Sculpting -****
Somewhere, a paleontologist is crying.
There are 26 figures in series 1, so forgive me if I don't go into too
many specifics about each and every one.
These are GREAT! Seriously. You combine two
dinosaurs, add gigantic glow-in-the-dark fangs, and then go have
fun! I LOVE the sculpts in this line! Sure, a few
are a little similar (there are two guys with dome heads who look
almost identical), but overall there is tremendous variety.
Do you want a sharp-toothed stegosaurus to get into a knife fight with
a carnivorous brachiosaur/ankylosaurus? Sure!
Wanna pit Godzilla against ANOTHER T-Rex with stego plates?
Two-legged triceratops with sharp teeth? There are TWO!
As for specifics, the figures are all roughly 2" tall, although some
are a little taller. The "Rare" one, Vulltarex (The
Stegosaurus/T-Rex with massive fangs) is a little taller than most, but
not enough to be very noticeable. There is an occasional
amount of warp from the packaging (foil packs have no padding), so some
of them might have trouble standing, but it's not a very big issue.
Sometimes some parts (limbs, tails, teeth) might be glued in crooked,
but it's also not a big thing. The dinos are detailed, and
very cool for their price.
Paint - ***1/2
It's funny how these little $3 figures have better paint than many
$10-$15 toys. Each dino has some paint washes and detailing,
and each has a specific hide. They also have great paint on
the eyes, better than most stuff twice their size! There is
occasional slop here and there, but it's very minor, and honestly adds
character to the figures. Also, the teeth glow in the
dark. The Teeth. Glow. In.
The. Dark.
Articulation - Bukis!
These are static mini figures, like most dinosaur toys.
Accessories -****
These little guys are $3. Each one comes with a weapon, a
trading card, and a flyer showing all the figures in the
line. The two-packs also come with some metallic-blue silly
putty (not pictured), and you can count the metal collector's tin as an
accessory, too.
The weapons are awesome! Each of the three tribes (Triassic,
Jurassic, Cretaceous) has its own weapon theme - Triassic has spears
and swords with wooden handles, Jurassic has axes and picks with green
handles, and Cretaceous has maces and hammers with stone
handles. Each tribe has a "Leader" whose weapon has a little
sparkly gem on it (black, blue, and red, respectively), and Vulltarex
(the hidden figure) has a special huge gold-and-silver axe with a
rainbow-colored gem on the side. The effect is great,
especially Vulltarex's gem, which changes from red to yellow based on
angle. They hold their weapons well, too.
The trading card contains some cool artwork, as well as stats for the
"Game" - you pick a dino, choose one of his stats, and see if it beats
another. It's kind of unbalanced, in that the Jurassic Tribe
can cover perfect 10s in all categories, and none of the others can,
but what are ya gonna do? Silly Putty is Silly Putty, always
fun, and the tin, while not big enough to hold all 24 figures, is good
for what it is.
There are also some reports of playsets (a volcano and a cage), and
possibly vehicles coming down the line soon, so keep an eye out!
This is a lot more than you usually see with miniature toys.
Design/Quality - ***
A few of them have some QC issues - I've seen some eyes mis-painted,
some loose teeth, and one figure that came without its weapon, but for
the most part, they're fine.
Fun Factor - ****
Dinosaur hybrid monsters with weapons and glow-in-the-dark teeth.
These things will make you feel like you're nine years old
Value -****
$3 each. That's a lot of bang for your buck these
days. Sure, it would be nice to go back to the days of $1 for
a 4-pack of MUSCLEs, but those are long past. A lot of toys
with no paint (or tiny weapons) cost way more than these dinos do,
although the two-packs and tin do cost more.
Things to Watch Out For -
There are occasional QC issues, like the placement of the eye paint,
and something like one out of every couple of hundred might
be missing their weapon. But for the most part, there's
nothing really wrong with these guys.
Overall - ****
It's a great time to be a kid. These are AWESOME!
Sure, they really aren't very educational as far as real dinosaurs go,
but who needs it? They're just so cool... every time I look
at Vulltarex, all I can think of is that he needs a little motorcycle
to ride around on.
Score Recap:
Packaging - ***
Sculpting - ****
Paint - ***1/2
Articulation - Bupkis!
Accessories - ****
Design/Quality - ***
Fun Factor - ****
Value - ****
Overall - ****
Where to Buy -
For some reason, you really can't find these figures online.
You can search
ebay if you want, but your best bet will be to go
to Target or Toys R Us and look.
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