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Michael's Review of the Week/Captain Toy

Listing by Date of all Reviews related to Sixth Scale Collectibles!

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EXO-6 Dr. McCoy Star Trek The Motion Picture ***1/2 01/23/25
EXO-6 Captain Picard Star Trek Next Generation **** 11/19/04
EXO-6 Saavik Wrath of Khan Star Trek **** 11/03/04
EXO-6 Star Trek Search for Spock Kruge ***1/2 10/15/04
EXO-6 Star Trek Next Generation Ro Laren ***1/2 09/19/04
Mondo The Thing MacReady *** 0819/04
EXO-6 Star Trek Strange New Worlds Spock **** 0730/04
EXO-6 Star Trek Strange New Worlds Pike ***1/2 06/03/24
EXO-6 Star Trek Odo ***1/2 04/08/24
EXO-6 Star Trek Deep Space Nine Kira Nerys **** 02/14/24
Hot Toys Star Wars Cobb Vanth *** 01/15/24
EXO-6 Star Trek Next Generation Data **** 01/03/24
Mondo MOTU Prince Adam ***1/2 12/04/23
Mondo BTAS Harley Quinn ***1/2 10/31/23
EXO-6 Star Trek Voyager B'Elanna Torres ***1/2 10/09/23
EXO-6 Star Trek DS9 Quark ***1/2 09/22/23
Hot Toys Back to the Future 3 Doc Brown ***1/2 08/21/23
Hot Toys Star Wars Cad Bane **** 08/07/23
EXO-6 Star Trek Locutus ***1/2 07/31/23
Hot Toys Moon Knight **** 07/10/23
Hot Toys Justice League Cyborg ***1/2 06/06/23
Mondo X-men Animated Jubilee **** 05/22/23
EXO-6 Star Trek Captain Archer ***1/2 05/08/23
EXO-6 Star Trek Voyager Chakotay *** 04/10/23
Asmus Lord of the Rings Gollum/Smeagol ***1/2 03/20/23
EXO-6 Star Trek Voyager Seven of Nine **** 03/05/23
threezero Game of Thrones Sandor Clegane the Hound season 7 *** 02/27/23
Hot Toys Suicide Squad King Shark **1/2 02/13/23
Asmus Crown Series Gandalf ***1/2 01/30/23
Hot Toys Star Wars Bad Batch Hunter ***1/2 01/23/23
Hot Toys Batman Forever Batman and Robin **1/2 - *** 01/09/23
EXO-6 Star Trek DS9 Sisko **** 12/12/22
EXO-6 Star Trek TMP Admiral Kirk ***1/2 11/28/22
Mondo Rick and Morty series 2 *** 10/31/22
EXO-6 Star Trek Voyager Tuvok ***1/2 10/24/22
Mondo Batman the Animated Series Joker ***1/2 10/17/22
Asmus Lord of the Rings Bilbo Baggins **** 09/19/22
Hot Toys Star Wars Grogu *** 09/05/22
EXO-6 Star Trek Mirror Mirror Sulu ***1/2 08/29/22
Mondo Batman the Animated Series Redux ***1/2 08/22/22
EXO-6 Star Trek Discovery Saru **** 08/15/22
EXO-6 Star Trek Next Generation Judge Q **** 07/11/22
Hot Toys Book of Boba Fett Deluxe **** 07/04/22
Hot Toys Birds of Prey Harley Quinn *** 06/20/22
EXO-6 Star Trek Discovery Michael Burnham **** 06/13/22
threezero Game of Thrones Sansa Stark *** 04/11/22
EXO-6 Star Trek Mirror Mirror Spock ***1/2 03/24/22
Hot Toys IT Pennywise **** 02/28/22
EXO-6 Star Trek Voyager the Doctor EMH ***1/2 02/14/22
Hot Toys Star Wars Tusken Raider ***1/2 01/17/22
Star Ace Harry Potter Minerva McGonagall **1/2 12/27/21
EXO-6 Star Trek Janeway ***1/2 12/13/21
Star Ace Harry Potter deluxe Gringotts Head Goblin ***1/2 12/06/21
Hot Toys Back to the Future Marty Mcfly and Einstein *** 11/22/21
threezero Walking Dead King Ezekiel *** 11/15/21
threezero Game of Thrones season 8 Arya ***1/2 11/08/21
Asmus Lord of the Rings Arwen Death Frock ***1/2 11/01/21
Hot Toys Star Wars Lando Calrissian ***1/2 10/25/21
threezero Game of Thrones Tormund Giantsbane ***1/2 10/20/21
threezero Walking Dead Morgan ***1/2 10/18/21
Star Ace Underworld: Evolution Marcus *** 10/01/21
Star Ace Batman Ninja Lord Joker ***1/2 09/27/21
Hot Toys Rescue Avengers Endgame *** 09/13/21
EXO-6 Star Trek First Contact Picard **** 09/06/21
Asmus Lord of the Rings Elven Warrior ***1/2 08/09/21
Trick or Treat Halloween Michael Myers *** 07/19/21
EXO-6 Star Trek First Contact Data **** 06/21/21
Hot Toys Star Wars Heavy Infantry Mandalorian ***1/2 06/14/21
Threezero Game of Thrones Daenerys Targaryen *** 06/07/21
Asmus Lord of the Rings Galadriel *** 05/24/21
Xensations Game of Thrones the Smuggler (Davos) ***1/2 05/17/21
Star Ace James Dean Cowboy/Horse *** 05/10/21
Mondo Creature from the Black Lagoon **** 04/26/21
Asmus Lord of the Rings Gandalf the Grey Crown **** 03/29/21
Asmus Lord of the Rings Aragorn deluxe ***1/2 03/15/21
Star Ace Harry Potter Draco Malfoy teen deluxe *** 02/08/21
Asmus Lord of the Rings Faramir *** 01/25/21
Hot Toys Avengers Endgame Nebula ***1/2 01/18/21
Star Ace Pulp Fiction Vincent Vega 2.0 deluxe *** 01/04/21
Star Ace Harry Potter Remus Lupin *** 12/21/20
ThreeZero Game of Thrones Bran ***1/2 12/07/20
Mondo Half Life 2 Gordon Freeman *** 11/16/20
Hot Toys Wasp ***1/2 11/09/20
ThreeZero Game of Thrones Joffrey *** 10/19/20
Mondo God of War Kratos ***1/2 10/12/20
Mondo Masters of the Universe Mer-Man ***1/2 10/05/20
Hot Toys Avengers Endgame Hawkeye ***1/2 09/28/20
COO Skeleton die cast metal **1/2 09/14/20
Hot Toys Star Wars Princess Leia and Wicket **** 09/07/20
ThreeZero Game of Thrones Night King ***1/2 08/17/20
Hot Toys Ant-Man and the Wasp Ant-Man **1/2 08/10/20
Threezero Walking Dead Carl Grimes *** 07/27/20
Blitzway Mask of Zorro **1/2 07/20/20
Mondo Rick and Morty deluxe exclusive ***1/2 07/13/20
Hot Toys Stan Lee Guardians of the Galaxy 2 **** 07/06/20
Asmus Lord of the Rings Elrond *** 06/29/20
ThreeZero Game of Thrones season 8 Jon Snow ***1/2 06/22/20
Asmus Lord of the Rings Twilight Witch King ***1/2 06/15/20
Mondo Batman Animated Series Catwoman ***1/2 06/08/20
Hot Toys Star Wars Director Krennic **** 06/01/20
Star Ace Underworld Evolution Lycan vinyl figure *** 05/27/20
Asmus Lord of the Rings Mouth of Sauron ***1/2 05/18/20
Hot Toys Fantastic Beasts Grindelwald ***1/2 05/11/20
Hot Toys Fantastic Beasts Newt Scamander ***1/2 05/04/20
Star Ace Harry Potter Peter Pettigrew Wormtail *** 04/20/20
Quantum Mechanix The Nun Valak Conjuring ***1/2 03/16/20
Blitzway Ghostbusters Ecto-1 **** 03/09/20
Hot Toys Star Wars Bespin Leia ***1/2 02/17/20
ThreeZero Game of Thrones Tyrion Season 7 **** 02/10/20
Hot Toys Two-Face ***1/2 02/03/20
Star Ace Ninja Batman War Version ** 01/27/20
Mondo Mr. Freeze Batman Animated ***1/2 01/13/20
Hot Toys Black Panther Erik Killmonger **** 12/30/19
ThreeZero Game of Thrones Brienne ***1/2 12/23/19
Hot Toys Aquaman Justice League *** 12/01/19
Star Ace Underworld Selene Blue Eyes *** 11/25/19
Hot Toys Avengers Infinity War Bucky Barnes ***1/2 10/23/19
Star Ace Harry Potter Dementor deluxe **1/2 10/14/19
ThreeZero Cersei Lannister Game of Thrones **1/2 10/07/19
Hot Toys Black Panther Shuri **** 09/30/19
Asmus Lord of the Rings King Theoden *** 09/23/19
Star Ace 300 Gorgo Armored Edition *** 09/16/19
Star Ace Hunger Games Katniss Armor *** 09/02/19
ThreeZero X-Files Agent Scully *** 08/19/19
Hot Toys Black Panther Wakanda Throne *** 08/12/19
Star Ace Griphook Harry Potter *** 08/09/19
Star Ace Harry Potter Luna Lovegood *** 07/22/19
Asmus Lord of the Rings Arwen *** 07/17/19
Hot Toys Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi ***1/2 07/08/19
Star Ace Harry Potter Ginny Weasley **1/2 07/01/19
Star Ace Griphook Harry Potter *** 06/24/19
Hot Toys Infinity War Thanos ***1/2 05/20/19
Star Ace Harry Potter Bellatrix Lestrange Prisoner *** 05/13/19
ThreeZero Walking Dead Glenn Rhee Deluxe ***1/2 05/06/19
Quantum Mechanix QMX Star Trek Sulu ***1/2 05/01/19
Star Ace Bellatrix Lestrange Harry Potter *** 04/24/19
ThreeZero Game of Thrones White Walker **** 04/08/19
Hot Toys Black Panther **** 04/01/19
Asmus Lord of the Rings Eomer *** 03/25/19
ThreeZero Game of Thrones Arya ***1/2 03/18/19
