Packaging - ***
The packaging is the best thing about this figure. That gives you
some idea of where this review is going. The
box is sturdy, and it's collector friendly. You'll be able to remove
the book to read, and the figure to scare small children. Sculpting -
Well, it's apparently a woman, and the wonder is how this ever got
produced. Okay, I'm
being a little harsh on the sculpt. The head sculpt actually isn't
too bad, but the tremendously poor body means you'll never notice. She
does have a blank, doll stare, and the arm and torso sculpts are just
horrendous. Paint -
While I'd like to slam everything about this figure, at least the paint
ops are neatly done. There isn't a lot of detail, but what is there
isn't bad. Articulation
- 1/2
She has more joints than you'd think just by looking at her. The
neck turns slightly, the shoulders and hips are jointed, and the knees are
actually click joints covered with skin like rubber. This skin
though makes the figure feel oily or sticky. Ewww. The
total lack of articulation in the elbows and wrists, along with the God
awful arm sculpts, make me think she's the love child of Frankenstein and
Captain American. *shudder* Accessories -
I suppose I could call the book the accessory, but I didn't buy this for
the book. Oh sure, it's a decent book, not quite as good as Les'
Batman work but not bad, but it's still not much of an 'accessory'. She
has her whip, a flimsy little gold piece of string on her belt, and her
skirt is cloth. But that doesn't mean she's getting and stars for
accessories. Value
- Bupkis
This figure isn't worth five bucks. Considering that the book is the
condensed version, there's no way this figure/book combo is worth more
than 15-20 bucks. What for a clearance sale at Barnes and Noble. Overall -
This figure is so awful I
had to give it my first ever complete Bupkis.
If you have a coffee table that's just screaming out for a nice Wonder
Woman book, buy the book WITHOUT the figure. Your eyes will thank