1/2
Sculpting - ***1/2
Paint - ***1/2
Articulation - ***1/2
Accessories - ***
Outfit - ****
Fun Factor - ***1/2
Value - **
Overall - ***1/2
Where to Buy
Online options include these site sponsors:
- or you can search ebay for a deal.
Related Links -
Other recent EXO-6 Star Trek releases include SNW Spock, SNW Pike, and DS9 Odo.
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This product was purchased for the review by the reviewer. Photos and
text by Michael Crawford.