because there is no ‘source material’ the box is covered in pictures of
the actual figure and they have pulled no Photoshop trickery to make
her look ‘better’ than the actual contents, in fact the blow ups really
show her warts and all, and in a couple of aspects (i.e. the painting
of the lips and quality of the sewing on the seams) the contents are
actually better.
another ‘industry standard’ classic 5 panel flap fronted box, with the
actual figure and bulky accessories in the main box with her weapons,
holsters and spare hands housed in a tray attached to the inside flap à
la Takara, but don’t worry it comes open without having to destroy the
The graphics are all passable, but the choice of colour
palette means some of the typography gets a bit lost, and the motif of
the ‘WANTED’ poster is carried on inside and out, as is the theme of
stacks of money (after all, what self respecting bank robber isn’t
surrounded by obscene amounts of Benjamins).
So, nothing cutting
edge, and these graphics won’t win any awards, but it’s perfectly
serviceable and will protect the contents well in transit.
Sculpting - **3/4
This is the first release from ZC with what they call ERT (Eye
Rotation Technique) meaning that like the Enterbay Bruce’s and the soon
to be released Triad, Samurai Champloo figures,
and indeed the old eagle eyed GI Joes (let’s face it, it’s hardly a
‘new’ thing’) the eyes are positionable. I think this
feature may have been instrumental in the ‘look’ of this sculpt, it’s
been kept simple and generic, and the passive expression brings to mind
a Geisha with porcelain flesh, blood red lips and crescent moon eyes.
It’s not the strongest sculpt you’ll see this year, but it still has
charm and the inclusion of movable eyes from such a young company is
pretty ambitious, and I have a feeling this feature will get better
with each release. The paint and construction quality of these eyes is
‘understandably’ not quite up there with the Enterbay figures yet, and
it has to be said, as much as I love the idea of the positionable eyes
they’re not as realistic as top quality painted eyes yet! Even
Enterbays best work so far, though hugely impressive, lacks the colour
detail and gloss of real wet eyeballs. Now I’m sure this
will change as these companies progress the technique, but for now it
is still in its early stages. But… if in the near future we can get a
JC Hong quality paint app on a positionable eye that sits snug well
up-to the eyelid, then these companies doing the hi-end ground work
deserve our respect. (EDIT.., it seems we will!) So
to sum up, this is a simple, generic, stylised sculpt, but for many
femme figure collectors that seems to be what is wanted, however it may
benefit from a good repaint and I’m excited to see how the Rosanna
figure mentioned above turns out, as that looks much more natural and
Paint - **3/4 ZC Girls,
like the Cy Girls before them have a distinctive aesthetic, so like the
sculpt this is simple and stylised, the lips are ruby red, the eyebrows
are a slick brown line and the eyelashes and irises are all crisp, none
of these areas has any slop or over-painting at all. So all competent
but lacking the realism we are increasingly coming to expect from the
big hi-end companies, I don’t actually think that realism was the main
objective here, rather a cool Anime/Manga'esque babe. The
accessories have a few flashes of paint here and there, but most are on
the latex clown mask, it’s a nice job, airbrushed pink with some facial
details picked out in bright blue and red, topped off with a long green
Articulation - ***1/2 This is again the same body as with the Julia and Janice figures I have already reviewed, so yet again for a full rundown on the articulation you should reread ‘Janice’. But
back on topic, Carol’s hip, groin and knee articulation are hampered
slightly by her tight pleather trousers and pleather over leggings, but
the use of soft pleather boots means her ankle articulation is still
great. So all in all a great body that is supremely poseable, the only
limitations come from her tight outfit. Accessories - ***1/2 Carol comes with a good haul of goodies, we get- Gloved Hands x 5 Bangles x 6 Brown Iris (small) eyeballs x 1 pair Blue Iris (big) eyeballs x 1 pair Sports holdall bag Necklace ( with Gothic cross) Cell Phone (i-phone stylee) Pepper Defence Spray (catering size, seriously, it’s a lot of spray) A large amount of $100 bills… and I mean A LOT! Clown mask (full head latex stylee) Brown Leather double shoulder holster Glock 18C Pistol x 2 Folding Stock (attaches to pistol) Tactical light x1 ( I think I’ve lost mine???) Fore grip (short) x 2 Long magazine x 4 Mag carrier x 2 (clips to webbing on side of legs) Grenade x 2 (different designs) I’m
