Packaging: *** I haven’t been a huge fan of the legacy
packaging but it’s ok. It’s not the most dynamic of the star wars
packages for sure and it does get old fast seeing it on the pegs.
I haven’t included any packaged shots because I assume everyone already
knows what the legacy cards look like. There’s a little slot on the
back so you can tell which parts of the build a droid you’re
getting. Hasbro’s done a wonderful job of contorting the troopers
this time around to shove them into the bubble. Sculpting: Han and Luke ***, Spacetrooper **1/2, Trinto and Dice ****,Wioslea ****, Jawa ***1/2, Brainiac (Pons) *** The
sculpts vary greatly in terms of quality but my issues here aren’t so
much with the actual head sculpts so much as they are with awkward
looking limbs and body proportions in some cases. The first one
that comes to mind is Brainiac. Brainianc has a fairly decent
headsculpt that should be instantly recognizable to fans of the
cantina. The problem is with his body. The legs stick out
in an overly wide stance and the shoulders appear almost robotic the
way they jut out of the torso. There’s a natural quality about
some sculpts but the balljoints really killed it here with his
shoulders. Looking back on other cantina aliens from 2004, the
balljoints really weren’t necessary in this case but more about that
Wioslea is really a fantastic figure. The
headsculpt is totally new and while it represents one of the most
atrocious alien designs in the original trilogy, it mirrors the
character on the screen beautifully. They went ahead and didn’t
just make the bizarre headsculpt here but they also give her a new body
sculpt (yes her. This is a female). She has odd bowlegs that
really add to the detail of the figure. You can’t see them unless
you lift up her skirt (and that’s something you would never want to
actually do with a creature like this) but kudos to hasbro for
sculpting them. Her hands are also new sculpts. I love
those very strange old low budget aliens and Wioslea is one of the best
they’ve done.
Up next are the Luke Skywalker and Han Solo in
stormtrooper disguise figures. I’m going to be grouping them together
for most of the review since they are sort of a pair. You really
can’t have one without the other. This is the same body sculpt
we’ve seen for a number of years now. This was originally used
with the VOTC stormtrooper. At the time of its release I thought
it was the best thing since sliced bread (or possibly the VOTC Boba
Fett which was even nicer) but now it looks a bit lanky and
dated. A big issue for several people on these has been
scale. They both appear to be the same height to me. One
thing that bugs me is the way the chest joints stick out, particularly
on Luke. This is the fault of the way they were shoved in the package
once again. The headsculpts themselves are decent. Han
really does look like Harrison Ford but this isn’t that impressive
since Hasbro nailed Han’s likeness quite a while ago. I believe
they’ve done excellent jobs on his sculpt for years. Luke has
never looked quite right and at this point it’s safe to say he never
will. It’s a passable likeness and I guess collectors will argue
forever about which is the best headsculpt. This one appears a bit too
geeky for my tastes.
The Spacetrooper is a unique first for
any star wars line. How he’s been in movies this long and never
ended up with a figure until now baffles me. The sculpt is
alright. Once again the VOTC stormtrooper sculpt. He has
some nice add ons but those are mostly in the accessory category.
The body sculpt is much less mess up on this one due to particular
placement in the package. What really bothers me here and gives
him the low marks is the headsculpt. What on earth? That’s
no way for a trooper to look! He looks like some sort of emo teenager
with a combover. I thought these were all clones of Jango Fett?
Hasbro needs to be consistent. Either make them clones or
don’t. I would have preferred if they all had masks like Cobra
Troopers. The other thing that bothers me about this guy is the
height of his neck with the helmet on. It looks ridiculous and
The Jawa is a decent sculpt. If
we’re simply grading the figure he’s nearly perfect. The
accessories are a bit strange and hard to remove and detract from his
look overall but the figure itself is close to perfect. I’m glad
they went back to the classic “X Bandolier” Jawa look. The real
prize of the set thoug his the Treadwell droid. I’m not a big
droid guy but we’ve never gotten this one before. Hasbro brings
it to us now in great detail with several posable arms as well unique
sculpts on each arm. For what would be considered a pack in, this
is an impressive figure on it’s own and makes the purchase of another
jawa justified.
The real winner of this set though is
Trinto Duaba and Dice Ibegon. Trinto is another ugly alien bum
character but he looks great. The skeletal detail in the face is
pretty creepy and they’ve given a lot of detail into the texture of his
shawl. Dice Ibegon is one I’ve personally been waiting for for a
lonnng time though. We only see the top half of Dice in the movie
so Hasbro had to take some artistic liberty on this one. I really
like it when a company goes the extra mile to bring us a figure which
is exactly what Hasbro had to do to put out a figure like Dice and they
truly delivered. This is exactly how I would have imagined the
creature in full. Paint: Han, Luke ***, Spacetrooper ***1/2, Jawa/Treadwell ***1/2, Wioslea ****, Trinto/Dice ***1/2, Brainiac **1/2
Once again we’ll start with Brainiac. They did a good job on
the matte finish head sculpt and the eyes look pretty decent.
