Packaging - ***
The box is about the right size, without a lot of wasted space. It
shows off the figure fairly well, although quite a bit of him is blocked
off. It's also very sturdy, so will have no trouble standing up to
shelf wear. It's mighty white, without a lot of color though, and
might blend in a little too much to grab your attention.
There are a fair number of twisties, and one weird one that runs around
his upper body. I didn't even notice it at first (and you can see it
in the photo with the other figures if you look close), but I'm assuming it
keeps the cape right where it is supposed to stay.
Sculpt - ***1/2
The sculpt matches the cover art nicely, which is the main focus of the
overall series. It has a ton of detail as well, particularly in the
cape, where some heavy texturing gives a nice weathered, rough appearance.
The wide stance is probably going to be problematic, because the rubber
cape is so heavy. I noticed it already putting a lot of strain on the
legs, particularly the non-booted left ankle. I'm not sure he'll stay
standing long term, but for the moment, he has no issues keeping upright on
his own.
If you have the smaller version of this figure, from Spawn series 25,
then there are very few surprises here. It's pretty much the same
figure, scaled up double the size.
Paint - ***
The paint is fairly clean and neat, but they pull a stunt here that seems
all too prevalent these days, and that I just complained about last week
with the Cult Classics series 2 - too much wash. This is particularly
true on the cape, where they went pretty nuts with the dark wash to weather
and shadow the rubber cape. It's a technique that can work great when
done with some restraint, but often appears like a scene from a Paint Girls
Gone Wild.
The small detail work is great, particularly on the skulls and sculpted
chains. These are like the ones on the bicep, because of course the
chains hanging from his body are actual metal.
Articulation - **
He actually turned out more articulated than I had expected, but most of the
articulation is extremely restricted.
There's a cut neck, cut shoulders, cut bicep on the left arm, cuts at the
top of the gloves, cut waist, cut hips and cut ankles. That sounds
like a lot, but it's really all just there to get him in that sweet spot to
stand, and give him a couple arm poses at most. The large, heavy cape
restricts much of anything else.
Accessories - Bupkis
I wasn't particularly expecting anything, but it's worth noting in case you
were. The smaller versions at least had the bases and the small
version of the comic cover, but here you get bupkis.
Fun Factor - **
These aren't intended as 'toys', but rather action figures for fans of the
comic to pose on a shelf, occasionally dust, and throw at the cat. Uh,
don't do that last one. Unless the cat makes you.
Articulation isn't really necessary for kids to have fun with a figure
though, but this one can't even take a very good fighting stance or throw a
punch with a stiff arm all that well. Scale hurts a little too, since
while he's 12" tall, he seems smaller overall than most sixth scale
Value - **1/2
You shouldn't pay more than $30 for this guy if you shop around.
At that price he's pretty average, simply considering the amount of plastic
going into him. This isn't a rotocast figure, but a completely
injected molded piece, and those always tend to have a pretty high unit cost
to manufacture. If you can get him down closer to $25 through some
miracle, you'd be getting a real deal.
Things to watch out for -
Not a single problem here!
Overall - ***
This figure sports the usual amazing Mctoys sculpting. Had they
gone a little easier on the wash for the cape, he might have scored a tad
higher, but he suffers from a problem that the smaller version also suffered
from - we've seen Spawn in this basic look so many times now, that it takes
something pretty amazing to make us stand up and take notice. While
this figure is a solid representation, it won't be bringing you to
Packaging - ***
Sculpt - ***1/2
Paint - ***
Articulation - **
Accessories - Bupkis
Fun Factor - **
Value - **1/2
Overall - ***
Where to Buy -
You can pick these up at brick and mortar stores like Toys R Us very soon,
or there are online options like:
- Amazing Toyz has him for $30.
- CornerStoreComics has
him for $30.
- Clark
Toys doesn't have this guy, but they do have a ton of the 12"
sports guys from Mcfarlane.
Related Links -
The most related link is the review of the smaller figure, as part of the
overall Spawn series