There are two variants this time around as well. One is a repainted version of
Bullseye, that also has a snarling, open mouth, and the other is a repainted gray Hulk, done in green. Both were probably good choices for variants, since neither are likely to be big on the casual buyers list.
I picked my set up at K-mart for the ungodly sum of $9 each, but if you're lucky you'll find them at
Wal-mart or another retailer for closer to $7.
I had to decide how I was going to deal with Galactus as part of this review. Was he just an accessory? Or should he be treated like his own figure, covered in every category? I went with the later, although his inclusion with each figure also helped their individual accessory scores.
Packaging - ***
They continue to use clamshells that show off the figures well, and have some personalization on the inside card for each figure. It's not a lot, but there's enough to make it a little more interesting for you.
The score did lose a bit to the damn twisties though. This is another of those cases where it looks like the Asian twisty tie cartel got involved. Thankfully, my four year old daughter loves to untie the twisties at this point, so I open them up and let her go to town. I don't think that's going to last too long though.
Sculpting - Galactus ****; Gray Hulk, Nightcrawler, Dr. Strange, Deathlok ***1/2; Professor X, War Machine, Bullseye ***
None of the sculpts in this series are poor quality, but some are simply
more intriguing or interesting.
Galactus is the best part of this series, without any doubt. His
sculpt is detailed, high quality, and works almost flawlessly with the
articulation. The soft rubber skirt is the one exception to that, since
it binds up the ball jointed hips a bit, but it's necessary and looks great.
One of the things that stands out for me is his lower face. The
texture and style of the chin and mouth make it look more detailed, and more
like skin, than the surrounding hard surfaces of the outfit.
Galactus is the only figure of this bunch that has any real scale issues,
and that's simply because he'd have to be huge to be in scale with a 6" -
7" line of figures. Toybiz has done what they could though, and I
can live with the compromise.
Next up in my ranking of favorites is the Gray Hulk. He is very
Kirby-esque, not quite perfect, but the closest we've gotten. We see
great comic book detail without sacrificing articulation. I also really
like the scale on this Hulk, and how well he fits in overall with the rest of
the ML line.
Deathlok is the most detailed sculpt of the bunch, and every line and
wrinkle of his suit and face are here. There's more nice work with the
textures, making different areas appear to be made from different materials,
and the scarring of his face is very well done.
The gun is permanently attached, and I suspect some folks might have an
issue with that. It was no biggie for me, but it does effect his
accessories score.
Dr. Strange has one of the best head sculpts of the bunch, although none
are slouches in that department. His hands are done in the classic
throwing the goat, long considerred a sign of dark magic. Or he's just
an Ozzy Osbourne fan.
There's a ton of detail work in his clothing as well, especially the shirt,
but the rubber used for his cape is VERY heavy and thick. If he's
wearing the cape, he's pretty much not going to be doing anything else.
Nightcrawler is another of my favorite sculpts, and it's nice to have
something new other than the movie version. He's always been a favorite
character of mine, so it was nice to see him get the Legend treatment.
His scale is good as well, as is the scale across most of the figures in this
War Machine isn't a terrible figure by any stretch of the imagination, but
his face sculpt isn't quite as detailed and lifelike as the rest of the
line. Actually, Professor X suffers from this a bit as well, along with
the simple fact that he really didn't need the Legends treatment.
Finally, there's Bullseye, a rather uninteresting character for me, and a
relatively uninspiring figure. The detail work is solid though, and he
doesn't look too constipated.
Paint - Galactus, Gray Hulk ****; War Machine, Professor X, Nightcrawler
***1/2; Deathlok, Dr. Strange ***; Bullseye **1/2
The paint ops on this line are fairly good, but they do vary a bit across the
Galactus and Hulk are pretty close to perfect all around. The colors
are clean and neat with no slop, they are nice and consistent across large
areas, and there's an appropriate use of wash and different finishes.
War Machine, Professor X, and Nightcrawler are close, but aren't quite as
well done. There's the occasional stray line, and the silver on on War
Machine isn't as consistent as it needs to be to imply real metal.
