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I don't know about you, but I sure miss my Sunday night fix of Game of Thrones. It's going to be a very long wait...and the wait is a little longer this time, thanks to an already announced delay to the 2017 premiere date. The reason? It makes perfect sense - they want to wait for winter to shoot, to provide the right look and feel to the entire show. And while I completely understand, it only makes it all the harder to be patient...
Dark Horse is doing their part to help, continuing with their series of 7" figures/statues based on the popular show. The latest release is the calm, intellectual Varys, who knows many things, but speaks only a few. Trusted confidante of Tyrion, his role appears crucial in season 7.
This figure has just started shipping, and will run you around $23 at most retailers.
Packaging - ***
The packages are attractive, with a large window showing off the figure and some actual character photos to provide immediate reference
material. The twisty tie or two that are holding him in place are annoying, but it's still relatively collector friendly.
Sculpting - ***
Varys is definitely a tricky character to capture. There's not a lot of uniqueness in his portrait that a sculptor can capitalize off of. He's
a little round, he's a little soft, he's a little plump, but he has very clean, proportional, smooth features, making it hard for them to find that
trigger that causes you to immediately recognize him.
They've done a reasonable job, at least in terms of the sculpt. I do think the slightly large eyes are throwing it off, but those are more of a paint issue than a sculpt issue. The overall shape of the head is good, and while the nose is a little too large, it's not a major drawback.
The outfit does scream Varys, which helps with the overall impression. He's a little svelte, kinda like Varys a week or two into Atkins. The pose is pretty much the only pose we ever see him in, and the calm expression matches it nicely.
As I said, this is a 7" scale series, and Varys stands almost 8" tall, including the small stand. He's permanently attached to that base, by the way.
Paint - ***
One of the better aspects of this line overall has been the paint quality. For figures in this price range, it's been surprisingly good.
That continues with the work on the clothing here. The patterns look great, and have a hand made appearance (if they were actually material) that matches the time and place of the show.
The face isn't quite as good as we've seen before though, a situation due largely to the eyes. Both are too big, but the left is reaching anime proportions. The eyebrows, lips, and skin tone make up for it a bit, but the eyes are simply so critical that it's hard to overlook.
Articulation - Bupkis
It's a statue in the very truest sense of the word. Or, if you prefer (and I do), call it a Nerd Hummel. You get the idea.
Accessories - Bupkis
Like Articulation, this is an informational category only, with no effect on the Overall.
Value - ***
The average price for a 6" 'collector' action figure these days is $20. The paint, sculpt, and overall quality on these is certainly at a
similar or greater level (depending on the figure), and they're quite a bit larger. The fact that Dark Horse has managed to keep them at $23
deserves a nod, particularly in the current market.
Things to Watch Out For -
Not a thing.
Overall - ***
I would not have predicted the longevity of Varys, a character who's played with fire from his very first appearance on the show, and has yet to be
burned. That longevity makes him a critical member of any display, particularly if Dark Horse gives us some variations on Tyrion and Dany that
mirror their looks from later seasons. While his paint might not be quite as good as some past releases, the overall effect is certainly worth the
$23 price tag. This is the sort of character that no one wants all by himself, but put him together with a dozen other GoT figures, and he can add
quite a bit to the overall display.
Score Recap (out of ****):
Packaging - ***
Sculpting - ***
Paint - ***
Articulation - Bupkis
Accessories - Bupkis
Value - ***
Overall - ***
Where to Buy
Online options include these site sponsors:
- Entertainment Earth has him for $23, but they have a few in dented boxes (the figure is fine) for $18 as well.
- or you can search ebay for a deal.
Related Links -
The most recent releases I reviewed were Grey Worm and Margaery Tyrell. Prior to that was Oberyn and Ygritte. I also covered Sansa and Jorah,
and just before that I checked out Breinne and the Hound, and Bran and Hodor, Joffrey, Tywin and Petyr; earlier in this Dark Horse
series I covered Cersei, Jaime, the White Walker, Robb and Arya, as well as their Daenerys, Drogo, Ned Stark, and Tyrion Lannister. They've also done Jon Snow, but I don't have a review of him.
Funko has also done Jaime and Brienne, Arya and Robb, and the second release of Danaerys, along with her beau Drogo. Before that we had the Walgreen's exclusive Tyrion, Daenerys, and I reviewed the first wave of figures in three sets, here, here and here.
Perhaps the best of the bunch is the sixth scale Tyrion, Ned Stark, and Jon Snow from ThreeZero. Jaime is up for pre-order.
Other Game of Thrones collectibles I've covered include the Daeny bust from Dark Horse, the Hand of the King pin, and the Catspaw Blade from Valyrian Steel.
You should also hit the Search Reviews page, in case any other applicable reviews were done after this one was published.
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This product was provided for the review by the manufacturer. Photos and text by Michael Crawford.