Asmus Hobbit Thorin Oakenshield ***1/2 03/04/19
Quantum Mechanix QMX Star Trek Scotty **** 02/13/19
Asmus Hateful Eight Door of the Haberdashery *** 02/11/19
Star Ace Harry Potter Teen Ron Weasley Deluxe ** 01/28/19
Hot Toys Tactical Suit Batman Justice League ***1/2 01/21/19
Asmus Hobbit Bilbo Baggins *** 01/14/19
Mondo Batman Animated (BTAS) *** 01/07/19
Hot Toys Iron Spider Avengers ***1/2 12/24/18
Hot Toys Black Panther T'Chaka **1/2 12/17/18
Hot Toys Hela Thor Ragnarok **** 12/10/18
Star Ace Lucius Malfoy Harry Potter *** 12/03/18
ThreeZero Leatherface Texas Chainsaw Massacre ***1/2 11/19/18
Hot Toys Avengers Infinity War Thor ***1/2 11/12/18
Hot Toys Deadpool 2 ***1/2 11/05/18
Hot Toys Star Wars Praetorian Guard Double Blade ***1/2 10/22/18
Asmus Hateful Eight Daisy Domergue *** 10/15/18
Hot Toys Star Wars Praetorian Guard Heavy Blade ***1/2 10/08/18
Hot Toys Avengers Infinity War Black Widow *** 10/01/18
Hot Toys Wonder Woman Training Version *** 09/24/18
ThreeZero Fox Mulder X-Files *** 09/19/18
ThreeZero Walking Dead Daryl Dixon *** 09/05/18
Star Ace Vincent Vega Pulp Fiction **1/2 08/27/18
Quantum Mechanix Qmx Princess Bride Dread Pirate Roberts Wesley ***1/2 08/20/18
Executive Replicas Lost in Space Penny Robinson **1/2 08/13/18
Hot Toys Guardians of the Galaxy Yondu **** 08/06/18
Asmus Lord of the Rings Gimli ***1/2 07/30/18
ThreeZero Walking Dead Negan ***1/2 07/23/18
Molecule8 John Lennon **1/2 07/18/18
Hot Toys Spider-Man Homecoming ***1/2 07/16/18
Star Ace Pulp Fiction Jules Winnfield **1/2 07/13/18
Hot Toys Gladiator Thor Ragnarok ***1/2 07/09/18
Hot Toys Beauty and the Beast Belle ***1/2 06/25/18
Sideshow Jack Burton Big Trouble in Little China **1/2 06/18/18
Star Ace Audrey Hepburn Holly Golightly *** 06/11/18
Hot Toys Pirates Caribbean DX15 Jack Sparrow **** 06/04/18
Asmus Hateful Eight Marquis Warren **1/2 05/21/18
Asmus Hateful Eight John The Hangman Ruth *** 05/14/18
Star Ace 300 Artemisia **1/2 05/07/18
Hot Toys Arkham Asylum Joker ***1/2 04/30/18
Threezero Walking Dead Michonne *** 04/16/18
Star Ace Fantastic Beasts Newt Scamander *** 04/09/18
Sideshow Star Wars Snowtrooper Commander *** 04/04/18
Quantum Mechanix Supernatural Dean Winchester *** 03/28/18
Hot Toys Star Wars Hoth Princess Leia **** 03/19/18
Hot Toys Star Wars Grand Moff Tarkin ***1/2 03/14/18
Sideshow Star Wars Dengar *** 02/26/18
Sideshow Star Wars Zuckuss **1/2 02/19/18
Hot Toys Back to the Future 2 Doc Brown *** 02/12/18
Hot Toys Guardians of the Galaxy 2 Star-Lord Deluxe **** 02/05/18
Hot Toys Marty McFly Back to the Future 2 ***1/2 01/29/18
Star Ace 300 Themistokles *** 01/22/18
Hot Toys Imperial Disguise Jyn Erso *** 01/22/18
ThreeZero Game of Thrones Daenerys Targaryen **1/2 01/15/18
Hot Toys Suicide Squad Harley Quinn Prisoner *** 01/08/18
Blitzway Ghostbusters Winston Zeddemore *** 01/05/18
Hot Toys Star Wars Last Jedi Executioner Trooper *** 12/29/17
Star Ace Hermione Teen Version Harry Potter **1/2 12/25/17
Blitzway Ghostbusters Egon Spengler ***1/2 12/22/17
Blitzway Ghostbusters Stantz ***1/2 12/13/17
Blitzway Ghostbusters Venkamn ***1/2 12/11/17
Asmus Lord of the Rings Boromir *** 12/04/17
Quantum Mechanix (Qmx) Star Trek Captain Kirk's Chair **** 11/29/17
Quantum Mechanix (Qmx) Star Trek Khan ***1/2 11/27/17
Hot Toys Alien Ellen Ripley ***1/2 11/22/17
Hot Toys Roadworn Thor Ragnarok ***1/2 11/15/17
threeA Judge Dredd ***1/2 11/13/17
Hot Toys Netflix Punisher ***1/2 11/08/17
Hot Toys Hulkbuster **** 11/06/17
Hot Toys Star Wars Rogue One Jyn Erso **** 10/30/17
Hot Toys Netflix Daredevil *** 10/23/17
Hot Toys Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Ghost Rider ***1/2 10/18/17
Hot Toys Star Wars Force Awakens Luke Skywalker *** 10/16/17
ThreeZero Halloween Michael Myers ***1/2 10/11/17
ThreeZero Walking Dead Merle **1/2 10/02/17
Star Ace Marylin Monroe pink dress *** 09/25/17
Sideshow Nightmare on Elm Street Freddy Krueger *** 09/22/17
Hot Toys Star Wars Rogue One K-2SO ***1/2 09/20/17
Hot Toys Batman V Superman Wonder Woman ***1/2 09/18/17
Hot Toys Doctor Strange **** 09/13/17
Blitzway Fight Club Tyler Durden ***1/2 09/06/17
IHNS Toys The Cave sixth scale diorama **1/2 09/06/17
Mondo Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Michelangelo *** 08/28/17
Hot Toys Suicide Squad Harley Quinn **** 08/21/17
Star Ace Harry Potter Dobby ***1/2 08/16/17
Asmus Lord of the Rings Legolas *** 08/11/17
Sideshow DC Lobo ***1/2 08/09/17
Blitzway DamToys Universal Soldier Andrew Scott & Luc Deveraux ***3/4 08/09/17
ThreeZero Game of Thrones Hound Sandor Clegane *** 08/07/17
Hot Toys Snowtrooper Two Pack **** 08/02/17
Hot Toys Suicide Squad Deadshot ***1/2 07/31/17
Executive Replicas Lost in Space Will Robinson **1/2 07/17/17
Hot Toys Star Wars ESB Yoda **** 07/03/17
Mondo TMNT Donatello Exclusive *** 06/28/17
ThreeA DC Steel Batman Night ***1/2 06/26/17
Hot Toys Guardians of the Galaxy Drax *** 06/19/17
Sideshow Star Wars Imperial TIE Fighter Pilot ***1/2 06/19/17
Hot Toys Purple Coat Joker action figure ***1/2 06/12/17
Sideshow Star Wars 4-LOM *** 06/05/17
Hot Toys Star Wars Death Trooper Specialist Deluxe *** 06/02/17
Hot Toys Star Wars Shoretrooper ***1/2 05/31/17
Hot Toys Star Wars Chirrut Imwe ***1/2 05/29/17
Pangaea Trojan General ***1/4 05/22/17
Hasbro Marvel Legends Deadpool 12 inch *** 05/12/17
Star Ace Harry Potter Gambon Dumbledore ***1/2 05/10/17
MSE Marc Lee Seal Team 3 ***1/2 05/08/17
Hot Toys Suicide Squad Tuxedo Joker ***1/2 04/24/17
Quantum Mechanix Qmx Star Trek Captain Picard ***1/2 04/19/17
Sideshow Jason Voorhees exclusive *** 04/12/17
Star Ace Harry Potter Teenage *** 04/10/17
Hot Toys Black Panther *** 04/03/17
ThreeZero Hellraiser Pinhead *** 03/13/17
Sideshow Beetlejuice Tombstone diorama **1/2 03/01/17
Sideshow Evil Dead 2 Ash *** 02/27/17
ZC Toys Mechanic Jason Statham *** 02/22/17
Hot Toys Rogue One Stormtrooper ***1/2 02/20/17
Mondo TMNT Mousers ***1/2 02/17/17
Phicen Seamless Male sixth scale body M34 ***1/2 02/17/17
Asmus Toys Hobbit Thranduil ***1/2 02/10/17
Star Ace Christopher Lee as Dracula *** 02/08/17
Sideshow Beetlejuice **1/2 02/06/17
Quantum Mechanix Star Trek Original Series Dr. McCoy ***1/2 01/30/17
Hot Toys Suicide Squad Arkham Asylum Joker *** 01/25/17
Star Ace 300 King Leonidas *** 01/18/17
Asmus Lord of the Rings Frodo and Sam *** 01/16/17
Hot Toys Star Wars Rogue One Death Trooper Specialist *** 01/06/17
Hot Toys Star Wars Rogue One Darth Vader ***1/2 01/04/17
Hot Toys Star Wars Rogue One Jedha Patrol Stormtrooper *** 01/02/17
Hot Toys Star Wars Rey Resistance Outfit ***1/2 12/28/16
Mondo TMNT Leonardo exclusive *** 12/23/16
Star Ace Harry Potter Draco Malfoy *** 12/21/16
Hot Toys Civil War Hawkeye ***1/2 12/19/16
Hot Toys Deadpool **** 12/14/16
Phicen Super Flexible Male Seamless Body M33 ***2/3 12/09/16
Big Chief Studios 9th Doctor Who *** 12/05/16
Phicen Super Flexible Male Seamless Body M32 ***2/3 12/02/16
Threezero Game of Thrones Jaime Lannister ***1/2 11/14/16
Mezco One:12 Collective, Hot Toys Armored Batman ***1/2 - **** 11/07/16
Threezero Walking Dead Rick Grimes *** 11/02/16
Sideshow Star Wars AT-AT Driver *** 10/24/16
Star Ace Underworld Evolution Selene **1/2 10/17/16
Hot Toys Batman V Superman Knightmare Batman *** 10/10/16
Star Ace Underworld Viktor ***1/2 10/02/16
