- **1/2
As is always the case with Cosbaby figures, they come blind boxed
(well, at least they do for the Asian markets, the recently imported
Batman set sold by DC Direct came on a blister-card). However in a move
that kind of defeats the object of this practice most retailers and
e-tailers will sell them by individual design rather than ‘chance’, and
lets face it, if you want a complete set, getting them blind boxed can
be pretty vexing… I remember getting some of the old Konami ALIEN
figures this way from Forbidden Planet in London! Again continuing the
Cosbaby trend there are six official figures in the line plus a
short-packed chase figure, on this occasion there is also a second
chase figure made only for the Japanese market featuring MJ in his college
So, the selection is-
1- Billie Jean
2- History
3- Black or White
4- Moonwalker
5- Thriller (regular version)
6- Thriller (werewolf version)
7- Thriller (zombie), Chase figure
8- Thriller (college jacket), Japan exclusive, not featured in this
Hot Toys carry on the tried and tested formula of an oblong cardboard
box with the polly-bagged figure inside, so not the most exciting
packaging you will receive this year, but it does a fair job of
protecting the little critter inside!
Sculpting - ***1/2
As I’ve said in all my other Cosbaby reviews, these are not intended to
actually look facially like their designated character/person. No, they
are more intended to capture something of their essence, whilst looking
like a toddler dressed up in a cosplay outfit… so here we have a bunch
of kids at a Michael Jackson themed party (I think we can expect a lot
of ‘Thriller’ zombies this Halloween).
All the faces are identical,
differing only in paint app, they have slightly better defined noses
than all the human Cosbaby figures that came before (but to be fair, MJ
has had a few noses to choose from), these have more of a slope and
point rather than the usual ‘button’.
The seven figures come with one
of two hairstyles, the three ‘Thriller’ versions have the same style
which is slightly shorter, but still with tons of fine detail on the
tufts at the front and curls at the back. Whilst all the others have a
slightly longer style with the straggly strands hanging over the right
eye and a ponytail at the back.
As far as the outfits go, many
of the defining details are picked out by the differing colour schemes.
The three Thriller figures have identical sculpts as do the ‘Black or
White’ and ‘Billie Jean’ versions, the ‘Moonwalker is almost the same
as these but with added jacket lapels. The most distinct one is the
‘History’ figure, as he comes with the elaborate and ornate golden body
harness and also a pair of shades as an accessory. He is not
however the only one to come with an accessory, as both the Moonwalker
and Billie Jean figures both come with hats, these are identical to
each other in sculpt but again have different paint jobs.
So, basically your Cosbaby sculpts are what they are, and that is a
very cute stylised cartoon character embodying the essence of their
subject matter, so with that being the case these pretty much answer
the brief perfectly…as always!
Paint - ***1/2
When looking at the photos it’s worth keeping in mind that they only
stand about 3 inches tall, but they still manage some pretty impressive
apps and crisp division lines. As I said above the three Thriller
versions are identical in sculpt so all the differences are applied in
paint. The classic and werewolf are the same apart from the eyes,
whereas the zombie has dirtied up clothes and different app on the face
with dark rings around the grey eyes and scars on the cheeks. All the
others have different details that are variations on a theme, with a
sparkly jacket here and a smart white tux there, but all without
exception are carried out expertly.
Articulation - ***
A Cosbaby is not a super articulated figure, but it doesn’t claim to
be. These are small affordable collectibles from the same camp as
Kubrick's and Mez-itz so you get some simple ball jointed ‘pop-on’ legs
arms and necks, just enough to inject a little personality when you
pose them, which is kind of all you need! Plus, with a small blob of
Blu-Tack you can even get the classic Moonwalker dance pose and get the
figure to lean right over… but as I said, don’t forget the Blu-Tack!
I did find some joints were
tighter than others and even needed a little gentle manipulation to
free them up, whilst others were more on the loose side. There didn’t
seem to be any real pattern to this, and I still managed to get all 7
of mine to stand just fine.
Accessories - **1/2
As stated above only the Moonwalker, Billie Jean and History figures
come with an accessory, so for all the others it’s a big zilcharoonie!
Both the hats fit well in as
much as they sit well on the head, they do not however grip it tightly,
so it’s definitely a pop on the head and display item rather than a
plaything… but I think we’ve always known that!
The tiny shades that come with
the History figure seem to have been primarily designed to be held in
his hands (that’s how they were shown in the promo
pics), however by lifting the hair strands and slipping the
glasses under I got mine to stay on the face just fine. The paint on
the accessories is simple but solid as well, the Billie Jean hat is
plain black whilst the Moonwalker one is white with a black band and
finally the shades are a glossy black with gold edging.
Fun Factor - ****
Look at them, how could you give them anything other than a full score?
I’m pretty certain I’ve given
every Cosbaby set I own a full score, and these definitely deserve to
follow that trend. I’m sure these will be popular with your growing
ranks of Cosbaby completeists, not to mention your average MJ fans, and
lets face it there are a quite a few out there! So in this present
climate of manic memorabilia purchasing, I think it’s obvious that this
is the set that will just go crazy in price on the secondary market,
sha’mon, get 'em while ya can!
Value - ***1/2
Cosbabys aren’t generally that expensive, but recent events have seen
these jump in price dramatically already!
When these were first put up for pre-order on eBay they were between $8
to $10 each with sets of 7 going for around $70, but now you can’t find
them on eBay for under $20 each, with some traders asking for $50 to
$70 for the rarer chase figures alone.
So my score is based on that pre-order price which I thought was pretty
fair, however if you are paying these new ‘skyrocketed’ prices, due to
Michaels sad demise, then it really is up to the individual on how much
they mean to you, and how high you are comfortable paying.
- ***1/2
Once again, like with many
of the other Cosbaby sets I came very close to giving these a full
score, and I’m sure there are many hardcore MJ fans out there who would
do so at the drop of a hat!
So for me, the only thing holding these back is price, which as I said
I thought was fair, but certainly not a bargain. The other thing is the
lack of accessories… you could ask ‘well what else can you give them?’,
and perhaps you are right, but even a little mic stand would have been
If recent events hadn’t transpired, then these would have been a fun
collectible for your general MJ fan to buy and put on their desk,
however with the way these things are going up in price it would now
seem they will only end up in the hands of his most devout Jackson fans
or Cosbaby completeists, which is kind of a shame, as they deserve a
bigger, and dare I say more casual audience!
Packaging - **1/2
Sculpting - ***1/2
Paint - ***1/2
Articulation - ***
Accessories - **1/2
Fun Factor - ****
Value - ***1/2
Overall - ***1/2
to Buy -
For some reason I’m having trouble finding these available in either
the US or UK, so I’m guessing for whatever licensing reasons these were
intended for the Asian markets only. The problem being they have come
out at a time when anything to do with Michael Jackson is in very high
demand, so all I can say is trawl eBay
and hope for one of those rarest of things… a bargain!
