Packaging - ***1/2
everyone is a big fan of the new packaging, and I can see why. It does
tend to be oversized and wasteful, and the odd shape makes it tough for
MOCers to display or store. Still, the design is almost as sturdy as a
clamshell, yet you can get it open without cutting off a finger. I also
like the graphic design quite a bit, and there's plenty of character
specific personalization for a mass market package.
Sculpting - Thor
***1/2; Quicksilver, Yellowjacket ***; Jean **1/2
Once again, I think the sculpts are actually quite good, with perhaps
the exception of Jean. However, weak paint work (covered in the next
section) often makes it difficult to figure that out.
Thor is the easy winner. There's lots of detail here, including the
hair, beard and chest armor, along with a cool fur effect for the top
of the cape. The sculpt and articulation work together pretty well,
although the hair does completely restrict the neck joint. The hands
are sculpted to hold the accessories, and he stands just great on his
own in a number of poses. The helmet is not removable, but the stern
expression behind it is easy to see and appreciate. Thor is fairly tall
as well, standing about 7 1/4" at the top of the helmet, or pretty
close in size to She Hulk.
On the opposite end of the spectrum is Jean. Famke is not the most
beautiful actress in the world, but she doesn't look like Sea Biscuit
either. The long face is further stretched visually by the long hair,
which flows well but lacks some of the detail of Thor's locks. The body
sculpt isn't too bad, and I like the hand poses, particularly the
unique right hand. But you can't deny that Jean was hit with the ugly
stick more than once, and is unfortunately another failed X3 attempt.
She stands just under 6 inches tall.
In the middle are Yellowjacket
and Quicksilver, which is appropriate since both use the same body.
This is a body you'll recognize from past figures, that stands about 6"
tall and has the funky double hinged shoulder joints. They also have
the neck post that juts out toward the front, giving them a bit of a
permanent turtle look.
I find Quicksilver's hands fairly
useless and unappealing, and with the way they are articulated, it even
looks like he's missing his index finger at first glance. But
Yellowjacket gets a nice fist on the right and a gesture on the left,
both of which work just fine with the character.
Neither head sculpt is too extreme, and actually seem to have the exact
same half smirk on their lips. These sculpts are passable, but nothing
to get too worked up over.
Paint - Thor,
Yellowjacket ***; Quicksilver **1/2; Jean *1/2
Unfortunately, the paint doesn't hold up the sculpts for the most part,
although Thor isn't too bad.
He even has some wash used on the hair and beard to bring out the
details, and some of the molded colors, like the boots or cape, don't
look too bad. There's no slop on him either, but that's partly due to
having so few ops, and having most pieces cast in the desired color.
This casting hurts him a bit, making him less realistic and more
toyish. It's particularly true of the skin tone, but blue is another
color that doesn't fair too well in that scenario. I don't know why it
seems more obvious with blue, but it certainly does.
That's Quicksilver's big problem too. The lack of any wash or
highlighting makes the blue plastic body seem cheap and toy-like.
There's very little slop here, and the lightening on the suit is fairly
clean and neat, along with his eyes and hair. Still, the pale plasticy
skin tone and bright blue body detract from what could otherwise be a
solid figure.
Yellowjacket doesn't have a ton of paint ops either, but the yellow
plastic doesn't come off looking as poor in person as the blue. What
few actual paint ops there are look clean, and the little wasp on his
chest is nicely done.
Jean is a huge disappointment, largely for one reason and one reason
alone - those eyebrows! After seeing Juggernaut and Jean, I'm convinced
they contracted the eyebrow painting to a company of drunken monkeys
suffering from Parkinson's. Whereas Jugg's were too thick and large,
Jean's are tiny little pencil lines, similar to the type women used to
draw back in after plucking out the one's God gave them. They're not
even straight or even, or reasonably realistic in appearance. And while
eyebrows might not seem like much of a deal when you have them, when
you're painting them on you find out just how critical they are to the
whole look of your face.
She lacks any real wash in her hair as well, and while the cast plastic
body looks decent, there's too much consistency between the dark red
hair and the only slightly lighter colored body. This is definitely not
a paint job that's going to sell you this figure.