What really bothers me is the glossiness of the torso. This is
not the case on every other figure in the wave and it’s a bit
distracting. I really wish they would show some consistency on
the small issues like this.
Han and Luke are basically
how you’d except. Han’s hair is a darker shade than it should be
which takes him down a point. They both have a bit of slop around
the hands where the black meets the white but it’s not
unexpected. If only Han’s head had the effort put into it that
the original VOTC did. Also half a point off for the eyes on the
helmets being different sizes. The Spacetrooper has a
fairly inhuman toyish looking face but the paint on the body is cleaner
than Han and luke. Nothing else is of note about this one.
Jawa has a good matte finish to most of the figure. I wish they
would have added a bit more dirt around the bottom of his cloak but we
can’t be that picky. The Treadwell droid has nice clean paint
applications. Once again I wish there was some more paint around
the base but since we’re getting two figures in this set I won’t be
quite as picky.
Wioslea has a great paintjob on the head
and they’ve mixed the colors perfectly. The hands and feet look
good too. Trinto looks completely off from the character you see
on the card. The skin tone is an entirely different shade.
I won’t take off too much for this one though since it says on the back
of the card that he can change his appearance. Dice really makes
up for it though. The paint work on Dice is almost like something
from the specialty market. They’ve done a nice brown wash over
the lighter colors and brought us another winner in this category. Articualtion - Han, Luke, Spacetrooper ***, Brainiac ****, Wioslea ****, Trinto/Dice ****, Jawa, Treadwell **** The
articulation on all three troopers is identical. They have ball
hinged shoulders, balljointed necks, ball hinge elbows, swivel wrists,
balljointed chests, swivel hips, ball hinged knees and ball hinged
ankles. This is the same articulation we’ve seen for years now
and I really wish they would have gone ahead and added the balljointed
hip joints. I don’t understand how Hasbro has made trooper with
those hips before such as on the Commander Gree figure and they refuse
to change these five year old molds.
has the distinction of being the most articulated cantina alien
ever released. He has full SA (hips aside) which is above and
beyond what I would expect from a background character. The head
doesn’t have a large range of movement but it works for me.
Wioslea has the same articulation minus the knee joints but you can’t
really fault her for that. The bow legged design doesn’t lend
itself to knees. The neck joint has a great range of
movement. The ankles are also necessary to stand. The
figure really looks natural because the cloak hides all the
The Jawa is really articulated for a
figure of its size. It has ball hinge shoulders, ball hinge
elbows, swivel wrists, swivel waist, swivel neck (with barely any
range). The reason he scores so high is the Treadwell
droid. This thing is loaded with articulation. He has a
swivel base, swivel antennas, and eight arms with 2 points of
articulation each. That’s around 20 points of articulation which
is great. I wish he had wheels on the bottom of the base but
that’s nitpicking.
Trinto Duaba has the same
articulation as Pons Limbic except he has swivel elbows as opposed to
ball hinge. This is a bit annoying and they do slide around more
than necessary but Dice Ibegon (who I include in the score) more than
makes up for it. For a figure not even two inches Tall, Dice has
seven points of articulation! In addition to a turning neck, Dice has 6
swivel arm joints. Accessories
- Han, Luke **, Brainiac ***1/2, Wioslea ***, Trinto/Dice ****, Jawa,
Treadwell ****, Spacetrooper ***1/2, Build a Droids *** Let’s
start with the bad first. Han and Luke have their helmets and
blasters. That’s it. Actually Han also has a removable grenade on
the back of his butt as well. Luke’s is glued on. For the price
point of over nine dollars each with tax now since the price hike,
Hasbro really has to include more to justify the cost. Obviously
the helmets are necessary so it’s barely even fair to count them as
accessories. They could have throw in half of a dianoga with each
character or some trash or even handcuffs. Long rifles would have
even sufficed.
Brainiac comes with his blaster which
fits into a holster as well as a 2 piece snap together cantina
table. I’m glad they’re including these bar pieces with the
cantina figures. I can’t really think of anything else to include
with a figure like this except possibly a cup.
comes with a removable robe and a blaster. The removable robe has
two holes in the top for the antennas to poke out. In the movie
the hood just sat over top of her head but it’s kind of cool that they
give you the option. I think a bar piece or something else would
come in handy here. I don’t know what else to give her really.
The space trooper has a good amount of
accessories. In addition to the obligatory helmet, he has a small
tube that fits into the bottom of the helmet and attaches to what I
assume is an oxygen tank on his back. He has a new rifle as far
as I can tell. It looks like an old fashioned grenade launcher
and even has some paint operations of its own. He also comes with
the standard blaster though I chose not to display it with him.