Asmus Lord of the Rings Grishnakh ***1/2 09/28/16
Hot TOys Star Wars Rey, BB-8 **** 09/26/16
Hot Toys Star Wars Battlefront Shock Trooper **1/2 09/21/16
ThreeZero Breaking Bad Jesse Pinkman *** 09/12/16
Star Ace Harry Potter Casual Hermione ***1/2 08/31/16
Hot Toys Star Wars Finn, Riot Control Stormtrooper *** 08/29/16
Hot Toys Star Wars Captain Phasma **1/2 08/26/16
Star Ace Quidditch Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy *** 08/22/16
Asmus Toys Lord of the Rings/Hobbit Gandalf the Grey *** 08/10/16
Hot Toys Warrior Alien *** 08/08/16
Hasbro Marvel Legends 12 inch Spider-Man *** 07/31/16
Executive Replica Lost in Space Verda the Android *** 07/20/16
COO/COOMODEL Human Skeleton ***1/2 07/15/16
Asmus Lord of the Rings Mouth of Sauron ***1/2 07/13/16
Pop Culture Shock Sons of Anarchy Jax, Clay ***1/2 07/11/16
Sideshow Star Wars Jawas **1/2 07/01/16
Star Ace Harry Potter Dumbledore ***1/2 06/29/16
Phicen Body Comparison M31, M30 ***1/4 - ***1/2 06/29/16
Quantum Mechanix (Qmx)Star Trek Kirk, Spock **** 06/27/16
Hot Toys Avengers Ultron Prime *** 06/24/16
Hot Toys Star Wars Force Awakens Flametrooper ***1/2 06/22/16
Star Ace Harry Potter Hagrid *** 06/20/16
Hot Toys Stan Lee ***1/2 06/13/16
Hot Toys Captain America Winter Soldier Nick Fury **** 06/06/16
Hot Toys Star Wars Boba Fett Return of the Jedi ***1/2 05/23/16
Hot Toys Avengers Iron Legion ***1/2 05/16/16
Hot Toys Marvel Ant-Man *** 05/09/16
Hot Toys Star Wars Princess Leia ***1/2 05/02/16
Hot Toys Avengers Age of Ultron Vision ***1/2 04/25/16
Hot Toys Avengers Quicksilver **1/2 04/18/16
Hot Toys Guardians of the Galaxy Thanos **1/2 04/04/16
Hot Toys Star Wars Force Awakens First Order Snowtrooper **** 03/21/16
Hot Toys Avengers Scarlet Witch *** 03/18/16
Sideshow Temple of Doom Indiana Jones *** 03/16/16
Hot Toys Batman Returns Bruce Wayne, Batman **1/2 - ***1/2 03/14/16
Asmus LOTR Lord of the Rings Merry, Pippin ***1/2 02/29/16
Hot Toys Star Wars Kylo Ren ***1/2 02/22/16
Star Ace Harry Potter Severus Snape *** 02/19/16
ThreeZero Fallout 4 T-45 Power Armor **** 02/17/16
Quantum Mechanix (Qmx) Firefly Malcolm Reynolds ***1/2 02/12/16
Asmus Lord of the Rings Saruman ***1/2 02/10/16
ThreeZero Game of Thrones Jon Snow with Ghost *** 02/08/16
Hot Toys Star Wars Force Awakens First Order TIE Pilot ***1/2 01/29/16
Hot Toys Iron Man Mark IX/Pepper Potts ***1/2 01/27/16
Sideshow Star Wars C-3PO ***1/2 01/25/16
Hot Toys Star Wars Darth Vader *** 01/18/16
Star Ace Goblet of Fire Triwizard Harry Potter *** 01/11/16
Hot Toys Star Wars ANH Luke Skywalker **** 01/04/16
Star Ace Harry Potter Hermione **** 12/28/15
Hot Toys Star Wars Luke Skywalker Stormtrooper ***1/2 12/21/15
Hot Toys Star Wars Sandtrooper ***1/2 12/1/15
Hot Toys Avengers Marial Hill *** 12/11/15
Asmus Toys The Hobbit Tauriel **1/2 12/07/15
Hot Toys Star Wars First Order Squad Leader Stormtrooper *** 12/02/15
Sideshow Star Wars X-Wing Pilot Luke Skwalker **1/2 11/30/15
ThreeZero Breaking Bad Heisenberg, Walter White ***1/2 11/23/15
Sideshow Deadpool **** 11/09/15
Hot Toys Star Wars Han Solo, Chewbacca ***1/2 10/30/15
Star Ace Harry Potter, Ron Weasley casual outfits ***1/2 10/30/15
Hot Toys Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi ***1/2 10/28/15
Asmus LOTR Aragorn ***1/2 10/26/15
Asmus Hobbit Bard the Bowman **1/2 10/09/15
Sideshow Star Wars Jango Fett **1/2 10/07/15
Star Ace Harry Potter 'prisoner' Sirius Black *** 09/28/15
Star Ace Harry Potter Mad Eye Moody *** 09/14/15
Star Ace Great Escape Deluxe Steve McQueen *** 09/04/15
Hot Toys Iron Man MKIII Construction Diorama ***1/2 08/31/15
Sideshow Star Wars Speeder Bike *** 08/24/15
Sideshow Star Wars Scout Trooper *** 08/21/15
Hot Toys Iron Man 3 MKXLI Bones *** 08/19/15
Hot Toys Arkham City Batman *** 08/17/15
Hot Toys Days of Future Past X-Men Wolverine ***1/2 08/10/15
Hot Toys Amazing Spider-Man Electro *** 08/03/15
Hot Toys Dark Knight Batman Gordon, Blake and Bat Signal **** 07/27/15
Hot Toys Guardians of the Galaxy Rocket and Groot *** 07/20/15
Sideshow Star Wars Cad Bane ***1/2 07/17/15
Hot Toys Captain America Age of Ultron ***1/2 07/06/15
Hot Toys Iron Man 3 Whiplash MKII die cast ***1/2 06/29/15
Hot Toys AoU die cast War Machine ***1/2 06/22/15
Hot Toys Back to the Future Marty McFly ***1/2 06/15/15
Star Ace Harry Potter Sirius Black ***1/2 06/08/15
Asmus Lord of the Rings Eowyn **1/2 06/03/15
ThreeZero Game of Thrones Ned Stark **** 05/27/15
Hot Toys Iron Man 3 Heartbreaker *** 05/11/15
ACI LOTR Aragorn ***1/2 05/04/15
Hot Toys Star Wars Stormtrooper 2 pack **** 04/27/15
Hot Toys Guardians of the Galaxy Gamora **1/2 04/22/15
Medicom Kick Ass Hit-Girl action figure *** 04/20/15
Mezco Walter White Heisenberg figure *** 04/17/15
Sideshow Star Wars Hoth Han Solo ***1/2 04/06/15
Sideshow Star Wars Hoth Luke ***1/2 04/03/15
Hot Toys Sleepy Hollow Ichabod Crane *** 04/01/15
MSE Barrett MRAD sixth scale rifle ***1/2 03/27/15
Star Ace Harry Potter Voldemort ***1/2 03/20/15
Asmus LOTR Nazgul Steed **1/2 03/18/15
Hot Toys Guardians of the Galaxy Star-Lord ***1/2 03/16/15
Hot Toys Star Wars Shadow Trooper ***1/2 03/13/15
Hot Toys Captain America Falcon ***1/2 03/09/15
Sideshow Star Wars Tauntaun *** 03/06/15
MSE Z.E.R.T. Jameson Youngblood Deathridge ***1/2 03/02/15
Hot Toys Maleficent *** 02/27/15
Hot Toys Iron Man 3 Igor ***1/2 02/23/15
Star Ace Steve McQueen The Great Escapel ***1/2 02/18/15
Hot Toys Robocop with Mechanical Chair ***1/2 02/13/15
Sideshow Snake Plissken **1/2 02/09/15
Hot Toys Iron Man 3 Silver Centurion *** 01/30/15
Sideshow Star Wars Captain Rex Clonetrooper ***1/2 01/26/15
Hot Toys Iron Man MKXLIII Die Cast **** 01/21/15
Hot Toys Captain America, Steve Rogers 2 pack *** - ***1/2 01/16/15
Hot Toys Amazing Spider-Man 2 ***1/2 01/14/15
Modern Life Visage VH02-CS ***1/2 01/12/15
ThreeZero Game of Thrones Tyrion Lannister ***1/2 12/29/14
Star Ace Harry Potter Ron Weasley ***1/2 12/22/14
Flirty Girl Crimson *** 1/4 11/28/14
Hot Toys Captain America Winter Soldier ***1/2 11/19/14
Star Ace Harry Potter Sorcerer's Stone ***1/2 11/05/14
Asmus Gandalf the White LOTR **1/2 10/03/14
Sideshow Batman ***1/2 09/29/14
Hot Toys Captain Harlock ***1/2 09/17/14
Hot Toys Thor Dark World Loki **1/2 09/08/14
Hot Toys Thor the Dark World ***1/2 09/03/14
Hot Toys Avengers Chitauri Soldiers *** 08/25/14
Asmus LOTR Guritz *** 08/15/14
Hot Toys Tonto **1/2 07/11/14
Ace Toyz The CEO (Lucious Fox) *** 07/09/14
Hot Toys Iron Man MK XXXV Red Snapper Power Pose ***1/2 06/25/14
Hot Toys Robocop ED-209 ***1/2 06/23/14
Hot Toys The Wolverine *** 06/20/14
Hot Toys Robocop ED-209 ***1/2 06/20/14
Hot Toys Wolverine *** 06/18/14
Hot Toys Iron Patriot Die Cast **** 06/16/14
Sideshow DC Catwoman ***1/2 06/04/14
Hot Toys Bruce Banner *** 05/14/14
Hot Toys 1966 Robin action figure ***1/2 05/07/14
Hot Toys Adam West Television Batman ***1/2 04/30/14
Modern Life VH01-GR Custom Head Sculpt *** 04/21/14
Hot Toys G.I. Joe Roadblock, The Rock **** 04/14/14
Hot Toys War Machine MKII Diecast ***1/2 04/11/14
Asmus LOTR Gothmog *** 04/02/14
Sideshow Deluxe Clone Troopers - Shiny, 501st, Veteran ***1/2 - **** 03/28/14
Sideshow DC Harley Quinn figure *** 03/14/14
Sideshow Star Wars General Grievous *** 03/03/14
Sideshow Star Wars Darth Vader Deluxe ***1/2 02/03/14
Hot Toys Man of Steel Superman ***1/2 01/29/14
Hot Toys The Crow Eric Draven **1/2 01/22/14
