After many months of nothing new, Star Wars fans are being treated to some
new card art and accessories along with their new Collection 1 and
Collection 2 figures now shipping. These are called 'Power of the
Jedi' or POTJ for short, and each includes a 'Jedi Force File' rather than
a Commtech Chip. Right now, I only know of these hitting at
Target. And while the price was SUPPOSED to drop to $5.99 with the
removal of the chips, someone must not have told Target. These are
$6.79 there,
Accessories - *
The only reason they get any stars is that I'm counting the Jedi File Card
as an accessory. Poor Mas doesn't even get a blaster!
Nada! Zippo! And the Jedi File Card is an utter rip - very
little value here. It's an eight sided, folded piece of paper.
Yep, it has some info about each character, but it's pretty much just a
glorified version of what used to be on the card back. These aren't
nearly as nice as the chips or the freeze frames - if you're going to save
us money, that's fine, but I'm still paying almost seven bucks for these.
Packaging - ***
Some sweet looking cards. I really like the more 'active' look that
the card art portrays. The colors are extremely vibrant, and these
really stand out on the peg. At least for now ;-)
Articulation - *1/2
The usual Kenner 5 point treatment. The plastic robes tend to reduce
the value of the articulation even further, leaving very little 'posing'
you'll be able to do.

Sculpting - ***
Excellent work on Mas. Great head sculpt, and the cloak and body are
quite nicely done as well.
Value - *
At first, I really thought this figure was great. Until I actually
started to consider what I had bought. Seven bucks? No
accessories? I felt cheated instead of pleased.
Overall - *1/2
A great sculpt and nice packaging can't overcome the extremely poor
value. If these were $5, I'd have been happy, but for almost $7 I
certainly can't be too pleased with Hasbro. Some of the other
figures, such as the Coruscant Guard, at least have another accessory,
making them slightly better than poor Mas.