This is part review, part heads-up. I just found
these cases today on sale at the local Kaybee Toys, and thought I'd let
folks know about them. Perhaps you've seen them before, but this was
the first time for me.
They're called 'Collector Doll Showcase', and the box is
in the picture below so you know what you're looking for. They are
designed to hold Barbie style dolls, including the box. They are
11.75" wide, 15" tall, and 4" deep. They come with a
black plastic base and top and plexiglass sides.

These types of cases are most useful for loose figures, particularly
clothed figures. Dust plays hell with these clothes over time, and
often cleaning them is near to impossible. Having a case to keep the
clothes fresh and bright is always useful.
The picture below demonstrates that they can hold the average Star Wars
boxed 12" figure just fine, although they are too small for the extra
deep boxes. They are also too small to hold two loose 12"
figures comfortably, but they can hold two 9" figures nicely.
The extra space in height can allow you to place some sort of interesting
background picture on the back of the case, clearly visible behind the

On the left you'll see a 21st Century figure alone inside the case - my
plans for the case I bought are very specific. I have just received
my Tom Hanks head (thanks Sam!) and have the Hasbro Ranger figure on order
from I'll put the Hanks head on the Ranger body, and
place him in this case alongside the Ranger box. I may also place
some sort of Saving Private Ryan mini-poster in the back.
Overall - ***
This case is large enough to allow you to add some extras with the average
loose 12" figure. The construction is extremely sturdy, and the
design is attractive. And the best part - these are on sale right
now at Kaybee Toys for $9.99 each. A very good deal!
4/21/00 update - I have heard from some folks who have found the
acrylic case broken when they got these home. I'd suggest checking
them at the store.