Hot Toys Tony Stark - the Mechanic ***1/2 01/17/14
Hot Toys Iron Man 3 Mandarin *** 01/08/14
Threezero Walking Dead Michonne's Pet Walkers ***1/2 01/06/14
Hot Toys Power Pose Iron Man MK XLII *** 12/20/13
Hot Toys Man of Steel Jor-El *** 12/20/13
Big Chief 4th Doctor Who Tom Baker figure ***1/2 12/11/13
Hot Toys DX14 1989 Batman Mime Joker ***1/2 11/27/13
Round 2 Wolverine, Iron Man, Captain Action Costume Sets *** - ***1/2 11/13/13
Hot Toys G.I. Joe Colton, Bruce Willis ***1/2 11/08/13
Hot Toys Iron Man MKVII, Hulk ***1/2 11/06/13
ACI Primates in Concrete Jungle ***1/2 10/21/13
Asmus LOTR Morgul Lord *** 10/14/13
Hot Toys Barney Ross Expendables 2 ***1/2 09/25/13
Sideshow Yoda ***1/2 09/23/13
Sideshow Joker ***1/2 09/18/13
Hot Toys Evil Superman ***1/2 08/30/13
Hot Toys City Hunter Predator *** 06/30/13
Hot Toys Avengers Hulk *** 08/28/13
Tamashii Nations C-3PO **** 06/26/13
Hot Toys Avengers Agent Coulson ***1/2 07/15/13
Big Chief Dr. Who Amy Pond **1/2 06/26/13
Hot Toys DX11 Joker ****+ 06/10/13
Hot Toys City Hunter Predator ***1/2 06/07/13
Hot Toys Avengers ***1/2 - ***3/4 05/31/13
Hot Toys Avengers Loki ***1/2 05/22/13
Blitzway Carlito's Way ***3/4 05/15/13
3A Toys Halo Carter ***1/2 05/13/13
Hot Toys TrueType TTM 20, 21, 22 **** 05/08/13
Hot Toys Avengers Black Widow ***1/2 04/29/13
Sideshow Padawan Obi-Wan **1/2 04/22/13
Factory Entertainment Yellow Submarine Beatles *** 04/19/13
Hot Toys Dark Knight Joker 2.0 DX11 **** 03/29/13
Hot Toys Bane *** 03/13/13
Hot Toys Bespin Luke Skywalker **** 03/08/13
Sideshow Snowtrooper **** 02/27/13
Round 2 Captain Action Dr. Evil *** 02/11/13
Hot Toys Iron Man MKI v2.0 **** 02/04/13
Hot Toys Iron Monger **** 02/01/13
Hasbro Star Wars Anakin Skywalker *1/2 01/28/13
Sideshow Star Wars Bossk **** 01/21/13
Hot Toys Avengers Fury/Hawkeye ***3/4 01/16/13
Hot Toys Samurai Predator *** 12/21/12
Hot Toys Iron Monger **** 12/12/12
Hot Toys Samurai Predator **** 12/03/12
Play Imaginative Alloy Jim Lee Batman ***1/2 12/03/12
Hot Toys Avengers Hawkeye ***1/2 11/28/12
Hot Toys T2 T-800 DX10 ***1/2 11/14/12
Hot Toys DKR Batman DX12 ***1/2 11/14/12
Sideshow Battle Droid and STAP ***1/2 11/09/12
Sideshow Tusken Raider ***1/2 11/07/12
Hot Toys Bepin Luke Skywalker ***1/2 11/05/12
Hot Toys Captain America, Red Skull ***1/4 - ***1/2 10/26/12
Hot Toys Pirates Angelica ***1/2 10/03/12
Hot Toys Lt. Jim Gordon ***1/2 10/01/12
Hot Toys TrueType 19 Muscle Body ***3/4 09/21/12
Enterbay RM-5 sixth scale body ***1/2 09/21/12
Storm Toys King of Boxing Final Round (Mike Tyson) ***1/2 09/19/12
Hot Toys Lt. Jim Gordon Dark Knight ***1/2 09/07/12
Big Chief Dr. Who *** 3/4 09/03/12
Hot Toys Jake Sully Avatar *** 08/24/12
Go Hero The Shadow **1/2 08/17/12
Hot Toys Nick Fury **** 08/13/12
Hot Toys Predators Noland ***1/2 08/09/12
Hot Toys Captain America Red Skull *** 07/27/12
Sideshow Star Wars Boba Fett *** 07/18/12
Enterbay Che Guevara ***3/4 07/16/12
Hot Toys Avatar jake Sully ***3/4 07/16/12
Hot Toys Sucker Punch Baby Doll ***3/4 07/04/12
Hot Toys Sucker Punch Amber ***1/2 06/22/12
Hot Toys Nicholson Joker ***3/4 06/08/12
Hot Toys Iron Man MKII Unleashed ***1/2 05/23/12
Hot Toys Classic Predator ***1/2 05/14/12
Hot Toys Babydoll ***3/4 05/14/12
Triad Toys Pantheon diorama *** 05/11/12
Hot Toys Predators Noland ***1/2 05/04/12
Enterbay Che Guevara **** 05/04/12
Hot Toys Nicholson Joker **** 05/02/12
Hot Toys Keaton Batman ***3/4 05/02/12
Sideshow Collectibles Tanis Map Room ***1/2 04/25/12
Triad Toys Boonetown Diorama **** 04/18/12
Hot Toys Captain America ***1/4 04/13/12
Triad Toys John Carter *** 03/30/12
Hot Toys Special Edition War Machine ***1/2 03/23/12
Round 2 Captain Action Spider-Man, Captain America sets *** 03/14/12
Round 2 Captain Action *** 03/12/12
Enterbay Scarface Respect & War *** - ***1/2 03/09/12
Hot Toys Indiana Jones ***1/2 02/24/12
Hot Toys Captain America ***1/2 02/24/12
Hot Toys Resident Evil Alice ***1/2 02/6/12
Sideshow IG-88 **** 02/3/12
Sideshow Star Wars Battle Droids ***1/2 01/27/12
Hot Toys Jack Sparrow DX06 **** 01/23/12
Hot Toys Bruce Lee Casual, Suit **** 01/23/12
Hot Toys 1989 Keaton Batman **** 01/16/12
Triad Toys Zorro *** 01/11/12
Kaustic Plastic Gladiators ***1/2 - **** 12/30/11
Sideshow Deluxe SandTrooper and Dewback ***1/2 12/23/11
Hot Toy Iron Man MKV ***3/4 12/19/11
Enterbay Leon the Professional ***1/2 12/19/11
Hot Toys Iron Man Mark V ***1/2 12/14/11
Sideshow Star Wars Figrin D'an ***1/2 12/09/11
Hot Toys Classic Predator - Predators **** 12/09/11
Hot Toys Tracker Predator and Hound ***1/2 12/05/11
Hot Toys Reeve Superman **** 11/25/11
Hot Toys New Goblin ***1/2 11/23/11
Hot Toys Captain America *** 11/11/11
Hot Toys Varney Ross ***1/2 11/11/11
Hot Toys Christopher Reeve Superman **** 11/04/11
Hot Toys Captain Jack Sparrow DX06 ***3/4 11/04/11
Hot Toys Indiana Jones DX05 ***1/2 - ***3/4 10/26/11
Triad Toys Dead Cell Jade ***1/2 10/21/11
Hot Toys Spider-Man 3 **** 10/19/11
ACI Toys Gladiator Flamma **** 10/12/11
Enterbay RM4-02 body **** 09/30/11
Hot Toys Shadow Predator exclusive ***1/2 09/30/11
Hot Toys Secret Project Iron Man exclusive ***1/4 09/28/11
Bits and Pieces horror accessories **** 09/21/11
Hot Toys Bruce Wayne, Batman exclusive ***1/2 09/21/11
Cast-A-Way Flash Gordon *** 09/14/11
DC Direct Deluxe Alan Scott Green Lantern *** 09/14/11
Hot Toys Tron Kevin Flynn **1/2 09/02/11
Hot Toys Michael Jackson Beat It ***1/2 09/02/11
Hot Toys Spider-Man 3 ***1/2 08/24/11
Hot Toys Battle Suit Jill Valentine ***1/2 08/19/11
Hot Toys Sweeney Todd ***1/2 08/17/11
Blitzway Scarface ***3/4 07/29/11
Hot Toys Platoon Sgt. Barnes **** 07/13/11
JCL Toys Moses ***1/2 07/01/11
Hot Toys Odin ***1/2 06/27/11
Hot Toys Odin ***1/4 06/27/11
Hot Toys Enter the Dragon Bruce Lee **** 06/22/11
Hot Toys Ghost Rider and Hell Cycle ***1/2 06/20/11
Hot Toys Thor ***1/2 06/17/11
Hot Toys Ghostrider and Hellcycle **** 06/17/11
Hot Toys Bruce Lee in Casual Wear *** 06/15/11
Hot Toys T-800 **** 06/03/11
Mattel DCU 12" Hal Jordan Green Lantern **1/2 05/25/11
Hot Toys Iron Man MK VI ***3/4 05/25/11
Hot Toys Platoon Barnes ***1/2 05/09/11
Hot Toys Falconer, Berserker Predators ***1/4 - ***3/4 03/30/11
Hot Toys Bruce Lee - Enter the Dragon **** 04/25/11
Hot Toys Terminator 2 T-1000 **** 04/13/11
Sideshow Sergeant Clone Trooper ***1/2 04/11/11
The Criminal Stone Cold Steve Austin *** 04/06/11
Triad Toys Firefight Triarama Diorama ***1/2 03/30/11
Hot Toys 10th Anniversary Friend **** 03/30/11
3A Toys Universal Popbot *** 3/4 03/23/11
Hot Toys Michael Jackson Beat It ***1/2 03/16/11
Sideshow Star Wars Yoda ***1/2 03/09/11
Hot Toys Expendables Barney Ross ***1/2 03/04/11
Hot Toys Expendables Barney Ross **** 03/04/11
Hot Toys Royce (Predators) **** 03/02/11
Hot Toys Terminator T-800 **** 02/23/11
Hot Toys Platoon Chris Taylor **** 02/23/11
Sideshow Star Wars Gamorrean Guard ***1/2 02/16/11
Sideshow Star Wars Momaw Nadon **** 02/16/11
Hot Toys Falconer Predator *** 02/14/11
DC Direct Deluxe Justice Batman *** 02/10/11
Hot Toys Iron Man Mark IV ***3/4 01/26/11
Hot Toys Resident Evil Biohazard Jill Valentine ***1/2 01/14/11
Triad Toys Barb Wire **1/2 01/12/11
Hot Toys Platoon Chris Taylor ***1/2 12/31/10
Triad Toys Dead Cell Dakota ***1/4 12/31/10
Hot Toys Michael Jackson Bad **** 12/27/10
Hot Toys Inglorious Basterds Hans Landa *** 12/13/10
