Halloween II Mike Myers
Mezco's Cinema of Fear

following is a guest review. The review
and photos do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Michael Crawford
or Michael's Review of the Week, and are the opinion and work of the
guest author."
Phil Costanzo checks in tonight
with a look at one of Mezco's Cinema of Fear Mike Myers - take it away,
I, like most people it seems, disliked Rob Zombie's Halloween 2. I can
say one thing however, I like the design of Michael Myers in this film.
Mezco's Cinema of Fear line is supposed to give us 2 new Myers figures,
"hobo" Mike, complete with hood and destroyed mask, and Myers from the
hospital scene at the beginning of the film. Here I'm reviewing the

I can't say I'm thrilled with Mezco's decision to use the card/bubble
type packaging for their new toys, but I guess it cuts down on costs
and it is a lot easier to get the figure out of the package. No tools
As I said before, I love the design of Myers in this film. Mezco went
with a somewhat stylized version for the figure, but I think it works
great and distinguishes itself from the Michael Myers figures other
companies have done in the past. The clothing on the figure looks great
and realistic. The hands are a little on the large side, and the left
had is in a strange mid grab pose, which is recycled from previous
Cinema of Fear figures (I believe Jason from series 2 had the same
The head is the most important part of any Michael Myers figures, and
this one is very cool. The cuts and rips on the mask looks great,
especially near his right eye where it is cut deeply. The hair looks
cool as well, messy without being too crazy. The only flaw is the chunk
of hair that is plastered to the side of his mask. While it is part of
the rest of his hair, it is less detailed and looks almost like it was
glued on later. His eyes are a little off, making him look somewhat
Asian in some lighting. My biggest pet peeve about the sculpt is the
beard coming out of the bottom of the mask. It looks OK, but at this
point in the film Myers didn't have a beard.
This may be the bloodiest figure I have ever seen. Both the jumpsuit
and mask are absolutely cover in blood, and I think it looks wonderful.
Myers' color scheme isn't ever really that interesting, blue or brown
jumpsuit, gray mask, whatever, so the blood make him a lot more
colorful and interesting to look at. The base colors on his jumpsuit,
make and eyes looks great too, nice an neat. The joints on his arms
suffer from not being the same color as the rest of the suit, it looks
as though they are painted in a rush and the paint chipped off when the
arms were moved.
I'm not crazy about the color of his hair, being dark gray instead of
black, but looking at pictures from the film, it matches. My biggest
issue with the paint is on his hands. They went with silver finger
nails, which are very weird looking. Beyond that, they covered the
hands in "dirt", which, seeing how bloody the rest of the figure is,
seems like a strange choice. I'm guessing they didn't want to make it
look too much like the NECA remake figue, but it looks a bit awkward.
- *** 1/4
I'll start with the bad first. I took off 1/2 a star because of the
waist articulation. Having a cut waist is nice, but seeing that Mezco
has given us a lot of ball joint waists lately it's a bit of a letdown.
Also, this figure is basically a rectangle. You can only really turn
the waist a little bit before you see the "shelf" of his lower body
My other issue is more of a sculpt issue really. The head is ball
jointed, which is nice, but the beard gets in the way of it turning to
the right. It gets caught above the jumpsuit's collar and forces his
head to look upwards, which limits posing this figure a lot since
that's the side he can hold his knife on. I only took off 1/4 of a star
for this because, since the beard really isn't supposed to be there
anyway, you can take an exacto knife and cut the thing off, which
should allow the head to move a lot better. (Note that once you cut the
beard off, the plastic underneath is white, so you may want to paint it
gray to match the rest of the figure) The rest of the articulation is
great, ball shoulders and pin/cut elbows and wrists. He also has cut
ankles, but the pants sculpt negates these almost entirely. The awesome
arm articulation on this figure more than makes up for the issues,
which really are minor.
- **
All we get here is a knife. It IS a nice knife, highly detailed with
some nice blood on the blade, and Myers really doesn't stray from
knives too often in any of the films, so there really aren't too many
other weapons you could include with him. The butt end of the knife is
curved, so you have to kind of turn it in and out of his hand, just
trying to jam it into his hand will probably damage the toy.
Value - **1/2
I paid about $16 plus shipping for mine, which isn't bad, but most
places have him for $20 and up. I wouldn't pay more that $20 plus
shipping for this figure: it's nice but the fact that H2 wasn't the
best film makes the figure not worth as much, at least not to me.
Factor - ***
A overall great figure from a horrible film and probably one of the
coolest looking Michael Myers figures I've ever seen. It's not really a
toy for kids, but fans of the series will probably enjoy the figure.
to Watch Out For -
The knife feels like it could snap if you aren't careful taking it in
and out of his hand. If you are going to cut his beard off, be careful
not to cut too far into the mask.
A very nice figure from the Cinema of Fear line, but the quality of the
movie seems to taint it somehow...
Packaging - **1/2
Sculpting - ***
Paint - ***1/2
Articulation - ***1/4
Accessories - **
Fun Factor - ***
Value - **1/2
Overall - ***


This product was purchased for the review by the reviewer.
Photos and text by Phil Costanzo.