Review of Jungle Hunter Predator, Jungle Patrol Dutch
Predator action figures
Date Published: 2013-07-31
Written By: Michael Crawford
Overall Average Rating: 3.75
out of 4
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Has there ever been a line of figures that you've missed out on? Your friends tell you all about it, everyone raves, and
yet you just don't seem to catch on until it's too late.
That's how I feel with the Predator figures being released by NECA over the last year or so. I heard they were great, I've
even hosted guest reviews that rave about their quality...and yet, I avoided picking any up. Thankfully, I corrected that
before it was too late, and now I realize what all the fuss is about.
I'm checking out the Jungle Hunter Predator and Jungle Patrol Dutch tonight, and after getting these, I suspect I'll be
picking up a few more in the near future. Add in the great figures that NECA showed off at SDCC this year (including an
excellent quarter scale Dutch), and you have a great on going line to add to your must have list.
These are easiest to find at Toys R Us, where you'll pay around $16 - $18, depending on the location.
Click on the image below for a Life Size version
Packaging - ***
The packages are a bit over sized, but it does just about scream 'predator'. I like the die cut Predator backer, and there's
enough personalized info on the card to please me. As I said, it's a little over sized, and therefore tough for the MOCers
to store, but it's attractive on the peg and keeps the figures safe.
Sculpting - ****
These figures are done in a 7" scale, which means Dutch is about that size, but the Predator is much larger. Scale between
them is good, and they also fit in nicely with NECA's older Predator figures.
Mentioning this scale is particularly important, because this Arnold sculpt is one of the best I've seen in any scale, let
alone this small size. While in the macro photos it might seem like the expression is slightly exaggerated, that translates
in person to just about perfect.
The detail work on the Predator is also quite impressive, and it's the small details - the belts of trophy bones, the
weathering and damage to his armor, and the overall texturing - that sets this figure apart.
Paint - ****
The paint work is clean and neat, with just the right amount of intentional slop where it counts.
Both figures have some great work on the camouflage colors, especially on Dutch's face, and the metallic colors on the
Predator's armor looks realistic and consistent.
That consistency continues with other major colors, like Dutch's skin tone, or the browns and blacks of both costumes.
Articulation - Dutch ****; Predator ***1/2
While I'm very happy with the sculpting and paint, I'm not surprised. While every release from NECA isn't perfect, I'm well
aware of what they are capable of when they set their mind to it.
But when it comes to articulation, NECA has never been much of a leader. There's a few lines where they give us more
articulation than the usual Nerd Hummel, but that's the exception, and it's never to the extreme. This time, we get the
Dutch is particularly well articulated. He starts out with a nice ball jointed neck, and has NECA style shoulders, ball
elbows, ball wrists (see a trend?), ball hips, ball knees, ball ankles, and all these joints work great. There's a nice
ab-crunch and a cut waist as well, rounding out the overall articulation nicely.
While I always love a good ball jointed neck, I have to make special note of the ball ankles. They allow the figure to keep
both feet flat on the ground in just about any stance, which really adds to the natural appearance.
The Predator has those same ball ankles, and I love them just as much. There's also all the other ball joints, including
knees, hips, wrists, and elbows. The blades extend and retract of course, but there's no ab-crunch. There is a cut waist,
and while the neck is ball jointed, it's a bit more restricted.
Still, the Predator sports far better articulation than the Predator figures that NECA produced in years past, all of it
useful and all of it well hidden.
Accessories - Dutch ****; Predator ***
We just don't get enough accessories with 7" action figures these days, but Dutch makes up for it.
He comes with his M-16 with attached grenade launcher, a pistol, and his big Kabar knife. All three are properly scaled,
and fit in his hands (and sheath and holster) quite nicely.
They are also made from solid, hard plastic, not the wilty soft stuff so popular these days.
The Predator doesn't fair quite as well, which is a little disappointing since he had some great extras in the film. he
does have his shoulder cannon and armor that's removable. The cannon is fully poseable, but I think I prefer the figure
without it. You'll notice that from the photos - I believe the only one I ended up using with it in place was the final,
large photo at the bottom.
Fun Factor - ****
With the excellent articulation, great sculpts and paint, and some nice extras, these are great toys. While Predator is an
older movie, most kids know the characters well thanks to the Aliens Vs. Predators films, and while those films haven't been
great, they've at least led a new generation back to the classic.
Value - ***
Most 7" action figures are in this $16 or so price range these days, but most lack the articulation and accessories that we
are getting here. Dutch is particularly a good deal, and this is a rare case where you won't feel like the current price is
Things to Watch Out For -
Not a thing!
Overall - Dutch ****; Predator ***1/2
I love just about everything with these two figures, and the most telling fact is that their quality had driven me to seek
out the others, including the cool mud caked version of Dutch. I already have a ton of Predator figures in this scale,
thanks to NECA and McFarlane in years past, but after seeing how good these two are, I realize I need some more.
Score Recap (out of ****):
Packaging - ***
Sculpting - ****
Paint - ****
Articulation - Dutch ****; Predator ***1/2
Accessories - ****; ***
Fun Factor - ****
Value - ***
Overall - Dutch ****; Predator ***1/2
Where to Buy
Your best bet to pick these up is to hit your local Toys R Us, where they run around $16 or so.
Related Links -
If you like NECA's Predators, check out this guest
review of some of the earlier 7", along with their very cool 1/4
scale figure.
Of course, there's also high end Predator figures from Hot Toys, which are truly outstanding if you can afford them. Check
out their City Hunter Predator, their Samurai Predator, or their Classic
Predator from Predators. They also did their own sixth scale version of Dutch,
although I think this NECA sculpt is superior.
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any other applicable reviews were done after this one was published.
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This product was purchased for the review by the reviewer. Photos and text by Michael Crawford.