Hot Toys Assassin's Creed Ezio **** 12/10/10
Hot Toys Berserker Predator ***1/2 12/06/10
Hot Toys War Machine **** 12/03/10
Hot Toys Hans Landa ***3/4 12/01/10
Hot Toys Prince of Persia Dastan *** 11/29/10
Hot Toys Guardian Predator **** 11/17/10
Hot Toys Predators Royce *** 11/15/10
Hot Toys Terminator T-1000 Sarah Connor disguise ***1/2 11/08/10
Hot Toys Iron Man 2 War Machine **** 11/03/10
Hot Toys Blade Abigail Whistler ***3/4 10/27/10
Mezco Kick-Ass, Hit-Girl 1/6th figures *** 10/20/10
Hot Toys TrueType comparison N/A 10/15/10
3A Toys Dropcloth **** 10/08/10
Hot Toys Michael Jackson Bad ***1/2 10/04/10
Triad Toys Gunn 4 Hire Tyrus ***3/4 10/01/10
Hot Toys Terminator T-1000 **** 09/27/10
Sideshow Emporer Palpatine *** 09/17/10
Hot Toys Space Adam Apexplorer **** 09/17/10
Hot Toys Clash of the Titans Perseus ***1/4 09/15/10
Triad Toys Ghost *** 09/13/10
Sideshow Star Wars Emperor Palpatine *** - ***1/2 09/10/10
Sideshow Star Wars Emperor Palpatine Throne **1/2 09/10/10
Enterbay Storm Warriors Sword set **** 09/01/10
Gentle Giant Jumbo Vintage Boba Fett ** 08/30/10
Mattel Ghostbusters 12 inch Winston Zeddemore *** 08/25/10
Hot Toys Iron Man 2 Black Widow *** 08/23/10
Hot Toys Iron Man Whiplash ***1/2 08/02/10
Kunch 24 Tony Almeida *** 08/02/10
Hot Toys T-800 **** 07/30/10
Sideshow Environments Shrine of Dagon, Temple of Anubix ***1/2 07/19/10
Hot Toys Aldo Raine **** 07/19/10
Amok Time NOTLD Ben **1/2 07/14/10
DC Direct Deluxe Poison Ivy **1/2 07/09/10
DiD T. Becker in SD Plain Clothes ***1/2 07/07/10
Hot Toys Kamui Gaiden **** 07/07/10
Hot Toys Iron Man Mech Test Tony Stark **** 06/30/10
Hot Toys Terminator 2 Sarah Connor ***1/2 06/28/10
Hot Toys Resident Evil S.T.A.R.S. Wesker, Redfield ***1/2 - ***3/4 06/25/10
A-Team Talking Hannibal *1/2 06/11/10
Day2Day Trading Dan Dare ***1/2 06/11/10
Spinmaster Last Airbender Ultimate Battle Aang ** 06/09/10
Hot Toys T-800 Terminator 2 **** 06/07/10
3A Toys Popbot Tomorrow King Heavy ***3/4 06/04/10
Hot Toys female bodies #28 **** 05/21/10
Hot Toys Astro Boy Sixth Scale Action Figure ***1/2 05/19/10
Hot Toys Inglorious Basterds Aldo Raine **** 05/10/10
Mattel Ghostbusters Peter Venkman *** 04/28/10
Hot Toys Mars Attacks ***3/4 04/28/10
Hot Toys Battle Damaged Iron Man **** 04/26/10
Triad Toys Triarama dioramas ***1/2 04/21/10
Dragon in Dream (DiD) Captain Miller ***1/2 04/21/10
Hot Toys King Leonidas 300 **** 04/14/10
Triad Toys Helga *** 04/12/10
Hot Toys Watchmen Comedian **** 04/07/10
Amoktime Horror of Party Beach, Sun Demon **1/2 - *** 04/05/10
Hot Toys Mars Attacks Martians ***1/2 03/31/10
Go Hero Skeleton Warriors *** 03/24/10
Hot Toys Watchmen Comedian *** 03/08/10
Hot Toys Silk Spectre Watchmen ***1/2 03/08/10
Hot Toys DX-02 Dark Knight Batman ***3/4 03/03/10
Hot Toys Final Damage John Connor ***3/4 03/01/10
Sideshow KOTCS Indiana Jones and Fridge **1/2 02/17/10
ZC Girls Muriel **** 02/17/10
Hot Toys Blade **** 02/12/10
Enterbay Dragonball Z Goku **1/2 02/10/10
Hot Toys Resident Evil Sheva, Wesker ***1/2 - **** 01/29/10
Hot Toys Big Chap Alien **** 01/29/10
Hot Toys Silk Spectre II **1/2 01/27/10
Mezco Dream Warrior Freddy *** 01/22/10
Sideshow Star Wars Admiral Thrawn with, without Chair *** - ***1/2 01/18/10
Hot Toys Wolverine **** 01/18/10
Hot Toys Thriller Michael Jackson ***1/2 01/04/10
Hot Toys Biohazard Sheva *** 01/04/10
Sideshow Star Wars Shock Trooper ***1/2 12/30/09
Mattel Superman II General Zod **1/2 12/23/09
Triad Toys Taki *** 12/21/09
Hot Toys DX-01 Joker - Cop Version ***1/2 12/18/09
Sideshow Rebel Fleet Trooper **1/2 12/18/09
Hot Toys DX-01 Joker **** 12/16/09
Hot Toys Goemon Saizo & Chacha ***1/2 12/16/09
Sideshow Reactor Station Alpha environment **1/2 12/11/09
Hot Toys Chris Redfield ***1/2 12/09/09
Sideshow Indiana Jones Professor Jones ***1/2 - **** 12/02/09
Hot Toys Terminator T-600 variants **** 12/02/09
Sideshow Recon at Waypoint diorama *** 11/30/09
Hot Toys Terminator John Connor **** 11/30/09
Sideshow Lando Calrissian *** 11/20/09
Hot Toys TrueType body comparison N/A 11/18/09
Kunch 24 season 5 outfit ***1/4 11/16/09
Sideshow German Disguise Indiana Jones *** 11/13/09
Hasbro Marvel Universe Captain America, Skrull **1/2-*** 11/09/09
Hot Toys Terminator Salvation Marcus Wright **** 11/06/09
Hot Toys Silly Thing Iron Man **** 10/30/09
Mattel Ghostbusters 12 inch Ray Stantz ***1/2 10/28/09
Hot Toys Dark Knight DX-01 Joker **** 10/19/09
Hot Toys Goemon Ishikawa ***1/2 10/16/09
Hot Toys T-600 with Weathered Skin **** 10/14/09
Enterbay Godfather **** 10/02/09
Hot Toys Marcus Wright Terminator: Salvation ***1/2 09/30/09
Amoktime Barbra, Blood of Dracula, Maureen Robinson ** - **1/2 09/28/09
Triad Toys Josh Randall ***1/2 09/28/09
Hot Toys Endoskeletons ***1/2 09/23/09
Hot Toys John Connor, T-600 **** 09/21/09
Hot Toys Planet of the Apes ***1/2 - **** 09/18/09
Go Hero Buck Rogers **** 09/16/09
DC Direct Deluxe Watchmen ** - *** 09/16/09
Amoktime Boris Karloff *** 09/11/09
Hasbro G.I. Joe Rise of Cobra *** - ***1/2 09/02/09
Hot Toys Gorilla Soldier (Planet of the Apes) ***1/2 08/28/09
Hot Toys The Spirit Silken Floss **** 08/28/09
Sideshow Indiana Jones Toht Exclusive (Ark) and Regular **1/2 - *** 08/26/09
Sideshow Darth Vader *** 08/21/09
Hot Toys Dark Knight Batman Tumbler ***1/2 08/17/09
Triad Toys Wanted Dead or Alive Josh Randall *** 08/12/09
Hot Toys The Spirit and the Octopus *** - **** 08/05/09
Enterbay sixth scale body 3.5 **** 07/31/09
Hot Toys Terminator T-700 Diorama ***1/2 07/20/09
Hot Toys Iron Man Mark I **** 07/20/09
Sideshow Star Wars Darth Vader ***1/2 07/15/09
ZC Girls Rosanna ***3/4 07/13/09
Hot Toys Iron Man Mark I **** 07/10/09
Hot Toys Hellboy and Abe Sapien ***1/2 07/08/09
Medicom Young Indiana Jones ** 07/06/09
Toys McCoy Indiana Jones **** 07/06/09
Hot Toys Predator 1 **** 07/03/09
Hot Toys Billy, Dutch and Predator *** - ***1/2 06/29/09
Enterbay Bruce Lee Kato ***3/4 06/26/09
Hot Toys Godfather (MWC review) **** 06/24/09
Hot Toys Godfather (Parker review) **** 06/24/09
Hot Toys Godfather (Karnis review) **** 06/24/09
Kunch Jack Bauer season 7 outfit *** 06/19/09
Hot Toys Two Face, Harvey Dent ***1/2 06/15/09
Medicom Star Wars Han Solo *** 06/15/09
Sideshow G.I. Joe Snake Eyes *** 06/12/09
Triad Toys Lola ***1/2 06/10/09
Hot Toys Hellboy Abe Sapien ***1/2 06/08/09
Hot Toys Predator Billy and Dutch *** - ***3/4 06/03/09
Hot Toys Hellboy ***1/2 06/01/09
Enterbay Mr. Bean ***1/2 05/29/09
Hot Toys Men's Suit (Tony Stark Iron Man) **1/2 05/27/09
Takara Kerberos Kia Tesurou ***1/2 05/25/09
Hot Toys Edward Scissorhands ***1/2 05/20/09
Sideshow Star Wars Utapau Clone Trooper ***1/2 05/018/09
Hot Toys Michael Jackson ***1/2 05/13/09
Hot Toys Iron Man MKII Exclusive **** 05/04/09
Hot Toys Iron Man Mark II **** 04/29/09
Enterbay Jack Bauer ***1/2 04/24/09
Hot Toys Iron Man Mark III **** 04/20/09
Hot Toys Hellboy ***1/2 04/20/09
Playmates Star Trek 12 inch Kirk and Spock **1/2 - *** 04/17/09
Hasbro sixth scale Indiana Jones in German Disguise *** 04/17/09
ZC Girls Bank Robber Carol *** 04/13/09
Sideshow The Dead Harbinger (Subject 2221) *** 04/03/09
Triad Toys Witness Security Protection Agent Indigo *** 03/25/09
Enterbay David Palmer and Jack Bauer (24) *** - ***1/2 03/20/09
Hot Toys Secret Service ERT male and female figures ***3/4 03/20/09
