Marvel Legends 7
Silver Centurion Iron Man

We have a new guest reviewer tonight, incurock31, hitting us up with a Marvel Legends review.  The photos were supplied by Coheteboy - take it away! 

Hey everyone, I’m incurock31 and this is my first of (hopefully) many Marvel Legends reviews for this fine website. Before I begin, I’d like to thank Michael Crawford for giving me this opportunity. Thanks! 

Now that that’s out of the way, I can begin by saying this: while I suspect that not too many people were looking forward to another Iron Man figure, (especially in light of the fact that Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and Yellow Jacket are missing from their Avengers displays), this particular Iron Man stands out as one of the highlights in the illustrious Legends line. What? You’re still skeptical? Read on, True Believer!

Packaging - ***1/2
The highs and lows of Legends packaging have been well documented on this site, so I won’t go into too much detail here. However, it is worth noting that Iron Man is notated on the package as Silver Centurion Iron Man. This notation is new. In the past, figures that already been released in the Legends line did not have this change (The Wolverine from Series 6 was not notated as Brown Costume Wolverine, for example). I like this change because it shows casual fans, or even kids who collect the line, that more than one version of the character exists.

Sculpting - ***1/2
I was not surprised to find that this version of Iron Man uses the same body as the original release. However, it is not a straight redeco, as many parts have been re-sculpted and retooled to make this figure unique. The boots and gauntlets have been entirely re-sculpted, which goes a long way in distinguishing the new release from its earlier counterpart. I am very pleased that ToyBiz did not take the easy way out and simply repaint what was already a decent figure, and I give them kudos for that. What keeps this figure from the perfect four-star rating is the re-use of the hands from series 1. I understand that Iron Man is famous for his repulser beams, but interchangeable fists would have been a nice touch. 

Also, for those that were wondering, the face under the removable faceplate is virtually identical to the previous release. Additionally, the additions to the codpiece of the armor are made of a hard rubber (stop giggling!) that looks like plastic, but isn’t, and it probably cut costs. 
Two minor nitpicks – the trademark stamp has been placed on the inner part of Tony’s right thigh. This puzzles me – on the original release, it was on the bottom of the boot. Why not do that again? The stamp is distracting and takes away from the sculpt. 

Also, the faceplate is made of the same rubber used on the codpieces. While that probably cut costs as well, I found it difficult to get the faceplate to stay in place. In this instance, I would have preferred plastic. 

Paint - ****
The paint ops here are astounding. Many collectors complained about the original release’s rather flat paint ops. While the colors were spread evenly and there was little bleed, they simply weren’t bright or vibrant enough to look like armor. Here, that has been changed for the better. The red is shiny and vibrant, and it will really pop in any display. The silver has a nice sheen to it, and I am very pleased. 
In terms of coverage, I have only a few minor complaints. There is a bit flesh color on Tony’s face that has spilled over slightly into the black area that frames it. I can live with that, however, because this is, after all, a mass-market toy. 

Articulation - ****
Silver Centurion Iron Man retains virtually the same level of articulation that the original release had (the neck movement is restricted because of the large collar). While some may point out that other Legends have as many as 44 points of articulation, and question how I can give four stars to a figure with less than that, the fact is that Tony here has all the articulation that a 40 year old white guy in hefty armor really needs. I have no complaints. Nevertheless, if you want Spider-Man level articulation on all your figures, you can subtract a point from this score. 

Accessories - ****
Tony comes with a huge rocket that can strap to his back. While I’m not sure how comic-accurate it is, it is quite the accessory! The sculpting on it is great, and it features some handles for Tony to hold on to and what appears to be a breathing apparatus that covers up the top part of his chest armor. Additionally, there is a belt that helps with stability. Be warned, however, that there are not too many poses to put Iron Man in when he’s in the rocket pack; he is essentially a statue at this point. Because some people may not like this, I am forced to give a score of 3 stars here. However, if you like the way Tony looks in the photos, then you can add another star to the score.
It is worth mentioning that the comic included in this issue, Iron Man #200, is a great read. In the past, comics included with Legends figures have been pretty iffy, but this one, like the figure it accompanies, is a standout. 

Value - ****
Retail price on Legends tends to be anywhere from $6.88 at Wal-Mart to $9.99 at Kay-Bee. Regardless of where you buy yours, you’re getting a decent sized action figure with a hefty accessory and a comic book. I dare you to find a better deal. 

Overall - ***
While this is a figure that not many were looking forward to (“Another Iron Man?!”), this is really one that you can’t afford to miss. He’s that cool. Additionally, he’s pretty heavily packed at 3 to a case of 12, so you shouldn’t have a hard time finding him. When you do, snap him up, because the word is now out – Silver Centurion Iron Man is one of the coolest Legends yet. You don’t want to miss out on him. 

Packaging - ***1/2
Sculpt - ***1/2
Paint - ****
Articulation - ****
Accessories - ****
Value - ****
Overall - ****

Where to Buy
Marvel Legends 7 has hit retailers nationwide, so be on the lookout!

Figure from the collection of Coheteboy.

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