Packaging - ***
It's a big box, with some very basic photos of the prototype, and not much
else. Since this is an inclusive edition, there's no numbering on the
box or the figure. However, the Sideshow Exclusive sticker is on the
front of the box.
Inside is a nicely packed Hutt, very safe from any damage. The box
serves the purpose, but doesn't have the pizzazz of the regular sixth scale
Sculpting - ****
Ah, Jabba is a thing of beauty. And no one has ever said that about a
Hutt before. The sculpt has wonderful skin detail, with rough
lizard-like texturing over the back and tail. There's plenty of nasty
warts, and the sly grin adds just the right expression to his face. One
eye is closed more than the other, with a slit tilt to the nostrils.
Small details like the tattoo on his arm are sculpted in, and this is an
impressive figure in both photos and in person.
Jabba is hollow, a rotocast figure, but the body is fairly thick. The
rotocast process has improved tremendously over the last few years, and even
extremely small details in the sculpt stay in during the manufacturing
process. And while he's hollow, he is complete - no holes in the
bottom. The bottom has a large 'plug' that completes him.
His size makes him in scale - pretty much - for the sixth scale line.
He's just under 12" tall, and is about 20" long with a curved
tail. He looks great sitting next to figures like Bib or Jedi Luke, and
the dais/figure combination looks great together.
His hands are sculpted in good poses, one sort of pointing while the other
can hold the glass or the hooka pipe. They work pretty well with the
limited number of poses you can get the figure into.
It's also worth noting that Jabba has a sculpted scar on his tail, that
looks pretty painful.
Paint - ***1/2
Jabba is a pretty gross looking guy, what with the folds of fat, warts and
drool. The paint application is what really brings makes this ugliness
real - and that's a good thing!
While there's not a lot of different colors here (it's a very limited palette),
the variation in shading and tone on the body is extremely well done.
All the bright color is in the eyes, and there's a nice gloss applied to make
them appear wet. The eye work was a touch sloppy, with the cut lines
between the eyes and skin not quite as clean as I'd expect at this price
range, but it's a fairly small nit.
Articulation - *
If you're looking for a super articulated Jabba, this isn't it. Of
course, I'm not even sure what a super articulated Jabba could do. He's
not exactly an Olympic gymnast.
Nonetheless, the articulation is even more limited than you'd probably
expect. He as joints at the top of each shoulder. These allow the
arms to rise up and out slightly, and that's it. There's no cut wrists,
so the position of the hand is dependent on what you can do with the
shoulders. There's also no neck or tail joint.
Accessories - **
The inclusive version of Jabba has the ornate glass. This is filled with
a red liquid. He can hold it in his left hand, or it can rest on the
rail of the diorama. That's about it, and I suspect folks will be
disappointed that he doesn't have at least a couple small snack treats, since
one was already included with Bib.
Fun Factor - **1/2
While this isn't a toy intended for kids, he's sturdy enough that they could
actually play with him. There's no sharp edges, or dangerous
weapons. And he's so light weight, you couldn't crush an ant with
him. But the only kids that will be playing with this guy is the inner
kid in you.
Value - **1/2
This guy costs around $100 - $130. That's a reasonable price, and an
average value. Find him less than a hundred bucks, and you can add
another half star.
Things to Watch Out For -
Not a thing. This guy is sturdy, and there's nothing that will break or
fall apart.
Overall - ***1/2
While the throne isn't particularly useful without Jabba, you can certainly
buy Jabba and skip the throne if you'd like. He's an excellent addition
to the Sideshow sixth scale line, and while the general design might be
simpler than many of the Jedi figures, he has none of their issues - no monkey
arms, under or oversized head, or other proportion issues. Had we gotten
a little more articulation or accessories, he could have been a possible four
star figure.
Score Recap:
Packaging - ***
Sculpt - ****
Paint - ***1/2
Articulation - *
Accessories - **
Value - **1/2
Fun Factor - **1/2
Overall - ***1/2
Where to Buy -
Sideshow's the spot - click here to head over and get on the wait
list for Jabba or the throne. You have other options for the regular release of Jabba as well:
- CornerStoreComics has him at $101.99.
- Alter Ego Comics also has him fro 101.99
- as does Amazing Toyz, who has just gotten him in stock.
- if you're in the U.K., you can find the throne at Forbidden Planet for 140 pounds, or the Jabba for 70.
- Dark Figures is the only dealer I know that has the throne available outside of Sideshow. Technically, this is a Sideshow site exclusive, but Dark Figures has them listed at the full $199 as well.
- the Salacious figure to go with the throne is just $28 right now on sale over at Dark Shadow Collectibles.
Related Links -
I've reviewed a ton of Star Wars 12" figures, the the ones that go most specifically with this set are Bib Fortuna and Jedi Luke.