Sideshow Star Wars Imperial Stormtrooper ***1/2 03/09/09
DC Direct Watchmen deluxe Dr. Manhattan (13") **1/2 03/06/09
Hot Toys James Dean ***3/4 03/02/09
Sideshow Collectibles Indiana Jones Fertility Idol Environment ***1/2 02/25/09
Hasbro Marvel Legends Icons **1/2 - *** 02/23/09
Sideshow Indiana Jones Belloq **1/2 02/20/09
Hot Toys Iron Man MK III **** 02/18/09
Enterbay Fist of Fury Bruce Lee ***3/4 02/09/09
Hot Toys Secret Service Agent *** 02/04/09
Hot Toys Lost Predator ***1/2 01/26/09
Hot Toys Dog Alien **** 01/23/09
Sideshow Star Wars Captain Antilles *** 01/23/09
Hot Toys Dark Knight Harvey Dent/Two Face *** 3/4 01/23/09
Hot Toys Dark Knight Bank Robber Joker **** 01/21/09
Hot Toys Dark Knight Bank Robber Joker **** 01/16/09
Hot Toys Dark Knight Batman Bat Pod **** 01/16/09
Hot Toys Dark Knight Bat Pod ***1/2 01/14/09
ZC Girls Janice ***1/2 01/12/09
Hot Toys Royals and Blues **** 12/26/08
Sideshow Ki-Adi-Mundi **1/2 12/22/08
Sideshow Indiana Jones ***1/2 11/26/08
Custom Rod Serling action figure ***1/2 11/21/08
Sideshow Tomb Raider Lara Croft ** 11/19/08
Medicom Clone Trooper Captain (Star Wars) *** 11/14/08
Sideshow Lord of the Rings Gandalf ***1/2 11/07/08
DC Direct Deluxe Green Lantern Corps ***1/2 11/03/08
Hot Toys She Predator Machiko ***1/2 11/03/08
Hot Toys Alien Kane, Dallas ***1/2 - **** 10/27/08
Hot Toys Dark Knight Batman (new suit) **** 10/27/08
Medicom Indiana Jones Professor Jones Sr ***1/2 10/24/08
Sideshow Star Wars Clone Armor Obi-Wan Kenobi **** 10/20/08
Amok Time I Was a Teenage Frankenstein, Werewolf **1/2 - *** 10/10/08
Hot Toys 75th Ranger ***3/4 10/10/08
Mezco Friday the 13th part VII Jason ***1/2 10/08/08
Hot Toys M-Icon Wong Ka Kui *** 3/4 10/06/08
McFarlane 12 inch Halo blue Spartan **** 10/03/08
Amok Time Night of the Living Dead Cemetary Zombie *** 09/29/08
Amoktime Invasion of the Saucer Men ***1/2 09/22/08
Hot Toys Appleseed Tereus ***1/2 09/17/08
Lanard Ultra Corp Plague *** 09/15/08
Medicom Star Wars Shocktrooper **** 09/12/08
Triad Toys Otaku sixth scale female body *** 09/05/08
Hot Toys TrueType male sixth scale body N/A 09/05/08
Hot Toys Dark Knight Joker, Batman ***1/2 - **** 08/29/08
Hot Toys Dark Knight Batman and Joker **** - ***1/2 08/25/08
Amoktime Gort/Klaatu(Day the Earth Stood Still) *** 08/22/08
DC Direct 13" Deluxe Joker *** 08/20/08
Sideshow Aayla Secura (Star Wars) *** 08/06/08
Hot Toys Rocky III *** 08/04/08
Hasbro Indiana Jones 12" Ark ***1/2 08/01/08
Sideshow Episode IV Luke Skywalker *** 07/25/08
Hot Toys AvP Predator Cleaner ***1/2 07/18/08
Hot Toys Marlon Brando ***1/2 07/14/08
Medicom Wicket (Star Wars) ** 07/04/08
Sideshow Collectibles Tatooine Han Solo *** 07/02/08
Hot Toys Davy Jones and Cannibal Jack Sparrow *** - **** 06/30/08
DC Direct Deluxe Dark Knight Batman, Joker ** - ***1/2 06/23/08
Sideshow Shaun of the Dead ** - **1/2 06/20/08
Sideshow Lord of the Rings Frodo and Sam ***1/2 - **** 06/16/08
Hot Toys Pirates of the Caribbean Will Turner ***1/2 06/06/08
Hot Toys James Dean ***1/2 06/06/08
DC Direct Deluxe Bizarro *** 05/30/08
Hot Toys Davy Jones ***1/2 05/30/08
Mattel Dark Knight 12" Batman *** 05/21/08
Hasbro G.I. Joe Indiana Jones **1/2 05/16/08
Mattel Action Cape Batman (Dark Knight) *** 05/12/09
Medicom Kamen (masked) Riders V3 *** 05/12/09
Hasbro 12" Indiana Jones German, Swordsman ** - *** 05/07/08
DC Direct 13" Deluxe Green Arrow *** 04/30/08
Hot Toys Cannibal Jack and Will Turner ***1/2 - **** 04/30/08
Hasbro 12" Indiana Jones (whipping, talking) **1/2 - *** 04/28/08
Dragon in Dream Masamune ***1/2 04/18/08
Sideshow Imperial Commander Praji (Star Wars) *** 04/11/08
Peril Unlimited Bloody Betty (Zombie) ***1/2 04/09/08
Hasbro Repulsor Iron Man **1/2 03/28/08
Medicom Venom Punisher ***1/2 03/21/06
Hot Toys Resident Evil Ganado *** 03/14/08
Medicom Darth Maul **1/2 03/12/08
Hot Toys AvP:R Warrior Alien ***3/4 03/10/08
Sideshow Ilum Padme Amidala *** 03/07/08
Hot Toys Resident Evil Krauser ***1/4 03/03/08
Mattel DCU 12" Killer Croc *** 02/27/09
Hot Toys AvP:R Wolf Predator ***1/2 02/20/08
DC Direct 13" Deluxe Robin *** 02/15/08
Hot Toys Alien vs Predator PredAlien ***1/2 02/15/08
DST 24 Jack Bauer 12" ** 02/13/08
Hot Toys Resident Evil Leon(s) ***1/2 02/13/08
Hot Toys Battle Damaged Predator 2 **** 02/08/08
Sideshow Senator Palpatine, Darth Sidious ***1/2 02/06/08
Medicom 501st Clone Trooper ***1/2 01/28/08
Hot Toys Prison Break Street Clothes Edition ***1/2 01/28/08
Hot Toys Appleseed Deunan and Briareos ***1/2 01/23/08
Sixth scale swords, machine gun, flintlock *** 01/18/08
Hot Toys Superman, Clark Kent, Jor-El ***1/2 - **** 01/16/08
Sideshow ANH Obi-Wan Kenobi **** 01/11/08
Hot Toys POTC Elizabeth Swann, Sao Feng v2 ***1/2 - **** 12/26/07
Medicom RAH Jango Fett ***1/2 12/24/07
Hot Toys First Blood Rambo (M65 version) ***1/2 12/19/07
DC Direct 13" Deluxe Batgirl(s) **1/2 - *** 12/17/07
Sideshow Princess Leia, Bespin Luke **1/2 - ***1/2 12/10/07
Hot Toys First Blood Rambo **** 12/10/07
Hot Toys Elder Predator (Predator 2) **** 12/03/07
DC Direct 13" Classic Batman *** 11/30/07
Medicom RAH Jango Fett *** 11/30/07
Enterbay Way of the Dragon Bruce Lee ***1/2 11/26/07
Medicom/Marmit Boba Fett comparison N/A 11/07/07
Medicom Jack Bauer *** 10/31/07
DC Direct 13" Deluxe Nightwing **1/2 10/24/07
Hot Toys Aliens Power Loader, Ripley **** 10/24/07
Hot Toys Prison Break ***1/2 10/19/07
Marvel Icons Silver Surfer and Human Torch *** - ***1/2 10/17/07
Hot Toys Predator 2 **** 10/12/07
Hasbro Marvel Icons Cyclops and Magneto **1/2 10/5/07
Hot Toys Rocky and Ivan Drago *** - ***1/2 10/3/07
Medicom RAH Boba Fett ***1/2 09/28/07
Hot Toys Jack Sparrow and Sao Feng **** 09/24/07
Medicom RAH Boba Fett ***1/2 09/21/07
Sideshow Star Wars Dejarik Holochess set ***1/2 09/17/07
Hot Toys Terminator 2 Endoskeleton ***1/2 09/06/07
Hot Toys First Blood Rambo *** 08/31/07
Sideshow Asajj Ventress (Star Wars) ***1/2 08/20/07
Hot Toys Warrior Alien **** 08/20/07
DC Direct 13" Catwoman *** 08/15/07
Hot Toys Jack Sparrow, Sao Feng *** - **** 08/13/07
Mattel 12" Cyborg Superman *** 07/30/07
Sideshow The Dead Subject 5 (Zombie) ***1/2 07/06/07
Sideshow Lord of the Rings Faramir *** 06/25/07
Medicom RAH Spawn **** 06/18/07
Medicom Sandtrooper ***1/2 06/11/07
DC Direct 13" Deluxe Martian Manhunter **1/2 06/04/07
Sideshow Star Wars Celebration (Yavin) Luke Skywalker *** 06/01/07
Hot Toys T-800 Endoskeleton **** 05/30/07
New Line Miniatures German High Top Jump Boots ***1/2 05/23/07
Sideshow Terminator Sarah Connor *** 05/18/07
Ignite Napoleon Bonaparte *** 05/16/07
Medicom Blade ***3/4 05/09/07
Tonner Harry Potter, Hermione and Ron *** 05/04/07
Zizzle Pirates of the Caribbean World's End Sao Feng **1/2 05/02/07
Peril Unlimited 12" Zombie Army Builder ***1/2 04/30/07
Takara Keberos Panzer Koshiramaru **** 04/23/07
Sideshow Star Wars Military Endor Rebel Troops ***1/2 04/20/07
Hasbro Marvel Legends Icons Punisher, Doom **1/2 - *** 04/06/07
Medicom RAH Ghost Rider ***1/2 04/04/07
Hot Toys Aliens Ripley, Hudson, Drake ***1/2 04/02/07
Sideshow LOTR Boromir ***1/2 03/14/07
Action Mount Display Stand *** 02/28/07
Dr. Figures Heat Deniro **** 02/23/07
Sideshow Jabba the Hutt ***1/2 02/21/07
Medicom Jack Sparrow **** 02/21/07
Medicom VCD Yoda ***1/2 02/19/07
Sideshow Terminator T-1000 ***1/2 exclusive, *1/2 non-exclusive 02/14/07
Sideshow Angel Lorne ***1/2 02/09/07
