- ***
The packaging of these figures is distinguished by the clipped diagonal
corners of the large boxes. There's a lot of clear window to provide a
good view of the figures from the front, side, and top. On the front is
a representation of a ravaged cityscape, overlain by the Terminator
Salvation movie title and the character's name. A small square label
provides the short bio for the specific character.
The back of the packages show pictures of all the large scale product
line. What is not obvious from the package is that the Marcus figure is
a full 3 inches shorter than the T-600 figure.
A few tape slices, and tab untucks opens the top of the package so that
the inner tray can be slid out. The plastic tray is affixed to the
inner card by tabs on the tray inserted through the card and taped to
the back. By slicing those, you can pull the plastic tray from the card
to gain access to the handful of wire ties holding the parts to the
Sculpting - T-600:
**1/2 Marcus: **
The sculpts reflect that price
point and target market for these toy store offerings. The sculpts lack
the finer definition or texture found on something like a McFarlane or
Sideshow figure. The movie is not out yet, so it remains to be seen how
closely the sculpts match the source material.
The T-600 sculpt is believable as an early Terminator model. It is
reminiscent of the T-800 gold standard endoskull, yet has some
detailing that distinguishes it as a less advanced model. The detailing
of the jaw, teeth, and mechanisms lacks crisp detail. The bulging, red,
eyes would look better set deeper into the skull. Those eyes are red
LEDs that light up when a panel on the right of the skull is pressed.
The twin of that panel on the left side is the battery cover for the
light up action feature.
The Marcus sculpt is of a Terminator with the majority of the left side
of the face torn off of the underlying endoskull. As a toy-store
offering, it is not as gruesome as you might think. There is not a
trace of blood on the figure, despite the torn flesh. His hair is
remarkably well coiffed considering portions of the scalp are ripped
away to reveal the metal underneath.
Paint - **1/2
For the most part, the figures are fabricated out of different colored
plastic, rather than relying on paint ops. Highlights, and washes have
been applied to dress up the solid colored base. Those details are
brought out successfully on both figures.
For the T-600 the base plastic appears to the be underlying silver
metal color. Some washes have been applied over the
mechanical parts to provide some rust and dirt detailing. It helps to
bring out the molded in machine details. The tattered brown pants are
molded plastic and similarly dressed up with some darker washes. So is
the shredded green shirt.
For Marcus the base plastic for the torso is flesh colored, with the
mechanical parts painted silver and detailed with a dark wash. The
scarred skin also has an orange wash to bring out some of the molded
On both figures some of the paint details are a bit sloppy. The silver
does not always stop crisply at the molded edge of the torn flesh.
Given that the joints on Marcus are visible, it seems to me that they
could have been presented as machine parts rather than have them cast
as flesh. They missed an opportunity to present the articulation as
Articulation - T-600:
**1/2 Marcus: **
The articulation on these figures is mixed. There are some high points,
and frustrating missing joints.
The neck joint on both figures is a simple cut joint set in a pocket
between the shoulders. They turn left and right, and that is all.
Both figures also feature ball socket shoulder joints. Each has the
typical shoulder pin connected to a ring set in the top of the arm. The
T-600 shoulder molds prevent the arms from being raised more than about
45 degrees out to the sides. Marcus has a much more human range of
motion for raising his arms to the side.
The Marcus figure has single jointed elbow hinges that can bend to not
quite a right angle. That joint also rotates around a pin set into the
bicep, so Marcus can bring his hands together in front of the torso.
The T-600 figure also has a single elbow hinge on each side, allowing a
right angle bend. There is no rotation of the forearm around the bicep
joint, so the hands cannot be brought together in front of the torso.
Both figures have simple cut joints for the wrists, and no hand
articulation. Marcus is molded of a soft plastic and can grasp items
with the soft fingers. The T-600 has harder plastic hands that cannot
be flexed easily to grip items.
Each figure has a simple cut waist joint. Marcus pivots around the
beltline in an unrestricted full rotation. He can literally turn around
at the waist and look behind himself. The T-600 has a spring loaded cut
joint at the top of the endo-spine that connects just below the
sternum. It only moves a few degrees to either side, and springs back
to center when released. I am not sure what the purpose of that limited
joint is. It could have just as easily been a full rotation that would
hold its place.
The T-600 hip joints are pin and ring ball joints. He can do a side
split or raise both legs forward almost to a right angle. A molded butt
pouch prevents the left leg from angling backward more than a few
degrees. The right leg can move back a bit further before the molded
pant leg comes against the molded upper pants.
The Marcus hip joint is a disappointing cut joint. It moves forward and
backward, not out to the side. The molding of the pant legs keeps the
legs from moving more than about 45 degrees forward or 20 degrees
Both figures have single hinge knee joints. The T-600 can bend its
knees back to greater than a right angle. Marcus cannot quite manage a
right angle. That means he cannot kneel.
Marcus has a cut joint at the top of each boot. The T-600 has no ankle
rotation. His boots are in style most often seen on the Frankenstein
Monster. Long, wide, and blocky. With no ankle articulation and those
big feet, you won't be slipping and pants onto the T-600.
Accessories - ***
Each figure comes with some spiffy accessories.
The T-600 comes with a soft vinyl full head skin that can be placed
over the endoskull. It is reminiscent of the old Captain Action masks,
with eye holes cut out for the LED robot eyes to shine through. The
mask is soft enough to allow pressing the eye activating button through
the mask.
The T-600 also comes with a minigun, backback, and ammo belt. The
backpack for the ammo presses into mounting sockets on the back. No
shoulder straps needed. The minigun fits snuggly in the right hand,
with a loop snapped over the forearm. The ammo belt is attached to the
pack and can be fed through a slot on the minigun. When the belt is
pulled through the gun slot, the gun barrels rotate.
Marcus comes with two accessories. A removable, rubbery vest, and an
attacking hydrobot that is almost a figure in and of itself. It has a
fixed, molded set of front claws, a set of mechanical
vertebrae that snap together, and a tail with a spring loaded stinger.
Fun Factor :
These seem like solid figures that kids could play with. I will be
using them in diorama displays and/or photostories with my other
Terminator figures.
Value - T-600: ***
Marcus: **1/2
At under $20 at local stores, the value for these is pretty high for
Terminator fans.
The T-600 will stand well alongside 1:6 figures, as shown by the
pictures along side GIJoe, RoboCop, and Arnold as The Terminator.
The Marcus figure is too short for a 1:6 display, has sub-par
articulation, but includes the spiffy hyrobot figure that could be used
in a 1:6 display.
Things to Watch For:
Keep an eye on the paint ops. The large amount of box window space
should allow spot checks of how well the lines between flesh and metal
are perserved.
- T-600 ***; Marcus **1/2
The dual strikes of lesser
articulation and same price charged for a smaller figure, brought
Marcus down in relation to the T-600.
Score Recap:
Packaging - ***
Sculpting - T-600:
**1/2 Marcus: **
Paint - **1/2
Articulation - T-600:**1/2 Marcus:**
Accessories - ***
Value - T-600:*** Marcus:**1/2
Overall - T-600 ***; Marcus **1/2
Where to Buy -
I got mine at K-Mart of $19.99 each.
