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Review of Frankenstein's Monster - Monster Scale action figure
Universal Monsters

Mezco Toyz
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Overall Average Rating: 3.5 out of 4

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Frankenstein Monster Scale action figure by Mezco

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Halloween has passed us by, and Thanksgiving is almost upon us - so it's time to be thankful for another horror treat from Mezco Toyz.

Not that long ago, I reviewed the smaller 9" scale version of the Frankenstein Monster and loved it. When that review hit, I received a ton of questions about the larger version, also called the 'monster scale' edition. And so tonight I'm checking out the big boy on the block, completing the current set.

They've already announced plans for a Mummy and Creature in the smaller scale, but no word yet on any others in the Monster Scale. With an $80 price tag at most retailers, it's likely that they are waiting to see how well the main Monster sells before branching into the others.

Click on the image below for a Life Size version
Frankenstein Monster Scale action figure by Mezco

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Packaging - ***1/2
This is a big figure, so this is a big box. It's very attractive though, and I love the addition of the Karloff monster on the sides.

It's also completely collector friendly, and you can even remove the interior trays, since they aren't heat sealed to the cool cardboard tray.

Frankenstein Monster Scale action figure by Mezco

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Sculpting - ***1/2
This guy is HUGE - monster scale is right! He stands almost 17 inches tall, but because of the over sized head takes up more volume than you'd expect.

Unlike the smaller version, this one is hollow, and considering the scale I'm not surprised. There's no compromise in the sculpt detail however, and the skin texture and hair edges are pretty amazing.

With the smaller figure, I could actually see a caricature of Karloff. Here, that's not quite as true. This is more of a unique design, more about the character than the actor.

The fans who only want Karloff versions will be disappointed. Those that are more into the general designer vinyl market will like this a lot more, especially those into Mezco's style.

1t's worth pointing out that they did the bolt correctly as well, with a head on only one side, not both.

Frankenstein Monster Scale action figure by Mezco

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Paint - ****
This is a great paint job, done up in all the proper colors. The slightly green skin is even, consistent and deathly, and the work around the eyes is quite realistic for this style of figure.

The edges are all very clean, especially around the silver plates, bolts and open scars. And that's the right color jacket too - black, baby! No gray, no dark green, but black.

Frankenstein Monster Scale action figure by Mezco

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Articulation - **
There's not a lot here, but the ball jointed neck makes up for a lot of sins. It tilts, leans and turns with the best of them, adding personality to any pose.

There's cut shoulders and cut wrists too, and the cut ankles work pretty well. I have mine standing a bit duck footed, because it seemed to fit the style, but you can have the feet posed straight as well.

There's also a cut waist, but it's pretty restricted by the jacket and shirt sculpt.

Frankenstein Monster Scale action figure by Mezco

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Accessories - Bupkis
Nope, nothing extra here.

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Outfit - N/A
This is an FYI category only - it has no effect on the Overall score. The reason I included it was because the smaller figure had a very nice cloth coat, and you might assume that the coat is cloth again. It's not - this is a completely sculpted figure.

Fun Factor - ****
If I was eight years old again, I'd LOVE this guy. Obviously, it's Frankenstein's Monster. But it's also massive, well built, and great looking. It's not a classic representation of the monster, but if you love Mezco's style you'll appreciate it.

Frankenstein Monster Scale action figure by Mezco

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Value - **
The smaller figures are around $30, although the very limited NYCC exclusive was $50. This guy is MUCH larger, but also has a much larger price tag, hitting $80 at some retailers. That's about $10 more than an average score...but for the big Universal Monster fan who likes this style, it won't be that big of an issue.

Things to Watch Out For -

Overall - ***1/2
I love just about everything Universal Monster - it's partly a nostalgia thing, and partly because they're the coolest monsters ever. While Frankie isn't my all time favorite, he's still such a classic that you can't go wrong.

For fans that are interested in only Karloff versions, this one probably won't appeal. It's not just a caricature, but an outright departure, leaning into the designer vinyl realm quite a bit.

But if you love the general Mezco style and don't mind something a bit different mixed with your classics, then you'll love this guy. The quality is there - it's just a matter of taste after that.

Personally, I prefer the 9" version overall, but this one has his strengths, not the least of which is the massive size.

Score Recap (out of ****):
Packaging - ***1/2
Sculpting - ***1/2
Paint - ****
Articulation - **
Accessories - Bupkis
Outfit - N/A
Fun Factor - ***1/2
Value - **
Overall -***1/2

Frankenstein Monster Scale action figure by Mezco

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Where to Buy 
Online options include these site sponsors:

- Entertainment Earth is at $77.

- has him for $80.

- has him for $81.

- or you can search ebay for a deal.

Related Links -
Plenty of other Frankenstein's Monster reviews:

- I just looked at the smaller Mezco monster a couple weeks ago.

- the recent 1:1 scale bust.

- the recent DST versions of Frank and his Bride.

- Toy Island did a version a few years back.

- in an 8" scale, Sideshow did a Son of Frankenstein, and there's a Little Big Head as well as a Little Big Head as a wrestler.

- Sideshow also did 12" versions of the original monster, several other actors as the monster, the Bride (and Frank from the same film), and one of my favorite sets, Young Frankenstein.

- McFarlane did their own take on the Monster, which is quite unique.

- and one of my favorites is the Premium Format version from Sideshow.

You should also hit the Search Reviews page, in case any other applicable reviews were done after this one was published.

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Frankenstein Monster Scale action figure by Mezco

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This product was provided for the review by the manufacturer. Photos and text by Michael Crawford.

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