Review of 15" Talking Chucky action figure
Mezco Toyz
Date Published: 2014-09-26
Written By: Michael Crawford
Overall Average Rating: 3.5
out of 4

It's that time of the year when my favorite film genre becomes the center piece - horror! I'll be covering a number of
ghoulish goodies over the next month, and am kicking it off with a classic - Chucky! Mezco is producing a new 'mega scale'
doll, this time without the stitches or damage and with sound added.
You can pick this guy up at most retailers for around $80 or so, and he's just now starting to ship.
Click on the image below for a Life Size version

Packaging - ***
I really like the window box, based on the general look from the film. It's not a replica, but it gets the general idea
across in a similar fashion.
There's a 'try me' hole in the back, and the overall package is somewhat collector friendly. No need to destroy anything
getting him out, but you will have to deal with more twisty ties than I like. He also has a piece of clear plastic wrapped
around his neck - be sure to cut that free carefully.
My only real nit is that the "I Can Talk!" label on the front should have been a sticker. Overall though, it's a nice
presentation of the character.

Sculpting - ***1/2
Chucky has had a lot of looks through the various movies. The box says this is a Child's Play 2 version, and you can see a
nice collage of various looks from that movie here.
Personally, I think it looks quite a bit like the poster/dvd artwork for Curse
of Chucky.
Mezco is going for crazy here, clearly possessed and out. The detail work around the nose and mouth gives it a more
realistic persona, capturing the conversion from pure doll to something more human, but the glass eyes and smooth skin keep
him firmly rooted in plastic.
That being said, it's not exactly any one look that you can specifically identify. It's clearly Chucky, but you won't be
able to say it's him from a specific shot.
The hair remains the only real issue. I do think they've done a much better job this time than they did with the stitched
version they released last year, where the hair (or lack thereof) pulled down the overall look.
This time, there's a much fuller look, and you can arrange it how you'd like. It comes pretty matted down out of the box -
'tray hair' - but you can fluff it or disarray it as you see fit. There's enough to cover the skull when you mess it up,
although the hair line is pretty specific to certain looks. I'd still like it to be a little thicker, to allow for some
really wild, blown looks, but it's a fairly minor nit and it truly is much improved.
Charles is not a full replica, standing only 15" tall. That makes him a little more than 1/2 scale, but impressive

Paint - ***1/2
The paint work is absolutely spot in, with no variation in the skin tone and no slop to be seen. The eyebrows, lips and
freckles look great, and the crystal clear eyes are just enough doll and just enough human to get the cool yet creepy
The shoes are the one spot where there's still a bit of slop, but it's minor issues at best.
Articulation - ***1/2
For a doll, Chucky is well articulated. There's an excellent ball jointed neck that will allow you to add all sorts of
menace to every pose. There's ball shoulders as well, and cut elbows, cut wrists, V hips, and cut ankles.
While it's not a ton of articulation, what's here works well, fits in with the style of the figure, and allows for plenty
of solid, dynamic poses.

Accessories - ***
Chucky comes with the same knife as Mezco's previous version, but this time it's lacking the blood spatter. It's a decent
sculpt, and it fits nicely in his left hand.


Sound Feature - ****
This time around, Mezco upped the ante by including a sound feature. On his back, hidden by his shirt, is the battery
compartment and switch. He comes with batteries, and there is a 'try me', off and normal setting for the switch. In 'Try Me'
mode, he only says two things, while in normal mode he says six.
Press the button, and he spouts one of the following:
1- "Time to play."
2 - "I hate kids…"
3 - "You know what they say, you just can't keep a good guy down."
4 - "Hi, I'm Chucky and I'm your friend to the end! Hidey ho! Ha, ha, ha!"
5 - *maniacal laughter*
6 - "Ade due damballa! Give me the power, I beg of you!"
The lines are clear and loud, and add quite a bit to the overall figure.
Outfit - ***1/2
The overall cloth costume - including both a shirt and overalls - looks fantastic. It's very screen accurate, and made from
high quality materials.
The shoes include the sculpted 'Good Guy' pattern on the bottom as well.

Fun Factor - ****
This guy is a ton of fun, due in large part to the good articulation and cool sound feature There's no way you're going to
sleep in a room with this guy!
Value - **1/2
This guy will run you around $80 or so, depending on the retailer. Considering the size of the doll, as well as the
inclusion of the sound feature, that's not a bad price, hence an average rating here.
Things to Watch Out For -
Not a thing!
Overall - ***1/2
I'm really digging this guy, thanks to the excellent quality all around. You can get some great poses out of him, and he'll
happily scare the crap out of all your visitors.
Obviously, I'd love to see a full scale replica at some point that doesn't cost more than a car payment. But until that
time comes, this guy will do quite nicely!
Score Recap (out of ****):
Packaging - ***
Sculpting - ***1/2
Paint - ***1/2
Articulation - ***1/2
Accessories - ***
Outfit - ***1/2
Sound Feature - ****
Fun Factor - ****
Value - **1/2
Overall - ***1/2

Where to Buy
Online options include these site sponsors:
has him at $85.
has the damaged version for $75, if you prefer that look.
- Entertainment
Earth has him for $80, plus free shipping.
- or you can search
ebay for a deal.

Please share with your friends!

This product was purchased for the review by the reviewer. Photos and text by Michael Crawford.