Articulation -
Yellowjacket, Quicksilver ***1/2; Thor ***; Jean **1/2
If you read my review of the other four, you'll know I had some
complaints about getting some of the figures into any kind of
reasonable pose, even with all the articulation. I'm happy to report
that I didn't have those same issues with these four.
It's also important to note that the joints are all sturdy, and that
the plastic is definitely harder and of a greater quality than most of
the Toybiz lines. The odds of breaking any joints or having any weak
pins is pretty small.
As I mentioned earlier, both Yellowjacket and Quicksilver share the
same body. This is also the most articulated body of the
bunch. They both have the pin neck joints that allow both
turning and forward/backward movement, along with the ball jointed
shoulders that have a joint on both sides of the ball.
There's also the funky shoulder that allows the arms to turn in toward
the chest.
Add in double jointed elbows and
knees, pin wrists, cut forearms and calves, a clicky chest and cut
waist, pin and rocker ankles, half foot pin, and ball jointed hips, and
you can see that these have all the articulation of the old
ML's. Quicksilver even throws in a pin joint for the fingers,
although they all move as one and not individually.
Thor has fewer joints and less
range of movement, but they do incorporate into the sculpt a little
better. The neck joint is there, but the hair makes it
completely immobile. The ball jointed shoulders are only
jointed at the torso, but the elbows are pin and post, so that they
turn 360 degrees, removing part of the need for the joint on the other
side of the shoulder ball.
He also has double jointed
knees, the clicky chest, cut waist, ball jointed hips, pin and post
wrists and pin ankles. The pin ankles really only turn
though, much like a cut joint, due to the sculpt.
Jean also has a very restricted
neck, and the same style ball jointed shoulders and pin/peg
elbows. She has pin and post wrists, a cut waist, and a chest
joint (but not the clicky type). The skirt hides the ball
jointed hips, double jointed knees and pin ankles. While she
has quite a bit of articulation, her slightly sculpted pose in the
torso, clothes and legs make it slightly less useful than usual.
Accessories - Thor
***; Yellowjacket, Quicksilver, Jean **
The eight pieces of the Blob are obviously the accessories here, and
while the Blob is very nice once assembled, these accessories are only
useful if you spend the whole eighty bucks. For anyone else, you end up
with a worthless piece of plastic. This balances off their value as a
true accessory, although Thor gets himself a boost.
You see, Thor actually comes with a couple accessories as well. The
hammer and axe both look terrific and fit nicely in his sculpted hands.
These, added with the Blob piece, give him a slightly better than
average score, even at the higher price point.
If you do buy all the figures to assemble the Blob, you'll be happy
with him. He has a cut neck, ball jointed shoulders and hips, and pin
elbows, pin/post wrists, single pin fingers, pin half foot and a pin
ankle. The paint is a little weak in some areas, like the
line, but the sculpt is excellent and he's clearly better than any of
the other figures in the entire wave. Still, he's mighty small compared
to the old Toybiz BAF's at only 8 1/2". I've included a photo of him
with the Sentinal at the end of the review - my, how times have changed.
Fun Factor - Thor
***1/2; Yellowjacket, Quicksilver, Jean ***
While these might not have all the qualities of a perfect pop culture
collectible, they still are pretty damn good toys, and make other lines
like the movie lines look sad by comparison. The six inch scale coupled
with the good articulation makes these a whole lot of fun, although
most of these characters are more geared toward the older set.
Value - Thor
**1/2; Yellowjacket, Quicksilver, Jean *1/2
These are running ten bucks at Target, which is an easy $2 - $3
overpriced. You're getting a basic six inch figure for this price,
along with one piece of the BAF. The value goes up a half star if
you're actually buying the full set to assemble the BAF, but if you
aren't dropping the whopping eighty bucks, then those BAF pieces are
pretty much useless.
One could also argue that there's enough re-use here already - like the
body of Quicksilver and Yellowjacket - to bring down this price point a
bit. Considering what you can get for ten bucks from a company like
Mcfarlane, or even what Hasbro themselves sells at that price point
(i.e. 8" Sigma 6), it's hard to believe the justification here.
