Packaging - **
The packaging isn't the strong suit of this line. It's a clamshell
though, so at least it has the sturdy factor going for it. Don't
expect much in the way of leaping off the peg graphics or design though.
Sculpting - Guile ***1/2, Cammy ***
This isn't the first time we've seen Cammy, and while she's good, she still
suffers from the same issues as her wave 2 cousin - the heavily articulated
body simply doesn't look as good with a skimpy outfit, and the poor girl has
no butt. There's only one head this time, and it has a simple, basic
expression. The various hands are designed to hold the weapons well
easily, and the funky skate sculpt works well with all the leg and ankle
articulation. However, she really does need the included display stand
to stay up on her own.
Guile has that truly unique flat top hair cut, and two heads with
different expressions. One is the calm before the storm - the other is
the constipated howl. Most of the Street Fighter 'yelling' faces have
been better than average, but this time there's just something about the
look for Guile that doesn't work.
Still, his overall sculpt is top notch. Lots of little details, and
I love the work on his hair. He shows off the articulation well,
without it looking too intrusive.
Paint - ***1/2
Nice paint ops on both figures, although the work on Guile was ever so
slightly cleaner than on Cammy. She had some minor issues with her
flesh tone being a little thick in spots, and some of the lines around her
clothing bleeding into her skin.
Guile avoided these issues, although the white of his T-shirt was a
little inconsistent between his upper body and his stomach.
However, at this price point, the ops were certainly above average, and
the small details really shine.
Articulation - ****
If there's one thing to complain about with the articulation on these figures,
it's that there's too much.
Now mind you, I'm not making that complaint. You'll see four little
stars right up there in this category, and I think these figures are among
the best of the super articulated stuff on the market today.
But some folks prefer their sculpts unadulterated by obvious joints, and
for them, these aren't going to be four stars. Cammy particularly
suffers, as I mentioned earlier, because her outfit isn't designed to hide
anything. If you were to see an actual woman wearing this outfit in
public, your eyeballs would fly right out of your head. Really.
The beauty of all this articulation is being able to pose them in lots of
different ways, a critical aspect to a line of 'fighting' characters.
If anything screams "ACTION", it's Street Fighter.
Accessories - ***1/2
Both figures come with a plethora of nifty accessories.
Guile has his second head, three extra hands, and two blue energy blasts
that fit perfectly over either fisted hand. He also has his dog tags,
which can be removed as well.
All his accessories look great, and the hand poses are particularly well
chosen. Of course the two regular fists work with the energy blasts,
but the flat right hand can chop or salute, while the traditional thumbs up
and comb are two signature looks for this character.
Cammy comes with a nice compliment of weapons, including a handgun that
fits in her shoulder holster, a knife that fits in her leg sheath, and two
machine guns. She also has two additional hands, a magnetic base, and
her eye/ear/mouth piece that fits in her right ear.
The magnetic stand is designed to work the her skated feet, which have
metal inside. It holds her up pretty good, although I did expect the
magnet to be a little stronger.
The hands and heads pop off and on easily and tightly, with little chance
of breakage.
Fun Factor - ****
Look up 'fun' in the dictionary. Yep, that's a picture of these figures. You
know how much SOTA has to pay to make that happen?
There isn't a kid alive who wouldn't have fun with these figures, and big
fans of the game should be paying extra attention. You are never going
to get a 'better' line of figures based on the property - these are the
defining versions.
Value - **1/2
The regular figures run around $12 or so each. Since these are
exclusives, $15 - $17 would certainly be reasonable. $20 is pushing it
though, but I can guarantee that it's easier to take a twenty from a con
attendee than try to make change on every sale.
Things to Watch Out for -
Zippo. You might want to be careful with a few of the accessories, since
they can be mighty easy to lose, and when the cat hacks up a blue energy
blast, your wife is going to know who to blame.
Overall - Guile ***1/2; Cammy ***
The Street Fighter series is one of the best action figure lines on the
market right now, period. Great sculpting combined with excellent
articulation on the type of line that really needs it, with cool accessories
through in for fun. You really can't ask for much more, and SOTA has
truly delivered.
Packaging - **
Sculpt - Guile ***1/2; Cammy ***
Paint - ***1/2
Articulation - ****
Accessories - ***1/2
Fun Factor - ****
Value - **1/2
Overall - Guile ***1/2, Cammy ***
Where to Buy -
I got mine at SDCC, but you can pick up yours now at several spots:
- SOTA has them for
$20 each.
- CornerStoreComics and
Amazing Toyz has tons of SDCC
exclusives available, including these.
- Krypton Collectibles
has great prices on some of the earlier Street Fighter waves.
- and
Toy Fellas have great prices on
series 3 figures as well.
Related Links -
I might not be collecting these like a smart man would, but I've been
reviewing them like a good reviewer should:
- here's my review of series 1,
series 2, and the
Blue Blanka exclusive.
- The line also kicked off at last year's SDCC with an
exclusive two pack of Evil Ryu and Bison,
which I reviewed as well.
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