Of the three
choices this year I can see that the figure of Angelica is
likely to break a few hearts, but hopefully not too many. The rescue
version of Cap A will also leave a slightly wider swathe of folks
weeping into their beers, but the one that will have some folks
spitting feathers and writing disgruntled emails to Hot Toys customer
services department is the much wanted and long time waited for figure
of Jim Gordon. Primarily this is because he ‘IS’ a key player in the
whole Bat Man universe, but it’s also because he’s portrayed by one of
the coolest mofo’s on the planet… Mr Gary Oldman.
Over the
course of the Nolan trilogy of stories he made the character his own,
and even though his screen time wasn’t huge, it was important. And it
was just one of the ensemble performances that grounded the movie so
convincingly into a world we could actually believe in and care about.
Something many super hero movies (even the good ones) fail to do.
do have to admit that I would have preferred Jim to have come in his
civvies ‘detective/commissioner’ outfit, but right now I’d take any
version offered. And perhaps this is a tester to see just how popular
the figure turns out to be… if it does well we might just get a TDKR
version as well!
But enough pontificating, lets get on with the
show, and if like me you have waited what seems like an eternity for
Hot Toys to finally do this figure then you can breathe a sigh of
relief, because now at last, as Jim Gordon said in TDK-
“We got you, you son of a bitch!”
- ***3/4
Ahhh, the convention exclusive! From the Silly Thing Iron Man through
to the 10th Anniversary figures, Hot Toys have always spared no expense
in making their products look good… even before you take them out of
the box!
This year’s crop is no exception. All three have an outer slipcase with
a hessian/rough weave fabric texture over which an image of the
character is printed in full colour. The spine has a metal sail ring
‘riveted’ within it, through which an icon printed on the inner box is
visible. In this case it’s the GCPD badge.
Slip the inner box out and you find a printed tray with a die cut card
overlay and an acetate window. This also features a rather groovy die
cut on the bottom tab that folds in onto the plastic trays inside. Now
that’s the kind of subtle detail that screams “look at how cool I am”,
and it works. The inner plastic trays are the usual vac formed plastic
design and the figure lays held secure, sandwiched between them.
All in all a top class piece of packaging, both in terms of graphic
design, but also in the quality of materials used. In short I can find
little or nothing to fault, I guess a black foam surround instead of
plastic trays is a nice luxury, but in all fairness the trays do the
job just fine! So, the only reason I am keeping this shy of the full
mark is because I need to reserve the premiere award for when HT
really, fully knock the ball clean out of the park. And at the price
this guy demands we deserve the very best!
Sculpting - ****
A figure of this character has been craved for so long that there have
been quite a few head sculpts and even a few full bootleg figures
produced, and to their credit many have been nothing short of
excellent! However, THIS is the official real deal!
Gary Oldman has a good face, by that I mean as an actor he has a face
that is a perfect tool for his trade. He can switch between characters,
roles and genres with ease. And the fact he has decided to appear in a
movie generally means you are going to see a pretty good film. OK,
there was Lost in Space, I’ll give you that, but even then, along with
Jeff Bridges performance and Heather Grahams outfits, not everything
was completely ‘lost’!
So the fact he has a good face with strong features must have been
quite a gift to K.A.Kim who has managed to capture a striking portrait.
As is usual with the majority of Hot Toys figures there is not any
extreme emotion conveyed in the sculpt, instead we have a relatively
neutral expression, but one that is still effective in a great many
poses. Being a more mature thespian it also gives the sculptor more
scope for the fine details in the fine lines and wrinkles that make up
an actors face, but also offers the chance to try and capture something
of the character they are trying to convey. And the stoic fixed
expression, eyes straight forward and lips pursed in concentration
exhibits Oldman’s portrayal of Jim Gordon very well.
Just look over the photos, the detail work on the hair and even the
neck… yes the neck, it’s not often I’ll remark on how well someone’s
neck is done, but this really is a mini masterpiece!
He also comes with a great selection of hands that Hot Toys describe as-
- One pair of relaxed hands
- One left ‘pump action’ gripping hand
- One right gun firing hand
- One left hand for putting on waist
- One right hand for shaking hands
- Two gloved fists (one is slightly open to grip a knife)
- One left gloved ‘pump action’ gripping hand
- One right gloved gun-firing hand
All are well sculpted, swapped over relatively easy (though I freely
admit I always keep a pair of small angled needle nosed pliers handy
when I’m doing my photos) and are finished off well with a matching
paint job.
I hope my pics go some way to conveying how cool this portrait is, but
whatever my photographic ability lacks, it is made up by Lukazou’s
stunning photo review over on OSW here
… enjoy!
- ****
The paint is basically faultless, I still find myself wondering how
they consistently put out paint apps like this, but put them out they
do! I admit that some other companies are catching up with the quality,
and some on occasion even match it. But for sheer consistency from a
company that is putting a lot of units in the market place, the quality
in their paint apps just seems to get better and better rather than
suffering because of the increase.