Thor does better in this category, with a more average score, because
he does include the hammer and axe. I'd still expect that level of
accessories at $8 as well, but at least it offsets some of the higher
Things to Watch Out For
Of course, it's a good idea to watch the paint if you can. I saw quite
a bit of variance across the few I did see, which is surprising for a
mass market toy. Usually the number and complexity of the paint ops are
fewer, but the paint that is there is usually quite consistent in
Overall - Thor
***; Yellowjacket, Quicksilver **1/2; Jean **
This wave has one thing very much in common with the first series of
figures from Hasbro - the best figure in the entire set is the BAF.
Unfortunately, you have to spend some serious bucks to get him.
The only figure out of this full set of eight that really stands out
for me is Thor. He'll fit in great with past waves and really does look
good on the shelf, even with the inferior paint job.
As I mentioned in the other review, Xorn was also a pleasant surprise,
but he's clearly best when displayed wearing his helmet.
The two attempts at the X3 line were clear failures this time around.
Both Jean and Juggernaut are the bottom of the barrel, and unless
you're a huge fan of the movie, these are best left on the pegs.
The others all fall in the middle - nothing outstanding, and nothing
God awful. For characters like Yellowjacket, that's probably not too
big of a problem since you aren't going to end up with 20 versions of
him anyway. But for characters like Wolverine, it means he'll probably
end up warming pegs. That is if he ever hits pegs in any sort of
The comparisons of these figures to Toybiz's work is inevitable. I
think the sculpts are just as good in most cases, making that category
a wash. I think the quality of the plastic has made the articulation
work even better most of the time, although there's still a few
stinkers in this wave, so that category goes to Hasbro for me. But both
paint and accessories go to Toybiz, who did a much better job giving us
nifty goodies with the figures (including exceptional BAF's), and
providing paint detail that made the figures far more attractive. So at
this point, two waves in, Toybiz still has the edge over Hasbro.
They'll keep it too, until Hasbro steps up in both accessories and
paint, or give up on the 6" line entirely.
Score Recap:
Packaging - ***1/2
Sculpt - Thor ***1/2; Quicksilver, Yellowjacket ***; Jean
Paint - Thor, Yellowjacket ***; Quicksilver **1/2; Jean *1/2
Articulation - Thor, Yellowjacket, Quicksiler ***; Jean **1/2
Accessories - Thor ***; Yellowjacket, Quicksilver, Jean **
Fun Factor - Thor ***1/2; Yellowjacket, Quicksilver, Jean ***
Value - Thor **1/2; Yellowjacket, Quicksilver, Jean *1/2
Overall - Thor ***; Yellowjacket, Quicksilver **1/2; Jean **
Where to Buy -
Hit the local Target right
now, and I assume Toys R Us will be getting them in eventually. Maybe.
Related Links -
I’ve had more than a few ML reviews:
- Let’s start with the reviews
of series 1, first at MROTW
and then here at QSE.
- you’ll want to check out my
review of the other
four figures at MROTW.
- Hasbro has also released
several of the 12″ Marvel Legends Icons, including Punisher
and Doom, and my favorite, Thor.
And if you still pine for the days Toybiz -
- in the 12″ Icons line, there’s
and Beast, Wolverine
and Venom.
- The Face Offs series 1 (with
Hulk/Leader in one
review and the other two sets in another)
and series
2 both had guest reviews.
- there’s the guest review of
the Fearsome
Foes of Spider-man boxed set, Urban
Legends box set, X-men
Legends boxed set, and the Fantastic
Four boxed set, along with my review of the Monsters
boxed set.
- The previous Sentinel
BAF was guest reviewed.
- then there’s the various
series reviews, including the Wal-mart
series, series 13,
series 12,
series 9
(including Galactus), series 8 Captain
Marvel and Doc Ock,
series 7 Vision,
series 6 Juggernaut,
and Deadpool,
series 5 Blade,
Nick Fury,
Sabertooth and Colossus, along with series 5 Red Skull,
Silver Surfer and Mr. Fantastic, series 4 Goliath,
Gambit, and Elektra,
series 3 Daredevil
and then the rest
of the series, series 2 Thing
and Namor,
and finally, from three and a half years ago, the series 1