Packaging - **1/2
The packaging is pretty good with nice graphics and picture of a
"gasp" slightly better looking Ash prototype! The figure itself
is fairly well displayed but the accessories are not (I don't nitpick...I
swear). There is a picture of Ash on one side and Leatherface on the
other. A window can also be found on the left side. The usual Mcfarlane advertisements
are on the back. Here are my "beefs": it's very
easy to get a bent one if you keep them in the package ( But who would do
that?), look how much room there is between the head and the top of the
box, a smaller box would be nicer, and last but certainly most
important.... twisty ties! I know the figure needs to stay in place but
unless you have an exacto knife and some patience your gonna have raw,
bloated, and bloody stubs where you used to have hands. I would have to
say that Ash probably looks better in the packaging than Leatherface, but
lets get to the figures.
Sculpting - ***1/2
Here is were they start to shine. This isn't just a upsized version of the
previous Ash - it's a whole new and much better sculpt. Since I don't have
the previous Leatherface I won't speculate on the sculpt being old or new
but I can tell you it rules. The Leatherface looks just like I remember
him. His skin-mask is extremely sick looking (you
can even see his rotting teeth underneath). He really looks menacing,
just like the local grocery "meat man", he's heavy set with a
very realistic blood-splattered apron. From his dirty (or sweaty?) shirt
down to his black jeans and cowboy boots, he looks fantastic. As for Ash,
although I haven't seen the film, judging on a figure basis, he also looks
great. Unlike the previous small figure this beast looks like he really is
laying waste to baddies. Where the small figure couldn't hold the shotgun,
he does very well (you can also put it in the holster). The face looks a
lot like Bruce Campbell, but to me, it's still not perfect. There are scrapes
everywhere, hands, arms, chest, and face. Overall, two fantastic sculpts.
Paint - ***
The paint, although overall well applied, isn't perfect (what is?). First
of all, the arm paint on both of the figures doesn't match the torso.
There are also nicks on the face and hand of Ash where paint has scraped
off, but they are small and yours may not have nicks. On the good side the
bloody scrapes and apron are very realistic. The blood looks real and it's
splattered all up Leatherface and Ash's arms and the chainsaws also have
great blood splatter on them. Unlike the previous Ash chainsaw, which
looked like somebody took a paint marker and drew streaks on it, this one
really looks like it's done some slicin'. Some companies like
"shudder" N2toys, have absolutely no idea what a good paint job
is, but Mcfarlane has it down (almost) perfect. Articulation
- **1/2
Leatherface has four points (neck, shoulders,and waist) and one fantastic
pose. Ash has eight points (neck, shoulders, hands, waist, and feet) and
could be posed a few different ways but has a great main pose. They stay
pretty tight after moving them around and both stand up fairly well. As
you can probably guess since they are such behemoths, that the joints are
very visible on Leatherface but (to my surprise) all but two are hidden on
Ash. There isn't much else to say about them but that I wouldn't expect
much more from future figures. If they keep them able to stand up and give
them a great pose, they'll keep me happy. (A note about the Ash glove to
chainsaw change - they can be switched very easily and stay in tight.
Accessories -
Although the accessories that come with them are well done, they
definitely need some more. Leatherface has a chainsaw, and that's it. Ash
has a shotgun and chainsaw. I do know the previous Leatherface came with a
bucket o' limbs and Ash had a little mini-Ash with a poking fork and a
book. Those things would have added a lot to these figures. They have the
bare essentials and that’s it.
Value - **1/2
They are both $30.00, the price is pretty high if you don't have much to
spend, but Ash fans are rabid so price doesn't really matter to them. If
you like both characters and can only afford one, go with the Ash, but
both are almost worth the money.
Overall - ***
Overall if you really like the characters they are a great find, but there
are a few problems which overall don't amount to much but are noteworthy.
A great sculpt, good paint job, and decent accessories and articulation
amount to two nice figures.
Where to Buy -
You can probably get them at Spencer's Gifts or Meijers. Online they are available
at: www.entertainmentearth.com and
www.comicsinfinity.com, the latter of
which I have ordered from previously and received good service. Have Fun! Send
questions and comments to: gdmurrell1@webjammer.net