Sculpting - ****
Another beautiful sculpt from NECA. This thing is (as far as I can see)
100% accurate to the new Jason.
The hair looks great on the figure, it flows very well. It's made out
of a rubbery material and fits well with any pose the head is in. As I
said before, abou 100% accurateThe neck and torso look appropriately
muscular and proportioned. The clothes look perfect, their creases and
folds look absolutely great. The hands look amazing as well, they're
very vainy, and look exactly the way they should.
Both the sack head and the hockey mask heads look amazing. The
underlying head sculpt under the hockey mask is amazing as well, I
don't think it's to accurate, but it still looks amazing. It looks like
an appropriate mix of Part 1, 2, and 4 Jason. The longer peices of hair
are sculpted to the straps of the mask, which takes away from the look
of the mask itself, but it is quickly redeemed by everything else about
the figure.
The figure was designed for one pose from the looks of it. It's evident
when the arms are lifted up. They look very odd.
Paint - ****
The paint job on Jason is astounding. The skin looks perfect, all of
his skin is almost perfect. The paint on the unmasked head looks really
shiny, and the eyes could have better detail, but except those, very
good paint. His mask looks good like most things. It gets
lighter from the outside edges. It starts with a very tan
shade, and fades into a white-ish tan color. The paint on the sackhead
is equally as good.
Articulation - ****
The articulation on this bad boy is much better than I expected. He has
11 points of articulation.
He has:
Ball joint neck
Ball joint shoulders
Cut shoulders
Cut wrists
Cut joint right above his pants
Cut joint on shirt
Cut ankles (?)
The articulation is very good for an 18in NECA figure. He's got a
pretty good range of movement. The articulation works REALLY good on
the ball joint neck (you've got to work with it for a while, it needs
to loosen up before it works correctly). His shoulders have a good
range of movement also, they work really well with the sculpt.
The biggest surprise for me is that the cut joints on his elbows work
as pin joint's essentially. The way the cuts are positioned make it a
big improvement from the 7in Remake Jason from Mezco.
The ankels however are a different story. I'm not acctually sure if
they are articulated, but I counted them just in case. I don't want to
find out, because if I try to move them, I hear a cracking/creaking
noise. Those joints would'nt have been needed anyway, so it dosen't
take away from the score.
Accessories - ***
Not too many accesories for this guy. He's got the machete, His bag
mask from the movie, and his hockey mask.
The heads switch on and off nicely. The bag head looks really great,
but the paint on the skin in the one eyehole looks way too dark.
Otherwise, it has good shades and tones (if you can have that on a
figure). The hockey mask looks really good. There are marks
on the mask coming from the ventilation holes, they look like
water trickled down out of them. It's a nice touch to the already
incredible figure.
This machete is HUGE! This thing is eight or nine inches long! The
paint job is very nice, it sort of gives of an old metal look that I
really like.
Fun Factor - ***1/2
This is a collector's toy. No doubt about it. But, a child could have
fun with alot of the poses you could get out of him. As long as you
don't really tell the child of his backround.
Value - ***1/2
Though this guy is
fantastic, I don't know if he's worth $50. I
think he should have been five to ten dollars cheaper, but it dosen't
make to much of a difference.
Things to Watch Out For -
The paint on the hands and head can be damaged by putting the machete
or mask on, so be careful.
- ****
This is an astounding figure
from the astounding NECA. I recommend purchasing this item with a
guarantee that you will be impressed. It is by far the most amazing
Jason figure I have. Please, get this beautiful figure, on behalf of
yourself. Get it. I'm Latis, and this has been my review of NECA's 18
inch Jason Voorhees. Thank you.
Packaging - ****
Sculpting - ****
Paint - ****
Articulation - ****
Accessories - ***
Fun Factor - ***1/2
Value - ***1/2
Overall - ****
