Packaging - ***
It's not up to Dragon quality yet, but they are getting there.
Things come out of the box nicely, but the quality of the packaging is
still a little cheap. I do like the style with the gate fold front
that resembles saloon doors.
Sculpting - ***1/2
This figure is certainly an improvement over the previous two. This
really does capture John Wayne's look, although the hair color is a bit
disconcerting. Articulation - ***
If this was a couple years ago, this would be an acceptable body, perhaps
even a great body. But with the new bodies of the last year from
Dragon and 21st Century, it doesn't come up to the level we expect
now. Sideshow Toy also has a great new body coming out, and even the
newer Soldiers of the World figures has better articulation. Also, the
neck joint is disappointing, because it isn't an easy head swap with any
of the other popular bodies. That's too bad, because swapping this
head with one of the better bodies would make this figure absolutely

Accessories - ***1/2
There aren't too many accessories beyond the outfit, but there are a
few. John, er, I mean Jim, comes with two six shooters, with
removable cylinders and white grips, a small, gold pocket watch, spurs,
and interchangeable hands. The hands swap easily, and the guns are very
nice. The watch fits in the vest pocket, and can be attached to a
button or a snap on the other end of the chain. The spurs are still
awful though, intended to stay on the boots because of a tight fit, but
that's a concept that doesn't quite work. But overall the
accessories are very well done. Outfit - ***1/2
Wow. This is an outfit you really need to see and feel to
appreciate. The outer top coat, paints, inner coat and vest are all
made of an extremely high quality material, with excellent stitching and
detail. The clothes are tailored to fit, and this is one of the
nicest outfits I've seen outside of the military uniforms from Dragon. The
boots are nice, and the white shirt well made. The vest even has a
'silk' back with buckle and small belt. All the layers have snaps
that are well stitched, and there is even a nice neck tie. Unfortunately,
the holster is still lacking. They have improved it since the first
two figures, and the guns fit well and it doesn't look as oversized, but
there's further room for improvement. The did improve the hat, and
this one fits well and has a great style. As I said when I reviewed
the previous two, it was a good idea that didn't quite go right. This time they got it right.
Value - ***
I was worried at the price when I bought this, since the first two figures
didn't rate a price this high. But this is a much better figure than
I had anticipated, and the outfit is wonderful. Overall - ***
This is a great figure for the 12" collector, particularly those
interested in western figures. The only real complaint is the poor
body, and the difficulty in switching this head to another. But if
you are a fan of John Wayne, westerns or 12" action figures, this is
a great figure.