Jawa is really a stand out figure. Certainly worth the nearly $9
you normally pay for them. Of course there’s the fantastic and
aforementioned Treadwell droid but the jawa also includes a restraining
bolt which he can hold in either hand. He also comes with a
ridiculously oversized jawa blaster which is attached to a bandolier
that can be slung over his existing one. This is a bit of
overkill. Sure he can store it in his trusty holster but he
cannot even hold this gun properly and it looks silly on him.
and Dice are of course getting perfect marks because I don’t count
either figure as an accessory but rather a good value for a two pack.
Dice, if considered a pack in is a fantastic item to add to your
display and very well detailed as mentioned earlier. Trinto also has a
blaster pistol and a removable shawl. You’ll be glad to know
there’s a slit on the side so it doesn’t hinder the articulation in his
arm one bit.
Of course each figure also includes the parts
necessary to build 2 astromech droid figures. By far the most
boring and unrewarding build a figures I could possibly think of, but
it’s nice to have them once you’ve got the whole wave you essentially
get two free figures. These don’t really improve the value a
whole lot for the figures individually though because unless you have a
great interest in astromech’s there is not nearly enough motivation in
owning these to buy additional figures to get them. They have
swivel necks, legs, and that’s it. There is a light orange and
white R4 and a dark orange and black R2. Notice my R2 is missing
a leg because I couldn’t find obi wan.
Value: Han, Luke **, Brainiac ***, Wioslea **1/2, Spacetrooper **1/2, Trinto,Dice ****, Jawa and Treadwell **** The
simple fact of the matter is the majority of these are not $9
figures. Target’s current price is 8.74 to 8.99 in some places
plus tax which is beyond absurd. Walmart is a bit better but not
by a lot. Toysrus is actually not a bad price for them these
days. Han and Luke feel like rip offs for sure, as does Wioslea
and Brainiac to some degree. Obviously army builders will want
multiples of the spacetrooper and at this price it’s a bit
discouraging. The Jawa and the Treadwell and Trinto and dice are
really the only ones worth paying Target’s price for. Even then
it’s only an average value. Things to Watch Out For - I
would be careful picking paint apps on Han and Luke. Some of the ones I
saw on the peg had lazy eye. Just look at a paint apps in general
on these figures. You should be pretty fine on the aliens
though. Overall: Han, Luke **1/2, Brainiac, Spacetrooper ***, Wioslea ***1/2, Dice and trinto/ Jawa and Treadwell ****
I thought hard about these scores but in the end the current price
of figures is simply not worth paying for some of them and in the case
of unexciting (though necessary) retools like Han and Luke it makes the
purchase feel highly unjustified. The spacetrooper is an
interesting army builder though I do wish the headsculpt was nicer and
it sat better on top of his shoulders. Brainiac is a nice
addition to the alien line up but he isn’t as nice as some past
releases, not even Felipern and Myo from 2004 which is a slightly
disappointing fact. Wioslea is really a different and new type of
character. Despite the value problem it’s a really decent figure
and it will be sad to see it pegwarm. Dice Ibegon was pulled off
really well by Hasbro and the way they packed her with Trinto, a less
in demand character was a smart idea. The Jawa being released
with a very cool and larger droid was also a great idea to sell a tired
character and give us a new droid at the same time. I look
forward to picking up the Obi Wan figure as well as it looks like the
best version of Old Ben to date and even has the Holo leia table.
Packaging: *** Sculpting: Han and Luke ***, Spacetrooper **1/2, Trinto and Dice ****,Wioslea ****, Jawa ***1/2, Brainiac (Pons) ***
Paint: Han, Luke ***, Spacetrooper ***1/2, Jawa/Treadwell ***1/2, Wioslea ****, Trinto/Dice ***1/2, Brainiac **1/2
Articulation: Han, Luke, Spacetrooper ***, Brainiac ****, Wioslea ****, Trinto/Dice ****, Jawa, Treadwell **** Accessories: Han,
Luke **, Brainiac ***1/2, Wioslea ***, Trinto/Dice ****, Jawa,
Treadwell ****, Spacetrooper ***1/2, Build a Droids ***
Value: Han, Luke **, Brainiac ***, Wioslea **1/2, Spacetrooper **1/2, Trinto,Dice ****, Jawa and Treadwell ****
Overall: Han, Luke **1/2, Brainiac, Spacetrooper ***, Wioslea ***1/2, Dice and trinto/ Jawa and Treadwell ****
Where to Buy - So far
these have been found at Target, walmart, TRU, Mejiers and of course
online options. I picked up mine between Walmart and
Target. Obi Wan, The jawa and the spacetrooper are the hot ones
for now so prioritize if you want the whole wave.