Professor X's face ends up a tad too zombified, and in general there are small
nits with this set of three. It's nothing major though, and most folks
will let it slide.
Deathlok and Dr. Strange suffer from a different problem - too much
wash. While some wash to bring out small detail work has become the
norm, these two are good examples of going overboard.
And then there's poor Bullseye. He suffers from a poor job on the
white areas of his uniform. Most of these, other than his coloar, are
thinly applied, and allow too much of the paint beneath to show through. It
looks like it's intentional, done as a sort of reverse wash, but it ends up
not working for me.
Articulation - Galactus, Gray Hulk ****; Deathlok, Professor X, Bullseye ***1/2;
Dr. Strange ***; Nightcrawler, War Machine **1/2
These are Marvel Legends, so you'd assume great articulation across the
board. There's certainly plenty of points on every figure, but not all
of them work particularly well.
I hadn't expected Galactus to have more than a few basic joints, since he was a 'snap together' type figure. When I put the parts together though, I was truly amazed at just what excellent articulation he had!
He has a pseudo-ball jointed neck (it allows for full rotation, and for the head to move foward and back, but not side to side), ball jointed shoulders, double jointed shoulders and elbows, cut wrists at the middle of the gauntlet, a pin wrist right at the hand, a pin joint for the four fingers, a ball jointed chest, ball jointed hips, cut calves at the top of the boots, pin ankles, and a pin joint mid-foot. Now you can see why I was shocked right out of my pants! Try explaining that to the police though.
Not every joint is perfect (the range of movement on the ball jointed hips is very restricted due to the rubber 'skirt', and the chest joint is a little hinky) but in general, they work extremely well, allow for a ton of poses I didn't think possible, are all tight, and all work quite well with the sculpt. When the figure that's built out of accessory parts from the rest of the figures is the best of the bunch, that's pretty amazing!
The Hulk articulation is also quite impressive, with a ball jointed neck,
ball jointed shoulders, chest and hips, cut waist and forearms, pin elbows,
wrists and fingers (with the thumb and index finger articulated separately
from the other three fingers), double jointed knees, and pin ankles and half
foot. That's quite a bit for such a bulky figure, but it all works
extremely well, and even with his size, he stands fine on his own in lots of
Deathlok and Bullseye continue the ML tradition, with all the same
articulation as the Hulk, minus the extra finger joints. They also add
the double jointed elbows that the rest of the line sports, but is missing on
the Hulk.
Professor X and Dr. Strange actually add a couple different joints to the
basic picture. Strange has cut calves, but lacks the chest joint.
Xavier has cut biceps, cut thighs and cut calves, which work well for giving
him a lot more sitting poses, but lacks the chest joint as well.
Strange scored a little lower on this category because the heavy cape makes
most of the articulation fairly moot.
Nightcrawler adds even more articulation, with cut ankles, a bendy tail,
and each finger and toe individually articulated. On top of that, his
little 'spurs' on the back of his feet are articulated! War Machine has
articulated weapons, along with cut thighs. So why do these two rank so
much lower? Because these two had serious issues standing.
None of the rest of the line had any trouble keeping their feet, but War
Machine tends to topple due to his large upper body, and weak knees and
Nightcrawler suffers from the same weak joints, and even without the heavy
upper body, is mighty tough to get to stand for very long. Hopefully I
just got a bum figure, and this isn't a consistent issue, because he'd be a
four star figure in this category otherwise.
Accessories - War Machine ***1/2; Galactus N/A; the rest ***
Since Galactus IS an accessory of the other figures, he gets a Get Out of Jail Free card in this category.
Every figure comes with a reprint comic book that is related to them very
specifically. The comics are nice enough, but I'm not a big fan of
comics and cards as accessories.
War Machine takes the top honors in this category, with five different
flame attachments for his hands and Gatling gun, a very cool 'launched'
missile attachment, a clear plastic stand that attaches to his butt and holds
him above the ground, and plenty of ammunition.
