Review of Pantheon sixth scale diorama
Triad Toys
Date Published: 2012-05-11
Written By: Michael Crawford
Overall Average Rating: 3
out of 4
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As a big fan of any cool display dioramas that can add some pop to the shelves, I usually keep a pretty close eye on the
Triarama series from Triad Toys. These are sixth scale dioramas done in a poly resin that are generally non-licensed themes,
and always reasonably priced.
I'm clearly not as on top of things as I'd like to think though since somehow I missed the release of the Pantheon.
Obviously based on crumbling Roman architecture, the set can work with Greek or Roman warriors like those from Ignite, fantasy characters like John
Carter, or modern heroes like Indy.
You can pick this set up for $80 direct from Triad,
as well as from a number of other online retailers.
Sadly, I didn't have any of the Ignite guys handy, but I did include photos with several other sixth scale figures, as well
as figures in the 4" range and the 7" range.
Click on the image below for a Life Size version
Packaging - **
My low score here isn't due to any issue with the design of the packaging. Sure, it's nothing to get excited about - plain
white boxes with a little label rarely are. But it does the job well enough, and since the majority of these are purchased
online, it's a way to keep the costs down.
Another cost cutting measure is the problem though. It's that damn soft, low density Styrofoam that they use for the inner
trays. I really hate this stuff, and the vacuuming I have to do after opening up a package like this.
Sculpting - ***
Triad always does an excellent job bringing realism to their Triarama sculpts. The columns have a ton of detail, with
life-like weathering and damage. The ground is littered with stones, and even the brick pattern has the right amount of
damage and wear.
Each of the three broken columns are a different height, and they encircle the base at irregular intervals. Overall, it's a
great design.
So why the average score? For the same reason that I find many sixth scale dioramas disappointing - it's a bit too small
for the supposed scale.
That wasn't an issue with their Boonetown western bar door, but this time around they skimped by about 20%, at least for
most 12" figures. The tallest column is just 14" off the shelf, which is just over 13" above the brick surface itself. It's
not just the height of the columns that causes an issue, but the circumference as well. They could have been short but still
been in scale had they been thicker, since they are broken off anyway.
Instead, this set is really better suited to figures in that 7 - 8" scale. It can still work with larger figures, but I
think it looks better with something in between. Check the MOTUC shots for an example.
Paint - ***1/2
The paint work isn't super complicated, since there aren't a lot of small paint details here. But they had to go for a
weathered, beaten, ancient look, and they pulled it off nicely.
Value - ***1/2
Here's where the Triaramas really shine. Considering the $100 - $200 cost of most sixth scale environments, getting a set
like this for just $80 is a great deal.
The website says they only produced 150 of these, and if they were actually marked to that effect, I would have bumped it
to the full four stars. If they really are that limited, then $80 is a steal.
Things to Watch Out For -
Remember, it is resin, and while the columns are connected, it's possible to knock them off while moving the base.
Overall - ***
While the scale is a little off, it's still an extremely nice looking diorama. Even with the smaller columns I plan on using
it with my Ignite sixth scale warriors, but it would make a great addition to any smaller scale fantasy or history line,
even older lines like the Mego knights.
Score Recap (out of ****):
Packaging - **
Sculpting - ***
Paint - ***1/2
Value - ***1/2
Overall - ***
Where to Buy
You can pick this up from Triad Toys direct
at their website, but other online options include these site sponsors:
has it at $80.
- or you can search
ebay for a deal.
Related Links -
Other Triaramas include the recent Boonetown, the Firefight, and I looked at two of the other Triarama Dioramas here.
Other sixth scale dioramas include:
- Sideshow's Lab Environment, the Shrine of Dagon and Temple of Anubis, Recon
at Waypoint (for Joes, mostly), and Reactor
Station Alpha.
- other more license specific environments include Hot Toys T-700,
the Ark that came with Sideshow's Toht, the Fertility
Idol environment that came with Belloq, the Jabba
Throne, and the Han
Solo in Carbonite.
- and if you want to get a bit more old school, don't forget the Freddy
Kruger furnace Sideshow did years ago.
- and in the 8" scale, there's the nifty Phantom's
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any other applicable reviews were done after this one was published.
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This product was purchased for the review by the reviewer. Photos and text by Michael Crawford.