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The premiere of season 6 of the Game of Thrones is right around the corner, and fans are still wondering about the fate of Jon Snow. Obviously he finished off last season dead...but is he dead dead? I'm betting not, but we have to wait a little while longer to find out...and even then, I'm betting they drag it out a couple episodes.
Dark Horse is doing their part for fans of the show, continuing to produce their 'figures' (aka statues) for the show. The latest in the line is Grey Worm, faithful warrior to Daenerys, and Margaery Tyrell, a young version of Cersei.
These are shipping now and will run you around $23 or so, depending on the retailer.
Packaging - ***
The boxes are reasonably well done, and they are relatively collector friendly. You can free the Worm without any damage, but you will have to cut a couple
twisties to get Margaery out. They also seem a little sturdier this time, although some of that might just be my wishful thinking. The large windows allow you to
see the entire figure in the package, always a plus when buying them off the shelf.
Sculpting - ***
Both of these are recognizable head sculpts, particularly considering the scale. Remember, these are about 7" tall, making them slightly bigger than the standard 1/12th
figure on the market right now.
Margie is pretty, with soft features and flowing hair. They captured the look of the nose and lips, so specific to the actress. Like most of their releases, the costume and jewelry are extremely well done. I love the sculpted pattern on the torso, which could have been done just with paint, but instead Dark Horse went the extra mile and added the textured details.
It's also worth pointing out how good the detailing in the hair and hair strands is. This makes a good comparison between something like the Sharon Carter I reviewed earlier in the week, where the hair suffered thanks to little detail.
Grey Worm has some of this costume detail as well. Notice the white cross hatching on the chest? Yep, that's sculpted, not just painted. The spear actually comes as two separate pieces, so you can slip one piece into the hand and attach the second piece. The rest of the statue - helmet, knife, etc. - are all permanently attached.
Most of the statues in this line are done in these basic, simple poses. While some could be a bit more dynamic - Oberyn, for example - these two fit the more static look.
Paint - ***1/2
While the sculpted details on the costumes make these much nicer, it still requires a tight paint application to make it work. The work here is extremely good,
particularly at this price point.
Like the sculpt, it's really from the neck down where the paint really shines. That's not to say that the work on the face and skin is poor - it's not. The eyes, lips and hairline are very clean, and the skin has a nice, consistent tone. But it's the clothing where the small details really shine thanks to some very clean paint operations, and plenty of them.
Articulation - Bupkis
This is informational only - since these are sold as figures, you might think there's a joint or two. There isn't, and these are classic Nerd Hummels.
Accessories - Bupkis
Another informational only category. They come attached to the bases, and while Grey Worm's spear is two pieces that you assemble in his hand, he'd look pretty
silly in this stance without it.
Value - ***
These are larger and better quality than the average $20 6" figure on the market these days. That they can keep them around $23 and maintain this paint quality is a
huge plus.
Things to Watch Out For -
Not a thing!
Overall - ***
While neither of these are outstanding, they are both solid releases in the overall series. The sculpts are good, and once again, the paint work is above
average. Keeping them at a reasonable price point means fans can complete the entire series without breaking the bank.
Score Recap (out of ****):
Packaging - ***
Sculpting - ***
Paint - ***1/2
Articulation - Bupkis
Accessories - Bupkis
Value - ***
Overall - ***
Where to Buy
Online options include these site sponsors:
- Entertainment Earth also has them at $23 each.
- or you can search ebay for a deal.
Related Links -
The most recent review covered Oberyn and Ygritte. I also just recently covered Sansa and Jorah, and just before that I checked out Breinne and the Hound,
and there was also Bran and Hodor, Joffrey,
Tywin and Petyr; earlier in this Dark Horse series I covered Cersei, Jaime, the White Walker, Robb and Arya, as well as their Daenerys, Drogo, Ned Stark, and Tyrion Lannister. They've also done Jon Snow, but I don't have a review of him.
Funko has also done Jaime and Brienne, Arya and Robb, and the second release of Danaerys, along with her beau Drogo. Before that we had the Walgreen's exclusive Tyrion, Daenerys, and I reviewed the first wave of figures in three sets, here, here and here.
Perhaps the best of the bunch is the new sixth scale Tyrion, Ned Stark, and Jon Snow from ThreeZero. Jaime is up for pre-order.
Other Game of Thrones collectibles I've covered include the Daeny bust from Dark Horse, the Hand of the King pin, and the Catspaw Blade from Valyrian Steel.
You should also hit the Search Reviews page, in case any other applicable reviews were done after this one was published.
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This product was provided for the review by the manufacturer. Photos and text by Michael Crawford.