Sculpting - ***1/2
The sculpting is superb. Her body is twisted and contorted as they are
in the game. The folds in the outfit, shoes and gloves look very
realistic. She is wearing her standard outfit, shoes, dress with
nametag, hat and gloves, all of which are grimy and highlighted with
blood. The gloves are painted with a glossy paint and it really makes
them pop. She is the perfect mix of sexy and horrifying!
Excluding the base, she stands at 9 ¾”, however if you take into
account her twisted body, she does measure approximately 12” if you try
and determine her height if she was standing erect.
Paint - ****
The painting job on this is top notch. The color of the outfit and hat
match while the shoes are a slightly darker color. As mentioned in the
prior section, the glossy paint on the gloves gives that authentic
latex look. The paint job on the nurse’s body, however, is the real
winner here. The color variations, veins and highlights are just
amazing. I marvel at how they could have done this on a production
piece. The base also is done up very nice, with reddish footprints
seemingly on a dusty surface.
Articulation - N/A
It's a statue - no articulation.
Accessories - ***1/2
The nurse comes with two sets of gloved hands, so she can be posed with
the pipe in either hand or neither. She comes with one weapon, a pipe,
as well as a nice base. Additionally three clips are included so you
can affix multiple bases together when displaying more than one.
Also included is a “trading
card” of the rear box art.
Fun Factor - ***
I’m not sure if one can consider displaying a statue as fun, but it
displays very well, and they get extra points for making interlocking
Value - ****
At a time where companies are stretching the limits of what they can
charge for a statue, this one coming in in the $100 price range is
welcomed. At the time of order, I only knew of overseas sellers, so I
had to pay for overseas shipping, but you should be able to save on
that by buying it domestically. It was offered as ‘Limited Edition’,
but I have no information on exactly how limited it may be.
Things to Watch Out For -
Overall - ***1/2
If you’re a fan of the Silent Hill franchise, or the horror genre, then
you should be pleased with this offering.
Score Recap:
Packaging - ***1/2
Sculpting - ***1/2
Paint - ****
Articulation – N/A
Accessories - ***1/2
Fun Factor - ***
Value - ****
Overall - ***1/2
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