Having written a lot of reviews for Hot Toys figures over the years I
know I must get repetitive, but what can you do? Yet again we get
master-class in how to do it right. The flesh on both the face and
hands is closely matched, and exhibits well applied warm skin tones.
Smooth and even where needed then also showing gentle graduations and
mottling when required in other areas. The hair, moustache and eyebrows
are all delicately applied, as are the eyes with their wet glossy
finish. I know I’ve said all that before, and I know I shall soon say
it all again. It’s basically as perfect as I think it is possible to
get at a mass manufactured scale at this time. If you know differently
then let me know!
- ***3/4
I’ve covered every version
of the True-Type and described them ad nauseum, so if you need to know
anything about them that you don’t already know. Or if you are by
chance new to the site or just discovering Hot Toys for the first time
we have comprehensive breakdowns here
and here. I will
add, that as mentioned above we have rigid boots on this figure, so be
aware the ankle articulation is limited. I did however get the figure
to stand just fine in a good many poses without the need of the stand.
May I just say that if you have just stumbled upon this site because
you are considering getting into collecting 1/6th figures, be warned.
You are about to enter into a whole new world of pain. One that can be
very rewarding, but also one that can turn you into an obsessive anally
retentive pauper… heed my words, and enjoy!
- ***1/2
Jim doesn’t come stuffed to the gills, but he certainly has everything
he needs for the scenes around which this figure is based.
His full check list comprises of-
- Black assault helmet
- Goggles
- Safety shooting glasses
- Regular spectacles
- Benelli M1 Shotgun
- Smith & Wesson 5904 pistol with holster
- Two nylon ’disposable’ hand restraints
- Police radio ‘walkie-talkie’ + carry pouch
- Black oval figure stand with Lt. Jim Gordon nameplate and movie logo
So as you can see he is far from lacking, but considering the
eye-watering price, you couldn’t consider it overly generous either.
Both the guns have articulated elements, with the pistol being able to
cock and the magazine being removable, whilst the shotgun has a sliding
pump action and a side panel that can be slid back to expose the shell
within. It also looks like the clip with the shells in might be
removable, but I didn’t want to force it in case it isn’t. The police
radio is well detailed and fits snugly into the rear belt mounted pouch
designed to hold it, it features a coiled wire leading to the handset
that attaches to left hand chest of the flak vest. He also comes with a
helmet and goggles, but when I offered it up, it seemed like it might
be slightly too tight a fit to sit convincingly on the head because of
the hair sculpt. I guess if you wanted to blast the head with a hair
dryer for a few minutes you could probably soften it enough to force it
on. But to be honest I don’t plan on displaying the figure with it on,
so I thought better of potentially rubbing some of the hair paint off.
It is however a cool bonus for anyone with more money than sense who
might be buying multiples just to build an extra Gotham SWAT team
member. If that is you, I kind of pity yet envy you at the same time!
And lets face it you could also bash an extra Jim Gordon in his civvies
or just flog the head sculpt on eBay for an obscene amount of money to
finance your addiction. Maybe you’re not so crazy after all!
Both the shooting specs and the regular glasses have small pegs at the
ends of the arms that slot into tiny holes hidden within the hairline
next to the ears. I found they slotted in just fine and stayed in place
well, but do remember to take care when moving the figure around, as a
stray movement and the gentle sound of crunching underfoot would be
disastrous! The two nylon hand restraints need to be threaded through
the strap just below the handset for the radio and closed into a loop.
It will then take a few seconds of futzing to get them to lay right
against the figures chest, but once fiddled with they look good.
Lastly we get the ubiquitous black oval figure stand, about which there
is very little to say other than it’s black, it’s oval and it has a
crotch hammock wire.
That’s it in the accessories department, and had this figure not been
so expensive I would be quite happy with the selection. As it is, and
before you jump down my throat, I know it’s not scene accurate to this
figure, but I would have loved some of the clown gang masks sealed up
in evidence bags as a nice little bonus to the fans… or better still,
the Bat-signal… what? I can wish!
So my final score is not quite full, and this reflects the quantity in
relation to the unit price, rather than any lack of quality.
- ***3/4
I have written in the past on how some outfits are harder to reproduce
at 1/6th scale than others. For example the humble mans business suit
remains one of the hardest to pull off convincingly. The biggest
problem is always the thickness of fabric and the way it falls and
creases at this diminutive scale. In much the same way that special
effects guys can NEVER get water to look right when using small-scaled
models (even when Cameron’s Titanic sank it looked like a scene from a
Gerry Anderson puppet show in a few key shots). Likewise fabric just
will not play ball at 1/6th. They can get close approximations, and one
has to look at these things with realistic expectations (something that
is occasionally lacking in some collectors). That’s not to say we
shouldn’t push for these companies to constantly strive for better…
but… well, you get my drift.
