Packaging - Fool for Love ***1/2; the rest ***
My preference in packaging is boxes first, clamshells second, and
card/bubbles last. Since the Fool for Love figure actually comes two
different ways, boxed and carded, I'm rating it higher than the other
two. Don't ask me why it comes two ways.
The cardback and bubble combos aren't bad though, with some very attractive
graphics. I also really like the earth tone colors they've been using
for some of the figures.
Sculpting - Fool for Love, Grave ***1/2; Beneath You ***
All three of these figures are based on very episode specific appearances
of Spike, and all three capture those looks extremely well. Rather than
not liking one of these due to technical quality, you'll find your preferences
more in terms of which episode you prefer, or perhaps which unique look for
My favorite of the bunch is easily FFL. This is the flashback version
of Spike, in his punk look from 1977 when he killed the slayer Nikki.
He's wearing his punk outfit, has the punk hair, has his brow piercing, and
the face sculpt has an perfect, animated expression.
The Grave Spike is also very episode specific, and really is specific to an
exact moment, when Spike received his soul. He has the wounds on his
body from his battle, and the shocked expression on his face. Again, the
detailed sculpting is excellent, but because this facial expression is so
specific to that moment, it may not be your favorite of the bunch. Then
again, it sets itself out from the pack.
The final sculpt is BY Spike, from the first episode where Spike actually
lets someone know he now has a soul. It takes him a little while to come
out of his dementia, but once he does, he's out to help the Buffster.
While this sculpt is also very accurate to Marsters, it's my least favorite of
the three because it has the least amount of 'life'. It's a very static
expression, with a very static pose.
While there's a ton of variants in this set, it's important to note that
there's also very little re-use. It's very surprising how much new
sculpt work was done on these three exclusives.
I believe Gentle Giant is working with Diamond on these, and they are doing
a very nice job. Scale is good as well, fitting in perfectly with the
previoius MAC figures and any other 6" scaled line.
Paint - ***1/2
In general, the paint ops are extremely clean and consistent. The hair
lines are neat, the wounds look ragged and bloody, and solid colors are
consistent and even.
The small detail work on the faces and some fingernails looks great, and in
general, I couldn't be much happier with the paint work. Of the three,
I'm least impressed with BY in this category, simply because the paint adds to
the vacuous nature of the facial expression, but the quality is solid all
Articulation - ***1/2
All the figures have decent articulation, and really were going for three
stars. But the extra joint that pushed them up another half star was the
ball jointed neck of course - it's the Maserati of articulation.
All three have ball jointed necks, cut shoulders and biceps, pin elbows and
knees, cut wrists, cut waist, cut hips and cut ankles.
The articulation below the waist is really there to get them in the sweet
spot for standing indefinitely. The arm articulation will allow for a
little posing, but the wide armed 'gunslinger' stance that they've used
restricts your options somewhat.
The most useful joint is the ball jointed neck, but I think I've already
made it clear just how important that joint is. While these are useful,
they aren't as good as what we've seen on recent SOTA and NECA figures.
Accessories - ***1/2;
Every figure comes with a handful of accessories, and one is always the large
cross and alter, complete with candles but no kneeler.
The alters and crosses are distinctly different, although there are some
minor differences in the paint of the base on mine. It's a nice
accessory, but you really don't need three of them.
Two of the figures - BY and FFL - come with an itsy bitsy lighter, which is
a perfectly appropriate accessory. FFL can even hold it if you work at
it a bit!
FFL also has two bottles, and a pipe weapon. Again, these can be held
in his hands.
BY comes with a nifty little rat (although I could swear I've seen the
sculpt somewhere else), and a stake. This same stake comes with Grave
Spike as well.
Along with the cross/alter and stake, Grave Spike comes with the book and a
blanket to wrap up in. Although the blanket is nothing more than a piece
of felt cloth, it works better than I expected. Not great, but better
than I expected.
Fun Factor - **
How many kids enjoy Buffy and Angel? Contrary to misinformed adults,
neither show was geared toward kids or teenagers, but were written in a way
that could be enjoyed by just about anyone. But many of the themes were
more adult than not, and smaller children could have found it either a) scary
or b) boring.
Value - **
You can pick these up for around $16 - $18, which is really about $3- $5
more than they should be. However, their exclusivity drives up the price
a tad.
Overall - Fool for Love ***1/2; Beneath You, Grave ***
This set of Spike figures, along with the regular Season 5 Spike that's
out, are a nice edition to the Buffy/Angel collection. They highlight
one of the most popular characters from the show, the sculpting and paint are
great, and they all have a fair amount of unique sculpting.
Also, these are three very distinct Spikes in terms of his history, and
it's really nice to see Diamond getting more episode specific.
Collectors will complain far less about a million versions of every character
if they can continue to give us unique sculpts and accurate reproductions of
fan favorite episodes.
However, if you can only pick up one, I think FFL is the way to go.
This is such a cool version of Spike, that it really should be on your shelf.
Things to watch out for -
I didn't have any real issues with any of the figures, although losing the
lighters is pretty likely.
Packaging - Fool for Love ***1/2; Beneath You, Grave ***
Sculpt - Fool for Love ***1/2; Beneath You, Grave ***
Paint - ***1/2
Articulation - ***1/2
Accessories - ***1/2
Fun Factor - **
Value - **
Overall - Fool for Love ***1/2; Beneath You, Grave ***
Where to Buy -
Since these are exclusives, you won't see them in regular stores. You
have multiple on-line options though:
- you can find the Time and Space
Toys exclusive at their site of course, and they also have some of the
other two available as well. Also, they've started the Buffy
Collector's Club, and if you join up, you can get figures, busts and other
Buffy/Angel stuff at a discounted price.
You can pick up FFL from TST for $16, their BY exclusive is $16, and Grave
Spike is $17.
- FFL Spike is currently available through the Wizard
World/Toyfare site for $18.00.
- and the Grave Spike
is $16 directly from them.