Sideshow Legolas *** 02/07/07
Ignite's Signifer (Caesar's Legion) *** 02/02/07
Medicom Stormtrooper ***1/2 01/31/07
Medicom Fullmetal Alchemist Edward Elric ***1/2 01/29/07
Medicom VCD Yoda *** 01/29/07
Hasbro Ultimate Ghost Rider, Flame Cycle **** 01/22/07
Hot Toys Firefighter **** 01/22/07
Hasbro Marvel Legends Icons Thor ***1/2 01/17/07
Sideshow Star Wars Bib Fortuna ***1/2 01/10/07
12" Monkey King ***1/2 01/08/07
Sideshow 12" Darth Maul (Star Wars) **** 12/18/06
Enterbay 12" Bruce Lee (Game of Death) ***1/2 12/15/06
Product Enterprise Lt. Gay Ellis (UFO) ***3/4 12/11/06
Sideshow You're Welcome Cordelia (Angel) *** 12/04/06
Hot Toys Alien **** 11/29/06
Hot Toys Robocop ED-209 ***1/2 11/13/06
Mcfarlane 12" Military Paratrooper *** 11/08/06
Medicom X-Men Last Stand Wolverine **** 11/01/06
Mcfarlane Toys 12" Mandarin Spawn ***1/2 10/27/06
DC Direct Deluxe Two-Face **1/2 10/25/06
Action Trend 12" Jet Li from Hero *** 10/25/06
Character Options Dr.Who Cyber Leader *** 10/23/06
Sideshow Lord of the Rings Aragorn *** 10/20/06
Mattel 12" DC Superheroes Batman ** 10/18/06
DC Direct Deluxe 13" Batman *** 10/09/06
Toynami Popbox Macross 12" Hikaru Ichijo *** 09/29/06
DiD 101st Airborne Ricky Foster ***3/4 09/29/06
Sideshow Star Wars Mace Windu ***1/2 09/25/06
Sideshow Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi ***1/2 09/20/06
Sideshow Star Wars Qui-Gon Jinn ***1/2 09/15/06
Medicom Rocketeer version 2.0 ***3/4 09/08/06
Toybiz Marvel Studios Dr. Doom *** 09/06/06
Sideshow Star Wars Bespin Han Solo *** 08/30/06
Sideshow Anakin Skywalker - SDCC exclusive *** 08/25/06
Toybiz Marvel Legends Icons Venom ***1/2 08/23/06
Hot Toys Rambo (First Blood II) **** 08/23/06
Hot Toys 12" Robocop **** 08/21/06
Takara Batman ***3/4 08/18/06
Zizzle 12" Will Turner (Pirates of the Caribbean) *** 08/14/06
Medicom RAH Wolverine *** 08/07/06
Product Enterprise 12" Avengers in color ***3/4 08/02/06
Takara 12" Batman Begins ***1/2 07/31/06
Takara 12" Cool Girls Catwoman ***1/2 07/26/06
Hot Toys 12" Batman Begins ***1/2 07/26/06
Sideshow Star Wars Kit Fisto ***1/2 07/17/06
Hot Toys Superman Returns ***1/2 07/12/06
Toybiz Marvel Legends Icons Wolverine ***1/2 07/10/06
Medicom 12" Symbiote Spider-Man ***1/2 07/05/06
Sideshow Highlander Kurgan *** 07/05/06
Dragons in Dreams 12" WWII Helmut Thorvald **** 06/28/06
Kotobukiya Snowtrooper ***1/2 06/23/06
Sideshow 12" Anakin Skywalker ***1/2 06/16/06
Sideshow 12" Anakin Skywalker *** 06/12/06
CRM Toys Clockwork Orange Alex *** 05/22/06
Hot Toys Vietnam Navy Seals *** - ***1/2 05/10/06
Mattel Superman Returns 13" Hyperposeable Superman *** 05/08/06
Hot Toys 12" Scar Predator **** 04/24/06
DC Direct 13" Superman ***1/2 04/17/06
Medicom ROTS Darth Vader ***3/4 04/10/06
Sideshow Buffy, Angel Vampire Darla *** 04/07/06
Manitou Free Traders Captain Clark *** 03/29/06
Sideshow Jedi Luke Skywalker ***1/2 03/27/06
Manitou Free Traders Corps of Discovery Charbonneau **1/2 03/17/06
Hasbro 12" Voice FX G.I. Joe Duke **** 03/03/06
Majestic Abominable Doctor Phibes **** 02/27/06
Majestic Studios Dark Shadows Barnabas Collins ***1/2 02/17/06
Sideshow 12" Origins Connor Macleod (Highlander) ***1/2 02/13/06
Gentle Giant 12" Willy Wonka *** 02/08/06
Mcfarlane 12" Scar Predator *** 02/06/06
Hard Hero Namor the Sub-Mariner statue ***1/2 02/03/06
Toybiz rotocast 12" Green Goblin **** 02/03/06
Medicom 12" Batman Begins *** 01/27/06
12" Remote Control Dalek ***1/2 01/27/06
Hot Toys 12" Corporal Hicks **** 01/20/06
Sideshow 12" George Washington ***1/2 01/18/06
Sideshow Jason Goes to Hell *** 01/11/06
Medicom Stormtrooper **** 12/28/05
Ignite Roman Vexillarious *** 12/23/05
CRM Toys Jack Torrance (The Shining) **** 12/09/05
Sideshow 12" Metaluna Mutant **** 12/05/05
12" Talking Scarface ***1/2 11/21/05
Dust Anastasia and Unmensch update *** 11/16/05
Hot Toys 12" Kyle Reese (Terminator) ***1/4 11/04/05
12" Roman Imperial Legionary *** 10/07/05
12" George Lucas (the Director) ***1/2 10/07/05
Highlander Connor Macleod ***1/2 09/26/05
Planet of the Apes General Ursus ***3/4 09/26/05
Real Action Heroes 12" Godzilla ***1/2 09/16/05
12" Hot Toys Terminator T-800 ***1/2 09/12/05
Conquest of the Planet of the Apes ***1/2 09/07/05
Cy Girls 12" Midori Washio ***1/2 09/05/05
Sideshow 12" General Custer **** 08/31/05
Marmit Boba Fett *** 08/29/05
12" Beneath the Planet of the Apes Prisoner Taylor ***3/4 08/26/05
K-9 Corp Malice and Eclipse *** 08/24/05
Kotobukiya 12" Boba Fett ***1/2 08//22/05
12" Jason Part 7 **** 08/19/05
12" Astronaut Brent (Beneath the Planet of the Apes) ***1/4 08/15/05
12" Slave Brent (Beneath the Planet of the Apes) ***3/4
Medicom 12" RAH Darth Vader ***1/2 08/01/05
Dust Unmensch Experiment 1 (Zombie!) ***1/2 07/29/05
Ignite's Greek Hoplite **!/2 07/13/05
X-Files John Doggett (Sideshow Exclusive) ***1/2 06/24/05
Medicom James Bond **1/2 06/20/05
DC Direct Batman Begins ** 06/13/05
12" Medicom Trinity **1/2 06/03/05
12" Slave Taylor/Nova ***1/2 06/01/05
12" Shaak Ti and General Grievous **1/2 - ***1/2 05/20/05
12" Fantastic Four Sue and Johnny Storm *** 05/18/05
12" Invisible Man **** 05/16/05
Medicom 12" Neo *** 05/06/05
Ignite Viking Bowman ***1/2 05/04/05
Battlestar Galactica Cylon and Apollo *** 04/25/05
12" Z.M.D.C. Camo Trooper ***1/2 04/22/05
12" Darth Sidious **1/2 04/20/05
12" Gold Cylon **** 04/20/05
12" German Knight circa 1290 (Ignite) *** 04/15/05
Batman Begins Action Cape 13" Batman *** 04/11/05
12" T-X ***1/2 04/11/05
12" TX-850 from Popsalute ***1/2 04/08/05
12" Hunchback of Notre Dame ***1/2 03/28/05
12" Jason part 6 ***1/2 03/23/04
Robert Englund as Freddy Kruger *** 03/14/05
X-Files (Millennium) Frank Black **1/2 03/09/05
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 12" Willow **1/2 02/28/05
Realm of the Rodent Otak ***1/2 02/23/05
Christopher Lee as Dracula ***1/2 02/16/04
12" Astronaut Taylor (POTA) ***1/2 02/14/02
12" Medicom Jedi Luke Skywalker ***1/2 02/14/02
Thunderball James Bond *** 02/07/05
Medicom 12" Alien **1/2 02/04/05
12" Pamela Voorhees ** - **1/2 01/31/05
Xboy2 12" Fashion Figures (DiD) *** 01/31/05
Sideshow Planet of the Apes Ape Enforcer and Maruader *** 01/17/05
New Nightmare Freddy Krueger *** 01/14/05
Sideshow Van Helsing Anna Valorious ***1/2 01/14/05
X-Files Cigarette Smoking Man ***1/2 01/12/05
Cornelius and Zira - 12" POTA *** - ***1/2 12/29/04
Dr. Zaius - Regular and Exclusive **1/2 - *** 12/17/04
Ronald Reagan *** 12/17/04
12" Pawnee Warrior *** 12/08/04
12" Jason from Part 2 *** 12/01/04
bbi 12" U2 Pilot **** 12/01/04
12" Hot Toys James Dean ***1/2 11/29/04
Medicom Edward Scissorhands 12" ***1/2 11/10/04
James Bond Alec Trevelyan *** 11/03/04
Toys McCoy Marilyn Monroe ***1/2 11/03/04
General Ulysses S. Grant ***1/2 10/25/04
Ignite Knight of Outremer ***1/2 10/15/04
12" 60's and 80's Andy Warhol ***1/2 10/15/04
Dragon 12" Barbarians - Attilla and Olaf ***1/2 09/24/04
12" Ardeth Bey ***1/2 09/08/04
Sideshow X-Files Scully and Mulder ***1/2 09/01/04
VOTC 12" Boba Fett and Stormtrooper ***1/2 09/01/04
Sideshow 12" Abe Sapian (Hellboy) **1/2 08/20/04
DiD 12" Lord of the Rings - Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas *** 08/09/04
12" Nazi Kroenen (SDCC Exclusive) ***1/2 07/30/04
Aoshima 12" Terminator T-800 Endoskeleton **** 07/28/04
12" Faith **1/2 07/14/04