very impressed with all the accessories, there’s a high degree of
detail, the guns have cocking mechanisms, removable long magazines,
slide on fore-grips, a slide on tactical torch and a clip on sliding
stock. The grenades and pepper spray have metal pins and the holdall
has tiny scaled zips. But it’s the contents of the holdall I love,
there are stacks and bundles of $100’s each note is printed front and
back and each bundle has about 20 notes, you get 12 bundles per stack
with 5 stacks in total, making a cool $120000.00 in total… nice. The smiley face on the fragmentation grenade was a cool touch as well! Fitting
the latex mask needs some consideration, I did pull the mask right over
the full head, and it fitted just fine… but why bother? It’s easier to
fit it with the back of the head removed (which you have to do to
position the eyes); I would recommend for general posing, that this is
the easier way to go. Outfit - ***3/4 This
is another area I am very impressed, almost perfection for this
price-point, the standard here is much more akin to the Takara Cy-Girls
than either Janice or Julia. The quality of tailoring, stitching,
material and the finish on the boots with their soft uppers and solid
heels is much more hi-end. The long tailed coat even fits over the
shoulder holsters with a little futzing. The outfit consists of- - Brown pleather sleeveless jumpsuit with low-cut lace front (zip backed) - Brown slip on leg sleeves - Red boots (mixed media) - Red long tailed overcoat So,
all well put together, the only downside, as I mentioned above is that
the outfits skin-tight nature means a few of the joints, most
noticeably the groin and knees struggle to hold any deep stances, but
it’s a very good looking set. Action Feature - **1/2 Well,
we get two sets of swappable eyes, I found the ones already in the head
were stuck pretty fast when fresh out of the box but with a little
manipulation you’ll soon have them swivelling and looking in all
directions. To swap them out you have to remove the whole head, then
pull off the back of the head, you can then either swap them or
reposition by moving the small storks on the back of each eyeball. When
replacing the back of the head take care not to trap the hair at the
edges as this is easily done, apart from that it’s all pretty straight
forward and works well on the whole, it’s a feature I have high
long-term hopes for. Fun Factor - ***1/2 The
thing I most like about ZC Girls is they are built as grown up toys,
not grown up collectibles (though I’m sure they will become collectible
in their own right) but primarily they are ‘fun’ figures, much like the
early Cy-Girls before they became so expensive and damn hard to get
hold of. She makes a great addition to any shelf as a background
character, but mine will remain masked, flanking my BR Joker. Value - *** I’ve
seen her on eBay going for between $65 to $89, and for that price
you’re getting a decent base body, a very well put together outfit and
some seriously cool accessories. The only slight let down is the
simplicity of the sculpt, but as I said it has an Anime/Manga feel to
it, and plenty of people love this ‘cutesy’ kind of look. However I
kind of perceive a ‘bank robber’ as having a more aggressive, or at
least determined expression, though it does also have to be said that
when wearing the mask you can’t tell what her expression is anyway. But
if you can get her for near the $70 mark, then she’s definitely at
least a 3 star item… maybe a smidgen more! Overall
- *** The
ERT feature is a nice gimmick, and I’m sure as they perfect the
technique the faces will get better and better, but for now her face is
the weakest part… well, for me anyway. The rest of the figure is very
strong, the base body is good, I love the outfit and accessories, in
fact the huge amount of accurate $100 bills, though simple, are one of
my favourite accessories in a long time, and it’s cool that they give
you so very many. So to sum up, with the mask on, or after a simple
head swap she looks fantastic, hell to be honest even without the swap
she looks pretty damn good… especially if you’re into Anime! SCORE
Packaging - ***
Sculpting - **3/4
Paint - **3/4 Articulation - ***1/2
Accessories - ***1/2
Outfit - ***3/4
Action Feature - **1/2 Fun Factor - ***1/2
Value - ***
Overall - ***
to buy - So far I’ve only seen these on eBay and they go for between $65 to $89. Alternatively you can contact ZC Girl direct.