The stand is nice because it is articulated at two points, allowing you to
do all kinds of flying poses. This also helps negate some of the weak
joint problems from the previous category.
The rest of the line does not have any where near the number of accessories
that War Machine does. Most have nothing else, but Professor X does have
his chair of course, with rolling wheels, and his helmet for checking in on
the mutant population.
They all get at least three stars though, because of the inclusion of the
Galactus parts. This was a good idea, but executed poorly, could have
been a major problem. Instead, it was executed extremely well, and will
be a big hit.
Fun Factor - Galactus, Gray Hulk ****; Professor X, Deathlok, Bullseye ***1/2; Dr. Strange ***; Nightcrawler, War Machine **1/2
Any kid will have fun with Galactus and the Gray Hulk, fan of the characters or not. The great sculpting and excellent articulation make them both fun to play with, and they can go up against any other bad guys or good guys in any superhero line.
Professor X has the wheel chair, which works pretty good. My four year old son kept pointing out that he had a boo-boo. Bullseye and Deathlok aren't going to be familiar to most kids, but have a look that might be enticing nonetheless.
Dr. Strange might be fun without the cape, but most kids will find that annoying. And unfortunately, both War Machine and Nightcrawler suffered from such loose joints, that most kids will turn them into lawn mower fodder pretty quick.
Value - ***1/2
I'm pretending you paid about $7 each for these. Considering the quality of most of the figures, the level of articulation, and the fun factor, they are a very good deal at that price.
However, if you paid $9 each like me, you can pull a whole star off this score.
Things to watch out for -
The only issue is with the varying quality of the paint ops. Pay
attention if you're picking these off the peg, so that you can get the best
possible paint job.
Overall - Galactus ****; Gray Hulk, Deathlok ***1/2; Bullseye, Professor X, Dr. Strange, Nightcrawler,
War Machine - ***
This is a set of second and third string characters, and selling complete
sets would be tough. But by packing in the pieces to Galactus, a great
character AND a great figure, they managed to guarantee that people would buy
some of the lesser figures.
Fortunately, even the figures you might not have wanted are done extremely
well. Sure, a couple of them had nits to pick, but they were really just
nits. You might be a tad annoyed that you end up with some characters
that you weren't really planning on buying, just to have the Galactus, but I
can assure you that once you have him together on your shelf, you'll forget
all about that.
Series 10 is going to be marketed the same way, with each figure coming
with a piece of a Sentinal. If he's anywhere near as good as Galactus,
even I will be buying another entire series!
Packaging - ***1/2
Sculpt - Galactus ****; Gray Hulk, Nightcrawler, Dr. Strange, Deathlok ***1/2; Professor X, War Machine, Bullseye ***
Paint - Galactus, Gray Hulk ****; War Machine, Professor X, Nightcrawler
***1/2; Deathlok, Dr. Strange ***; Bullseye **1/2
Articulation - Galactus, Gray Hulk ****; Deathlok, Professor X, Bullseye ***1/2; Dr. Strange ***;
Nightcrawler, War Machine **1/2
Accessories - War Machine ***1/2; Galactus N/A; the rest ***
Fun Factor - Galactus, Gray Hulk ****; Professor X, Deathlok, Bullseye ***1/2; Dr. Strange ***;
Nightcrawler, War Machine **1/2
Value - ***1/2
Overall - Galactus ****; Gray Hulk, Deathlok ***1/2; Bullseye, Professor X, Dr. Strange, Nightcrawler - ***; War Machine **1/2Where to Buy -
I picked up my set at K-Mart, and Wal-mart, Meijers, Media Play, and perhaps even Target should have these at some point. Online options
include: - CornerStoreComics
still has some of wave 9 available for around $12, depending on the
character. They also have pre-orders up for future waves. - Krypton
Collectibles is going to be selling loose versions of the figures, and
building some Galactus' to actually sell separately! They don't have
their stock in yet however. - omgcnfo.com
has series 10 up for pre-order right now. KEEP SCROLLING DOWN FOR LOTS