Sideshow 12" Van Helsing *** 07/02/04
Sideshow 12" Hellboy **1/2 06/25/04
Sideshow James Bond - Scaramanga *** 06/25/04
G.I. Joe Secret of Planet Xenome *** 05/24/04
12" Kroenen (Hellboy) ***1/2 05/21/04
12" Mr. Hyde ***1/2 05/10/04
12" Spike *** 04/28/04
Outer Limits Andro and Helosian *** 04/21/04
12" Freddy vs. Jason ***1/2 - **** 04/16/04
12" Van Helsing (Jakk's) ** - **1/2 04/12/04
12" Vlad the Impaler ***1/2 04/07/04
12" Viking II *** 03/19/04
12" Buffy and Angel *** 03/15/04
12" Aussie Lighthorseman *** 03/05/04
12" Jawas and Garindan *** 03/03/04
Live by the Sword Blackbeard ***1/2 02/30/04
Dog Soldiers Viking *** 02/20/04
Cy Girls Ice and Asuka *** 02/16/04
General Pershing ***1/2 01/26/04
Timeline 12" Lord Arnaut ***1/2 01/09/04
Hot Toys U.S. Navy Seal Night Ops Jumper ***1/2 01/09/04
bbi George W. Bush ** 01/09/04
bbi Bloody Rose ***1/2 12/31/03
Michael Myers **1/2 12/22/03
12" Leatherface *** 12/10/03
12" Brett Favre *** 12/10/03
Cy Girl Electra ***1/2 12/05/03
12" Battle of the Planets Jason *** 12/01/03
12" Vampire Hunter D *** 11/28/03
12" Creature from the Black Lagoon *** 11/26/03
Jaws (James Bond) *** 11/05/03
Hannibal Lector Custom Head (Andgor) *** 11/05/03
12" Jeepers Creepers *** 10/31/03
12" Return of the Fly ***1/2 10/27/03
12" Freddy Krueger *** 10/06/03
Cutey Honey *** 10/03/03
General Stonewall Jackson ***1/2 09/17/03
Cy Girl Destiny **** 09/15/03
Shi ***1/2 08/29/03
Ignite's Crusader and Viking ***1/2 08/26/03
Power Team Peacekeeper Ranger *** 08/26/03
James Bond Oddjob *** 07/30/03
12" AT-ST Driver, Skiff Disguise Lando ***1/2 07/16/03
The Man With The Golden Gun Bond *** 07/14/03
Sixth Scale Grail Diary (Indiana Jones) ***1/2 07/04/03
12" Moleman *** 06/23/03
12" Indiana Jones (Sovereign Studios) **** 06/23/03
Werewolf of London ***1/2 06/16/02
12" S-mart Ash *** 04/30/03
The Creature Walks Among Us *** 04/14/04
Monty Python Bridgekeeper ***1/2 04/14/04
12" Tony Hawk ***1/2 03/28/03
Storm Cloud - Action Figure Movie N/A 03/21/03
G.I. Joe vs. Cobra - SpyTroops  *** 03/21/03
Marvel Studios Blade II **1/2 03/14/03
12" Mummy **1/2 03/10/03
Construction Jack Plumber, Carpenter **1/2 03/07/03
Construction Jack Painter Collectors **1/2
Kids ***1/2
Ignite's Roman Gladiator ***1/2 01/31/03
Cy Girl Aurora ***1/2 01/29/03
Ignite's Napoleon Imperial Guard ***1/2 01/15/03
O.H.M.S.S Bond and Blofeld ***1/2 01/15/03
Drastic Plastic Custer ***1/2 01/10/03
Platoon **** 01/08/03
Brosnan Bond - Die Another Day ***1/2 01/08/03
Drastic Plastic Franklin Roosevelt **** 12/27/02
Monty Python French Taunter *** 12/13/02
Monty Python Holy Grail Knights (muddy) *** 11/22/02
Metal Gear Solid *** 11/22/02
12" Rocketeer **** 11/15/02
TTT 12" Ringwraith *** 11/13/02
Mask of the Red Death ***1/2 11/04/02
Apollo Astronaut Buck **** 10/18/02
Monty Python Tim the Enchanter and the Dead Collector ***1/2, **** 10/11/02
TZ Gremlin (Nightmare at 20,000 Feet) *** 10/09/02
Kanamit ***1/2 10/02/02
Coldstream Guard ***1/2 09/27/02
bbi U.S. Fireman ***1/2 09/18/02
James Bond/Dr. No ***1/2 09/11/02
Vincent Price from The Raven *** 09/09/02
12" Ki Adi Mundi *** 09/04/02
Count Dooku ***1/2 09/02/02
12" Zam Wesell ** 08/28/02
Outer Limits Ikar and Ikar's Soldier ***1/2 08/16/02
Twilight Zone Eye of the Beholder ***1/2 07/31/02
AFP's Dectective Series ** 07/26/02
Richard Marcinko ***1/2 07/22/02
12" Lord of the Rings Series 2 **1/2, ***, **** 07/19/02
Hogan's Heroes ***1/2, ***1/2, *** 07/17/02
bbi Lucifer ***1/2 07/15/02
Sideshow Custer and Crazy Horse ***1/2 07/15/02
Sideshow 12" Custer ***1/2 07/08/02
King of the Fighters Mia Shiranui *1/2 06/28/02
Sideshow 12" Ash (Army of Darkness) *** 06/26/02
Outer Limits Gwyllm and Ebonite Interrogator ****, ***1/2 06/10/02
Ultimate Jango Fett *** 05/29/02
Bride of Frankenstein ***1/2 05/25/02
Patsy ** 05/25/02
12" Movie Spiderman **1/2 05/06/02
Buffalo Soldier *** 05/03/02
Dark Crystal ***1/2 05/01/02
12" AOTC Mace Windu **1/2 04/29/02
AOTC 12" Clone Trooper ** 04/15/02
Brotherhood of Arms Series 2 ***1/2 04/10/02
Hasbro IDF Soldier *** 04/03/02
Dragon Kent *** 04/03/02
Barbed Wire and Bayonets Series 1 ***1/2 03/29/02
Cy Girls Nikki *** 03/04/02
Leaders of WWII - Adolf Hitler **** 02/25/02
Combat Assault Raft ***1/2 02/22/02
BMW R1200C Motorcycle ***1/2 02/15/02
Mad Bomber *** 02/08/02
Army Ranger SAWS Gunner ***1/2 02/01/02
Six Gun Legends Series 1 **** 01/25/02
Monty Python and the Holy Grail **1/2-*** 01/25/02
Renfield *** 01/23/02
Bela Lugosi as the Gypsy ***1/2 01/21/02
Svetlana **** 01/15/02
Timeless Collection Green Beret *** 01/10/02
G.I. Joe Police Officer *** 01/08/02
Ghost in the Shell ***1/2 01/02/02
Three Frankensteins (Lugosi, Chaney, Strange) *** 12/26/01
12" Luke/Yoda **1/2 12/24/01
Larry Talbot ***1/2 12/7/01
Rev Bem (Andromeda) *** 12/5/01
Secret of the Mummy's Tomb ***1/2 12/3/01
Murder Legendre **** 11/30/01
12" Fritz ***1/2 11/19/01
12" Stone Cold Steve Austin **1/2 11/14/01
12" Lord of the Rings ***1/2 11/09/01
12" Dragon Biohazard Chris and Claire *** 11/09/01
Sideshow 12" Dracula ***1/2 10/24/01
R. Lee Ermey *** 10/22/01
Going Turbo Max Steele and Vitriol *** 10/17/01
12" Mr. Blonde - Reservoir Dogs *** 10/15/01
Ertl Bass Fisherman ***1/2 8/26/01
London After Midnight ***1/2 8/17/01
12" Apache Warrior *** 8/15/01
12" Phantom of the Opera ***1/2 8/13/01
12" Jane Proudfoot *** 8/10/01
12" Morpheus *1/2 8/8/01
Sideshow 12" Vampyre ***1/2 7/30/01
Young Frankenstein ***1/2 7/20/01
12" Attar from POTA ** 7/3/01
Cy Girl Blaze **** 6/27/01
12" Motorcycle Gear Lara Croft *1/2 6/4/01
Sideshow 12" Buffy/Gentlemen *** 6/1/01
Boris the Enforcer **1/2 5/14/01
F15 Pilot "Viper" **** 5/7/01
Cy Girl Shadow ***1/2 4/27/01
12" Figure Stands ***1/2 4/20/01
A.J. McLeod (Cy-Girl) **** 4/9/01
Matilda ***1/2 3/30/01
12" Spinal Tap ***1/2 3/12/01
Yamato 12" Hanna *** 3/5/02
Northern Cheyenne Warrior *** 3/02/01
SOTW 12" Navy Advisor Junk Force *** 2/26/01
12" Tarpals, Kaadu *** 2/21/01
12" Wolfman (Sideshow Toy) ***1/2 2/17/01
12" Sheriff Jim *** 2/15/01
12" TC-14 **1/2 12/31/00
Carlos from BBI **** 12/27/00
12" Sith Lords **1/2 12/25/00
12" Marmit Boba Fett ***1/2 12/20/00
Scar from Blue Box **** 12/18/00
U.S. Navy Corpsman *** 12/13/00
12" Fireman from 21st Century ***1/2 12/01/00
Sideshow Toy 12" Frankenstein Monster ***1/2 11/24/00
Junkyard Jack **1/2 11/3/00
12" Sebulba *** 10/27/00
Yamato Western 12" Figures *** 10/16/00
12" Maul, Sith Speeder *** 10/13/00
Dragons' RCMP John Steele ***1/2 9/18/00
12" Stormtrooper, Dewback **1/2 9/14/00
Dragon's Rifleman Scott **** 9/4/00
Yamato 1/6th scale .45 Handgun **** 8/26/00
12" Valorum and Coruscant Guard **1/2 8/18/00
12" Speederbike and Trooper ***1/2 8/16/00
Dragon Display Case *** 8/8/00
Dragon's Dave **** 8/4/00
Dragon's Alfred ***1/2 7/31/00
Hermann by Dragon **** 7/17/00
Operation Market Garden ***1/2 7/13/00
Return to Naboo Amidala **1/2 7/9/00
SOTW Moving Infantryman *** 7/6/00
Phantom Servant from Dragon **1/2 6/21/00
German NCO Infantry from 21st Century *** 6/15/00
British Paratrooper - 21st Century ***1/2 5/23/00
TV Talk Show Desk Set for 12" Figures **1/2 4/25/00
Hasbro Collector's Club WWII Ranger *** 4/14/00
Display Case for 12" Figures *** 4/7/00
White Space
Bottom Line of Section
White Space

This page copyright 2015, Michael Crawford. All rights reserved. Clickhere for copyright permissions!