However, after that long-winded intro, what I was trying to say is we
have almost no such problems here. The reason being that the figure is
dressed in his SWAT fatigues, which are basically a black military
style outfit, and one thing we know Hot Toys can do well is modern
military. It’s where they started off, and even though they don’t visit
the genre often enough anymore its still an area they can truly shine
in, and here they display just how much of a walk in the park this type
of outfit is for them.
The full wardrobe consists of-
- Dark blue turtle neck GCPD undershirt
- Dark blue long sleeved police shirt
- Black SWAT flak jacket
- Dark blue combat trousers
- Black above the ankle assault boots
- Black webbing utility belt with bag attached
- Black kneepads
- Black helmet
- Goggles
- Safety shooting glasses
- Spectacles
Some of these items belong in two camps, but if they are worn on the
body I am including them in his attire here, however if they can also
be considered an extra bonus item I will list them in the accessories
Needless to say the actual fabric items are all well tailored to the
figure, the pants have working pockets and belt loops and the shirt is
well detailed too with flapped breast pockets and an embroidered GCPD
patch on the left arm. Regardless of the detail on the body of the
shirt it will remain largely unseen because of the flak vest worn over
it. DON’T try and undo the zipper here, it is removable, but you need
to release the Velcro tabs at his sides and lift it off over the head
should you choose to do so.
The boots are made of rigid plastic, so some ankle articulation is lost
here, but the crisp detailing on the tooling manages to make up for any
slight shortcomings in this department. All in all this is a great
looking outfit, relatively simple by some of Hot Toys standards, but
that is in no way to undermine the quality and fine detailing achieved.
- ***
Being an exclusive, and therefore (we hope) made in a much smaller
edition size, that limited supply is reflected in the prices. This
particular figure was available from Sideshow for $224.99, yep, you
read that right, and what’s more he sold out pretty darned quickly. So,
how does one decide on value? It seems increasingly that one mans
extortionate is another mans affordable. I sincerely believe that even
those that gladly shelled out the full price must have had at least a
twang of “what the freaking hell am I doing… if my
wife/partner/significant other finds out, they will justifiably murder
me”, but buy it they did, and it sold out super fast… so it obviously
is worth the price to a great many people… and as sick as we are, I
salute you!
Factor - ***1/2
To your average kid there is no way that this figure is as exciting as
a figure of the Bat Man, but luckily we are not here to talk to average
kids… they can go down to their local Toys R Us and gorge on the mass
produced playground fodder. Instead we have an item for the 1/6th
connoisseur, with a quality befitting our loftier and more discerning
sensibilities. Of course we wont be laying on our collective bellies in
the dirt of the backyard making gun noises and getting this guy to
fight it out with our Joker DX figures… or will we.
I guess if you were to keep the tiny spectacles indoors this would be
up to the job of a little considerate play, but that is far from its
raison d’etre.
No, this will be displayed alongside many a collectors now extensive
collection of characters from the Nolan trilogy, in a many a Detolf
cabinet scattered all over this planet, from London to Tokyo and indeed
Shanghai to Istanbul with a good many North American destinations
thrown in for good measure. And as such it will be bringing a lot more
joy than perhaps it should to a great many people who should know
*** 1/2
I guess it should have come through in my words that I really love this
figure (in a non weird or kinky fashion). The portrait by K.A.Kim is
masterful, as is JC Hong’s paint app. The outfit is supremely well
tailored and he has all the accessories he needs to be kitted out
convincingly for the key scene that this is based on. However, with a
RRP of $225 this is a very expensive figure, no two ways about it. I
always try to take every aspect of a figures score into consideration
to some degree, and after consideration I arrive at my final score. But
there is also an indefinable quality that comes from the gut, or the
heart if you are more romantically inclined. And even though this is
expensive it is also bloody cool. When you have been collecting figures
for a long time it is easy to become cynical about the motivations
behind why some figures ever get made, but with a character like this,
you get a feeling that even though it will (and has) sold very well.
There was also something of a small leap of faith in the fact Hot Toys
wanted to reward the collectors that had supported the line for so long
with something that they had asked… nay begged for, and reward them by
giving a secondary character the true love and attention to detail that
it deserved. Now do Alfred as well forchrisake!
So, I have taken the price into consideration… but as a fan of the
source material I also feel so relieved that I finally have a figure of
Gordon to stand alongside Bats, the Joker, the Scarecrow, Harvey Dent
and the rest of the crew, that I find myself almost dismissing it. Of
course this will vary from one collector to the next, but the fact it
is becoming more rare to find than Mitt Romney’s full accredited
financial accounts, leads me to believe you might just agree with me!
Where to Buy -
This was available on the Sideshow website for the full RRP of $224.99,
but sold out in the blink of a flickering sonar eye. It is still
available on the elusive promise of a back order (and not having an
official edition number there is a chance that Hot Toys may well
produce more to meet demand) but it’s probably fair to say that it wont
be available for less than the full RRP, and will in point of fact be
demanding far more on the grey markets.
To prove that point I looked it up on that den of iniquity that is
eBay, where I found it demanding BIN prices of between £310 right up to
$425… it makes the RRP of $225 seem like quite the deal!
